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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Just because she stands behind the decision and they possibly fight over it doesn't mean she wins. For all we know, she makes her case and Oliver convinces her otherwise, they bring William home and we find out that that's what led to his rift with O/F in the future (assuming the "Felicity makes certain decisions for her family" is in the past and not the present, since the next sentence doesn't necessarily go with it).
  2. After rereading it, I think this is what it is - that's the only recent decision she's really made about her family (assuming this isn't referring to a decision she makes in the next couple of episodes), and if Oliver's going to be going out as the Green Arrow - not counting whatever decision he makes that affects them in the prior episode - then I think she'd want him to stay away from them, and it will probably parallel with something in the future that will likely be another misdirect.
  3. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if this was creative summarizing because Chico is terrible at this and there's a bunch of ~big stuff that happens in the MSF, so she's like....decisions and a painting! That's the ticket.
  4. Oliver's making decisions, Felicity's making decisions. Everyone's making decisions. It's wild! Also wild - that there's more ARGUS. No thanks!
  5. Oh to have the kind of money where you can pay $14k month for rent.
  6. Are you talking about this? Maybe she's in the non-Arrow episodes, but she can't be in them for much.
  7. Cool - I could not care less about what 2 of those 3 have to say about anything. Glad they’re getting more interviews!
  8. She hasn’t said anything, but I don’t think so. She was on vacation for a chunk of crossover filming.
  9. Yeah - I imagine that the main shattered life is Emiko's, maybe Robert's, and whoever Emiko's mother is (and Oliver, for realizing yet again that his dad was a shitbag).
  10. I would guess - if this happens - that there might be a specific threat that they tap him to deal with, so in that respect I think they would be working for ARGUS, with the option of operating freely as Green Arrow after whatever it is that they needed his help with is taken care of.
  11. Maybe they support his activities as Green Arrow as well as the team? It would give them a way around the anti-vigilante measure #100000000 (especially if Oliver goes out unmasked) and it would keep the immunity deals in place (not that this is how it would work IRL, but for Arrow it would make as much sense as anything else).
  13. Yeah, that's possible. Just what we need - another person in a mall security outfit!
  14. I wonder what kind of idiot decision he's going to be making? As a prisoner his choices would be pretty limited - either escaping (which he said he wasn't going to do last episode, so it's a possibility), or Laurel is going to get him out and he decides to stick around for a little longer for some reason?
  15. I love that the 7x07 synopsis leads off with Bamford - 90% of the people who see that when scrolling through their TV listings aren't even going to know who the hell that is.
  16. Arrow 7X07 - Slabside Redemption synopsis:
  17. I expect it at this point, because this show has always been plot-based and isn't the character piece a lot of them (Tonya, ahem) like to think that they're writing. That doesn't seem to be any better under Beth than it was under MG - they're just moving these people like chess pieces around the board.
  18. I think - just given 7 years watching this show and that new leadership is still making some bad decisions - that they consider the Diggle not helping/being supportive issue settled because Felicity decided she couldn't work with ARGUS the way Diggle wanted her to, and that they parted amicably so that Diggle could go push the plot with ARGUS further (and encourage Dinah). I would be really surprised if they gave any thought to how it was coming off, and just focused on whatever plotty thing they needed him to set up for the future and moved on.
  19. I agree that we're probably not going to get this, but only because I don't think the writers are intending for Diggle to come off as badly as he is.
  20. Based on the way the pics look, I don't think that's going to happen, LOL.
  21. I can just picture Diaz yelling "TALIAAAAA!!!!" in his stupid tantrum voice like he swallowed 10,000 razors.
  22. Yeah, I thought she might be Emiko's mother, although her connections to Diaz would make her a target (although I don't think she did anything last night that would've pissed him off, unless he was doing something with the Level Two experiments).
  23. Mine are Stan and Anatoly. I honestly hadn't given Talia a thought, but maybe?
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