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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Oh, he's definitely the Demon. I'm convinced he's working with Diaz to create a brainwashed army of ex-cons for Diaz's stupid nefarious purposes, which is a theory based on nothing.
  2. And like apparently no one knows this is happening? It's not news, just no one cares anymore? William HAS to be in on whatever con Felicity and Oliver are running. Please, showrunner Jesus, don't let this all be so stupid.
  3. I think this ep was run of the mill Arrow dark, but I wasn't expecting such a shitshow in the future. Now every time the team has a victory I'll be thinking...good work, but it's for nothing! Get out while you can!
  4. Maybe ARGUS cracked down on the metas and they ripped out her meta parts
  5. It was not about an actress specifically, it was about an original cast member leaving. Emily is not an original cast member, even though she was around in the first season, and the person who posted the blind wouldn't have gotten that wrong.
  6. So, is Dinah in on the whole thing and worried that Smoak Tech was bugged? I can't figure out why she said Felicity's whole name to a group of people who knew her, unless she was doing it for show because she knew someone was listening. Or because Felicity Smoak is ~dead because she's taken up another identity. That phrasing was dumb. IDK if it's purposefully dumb or Arrow dumb.
  7. I hope there's something in the works from Future Oliver and Future Felicity. I'm also curious about what happened with William - where the hell has he been living that he didn't know Star City went to shit, or that his stepmother's apparently large tech company went to shit and she died? Even if you're estranged, surely you'd know those things? Unless that's just an abandoned office of Smoak Tech and it's still existing somewhere. Still, you think Felicity dying would've been news or something. This is dumb.
  8. I think it's legit - they've set it up like a pilot within a show, like they're hoping these future people will take off so that the show can transition if Stephen doesn't sign on after next season.
  9. The episode just showed her pretending in order to set a plan in motion. She's not dead.
  10. Anyone who actually thinks she's dead deserves the crushing disappointment they'll feel when they find out she isn't.
  11. The only bright spot for me is that dumbass Dinah had swag made for herself.
  12. I'm so upset at the flash forwards. Oliver's being tortured for nothing. They're all working for nothing. None of it matters, because future Star City is shit. Just let it burn, what's the point?
  13. Felicity's using her big brain to solve a problem - now what problem is it?
  14. So stupid - and she let someone get the drop on her because she was just standing there staring at him instead of screaming.
  15. This is so depressing - everything they work for in the next 20 years is for nothing, and all gets destroyed to the point no one wants to be in Star City and they have to have middle aged vigilantes running around.
  16. They must have some excellent bone and joint supplements in the future.
  17. A hero who doesn't show up to robberies for two hours? WTG you're doing great girl
  18. I'm telling you - he walked in on Robert boning his wife for sure
  19. The most important quality in a Green Arrow
  20. I like that Dinah shows up to a call about the new Green Arrow right away but can't get to a robbery for 2 hours, LOL.
  21. Laurel's always up for some light torture!
  22. Did Oliver's dad sleep with this asshole's wife or something?
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