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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. No it's not. It's about what she did that she's apologizing for (if that is indeed what she's doing) - and that is a thing that she's still not taking full responsibility for.
  2. A person who really felt sorry and took accountability for something they'd done wouldn't put the blame on someone else for it - like she did to Oliver when she accused him of not being able to admit to his mistakes. Whatever his mistake was supposed to be in that scenario.
  3. I'm sure there are - I don't think it'll do badly, he just seems to be trying extra hard with this one.
  4. Because this is Arrow and long-term logic doesn't matter when there's a short-term plot they want to explore or drama they want to create. That being said, I don't think Oliver had anything in mind other than going to jail in exchange for help catching Diaz because that's what Samanda Watson told him he needed to do and he's an idiot like that.
  5. Pairing Felicity with characters they want the audience to like has been an Arrow writer's room tactic since long before Tonya came on board. I doubt it was her idea. She's been pretty clear that Laurel/Black Siren is one of her favorites (if not her favorite) to write for, so it's not surprising that she's enjoying the praise. She was probably pretty invested in this redemption arc working out - and it seems to be doing that so far.
  6. Bless Stephen - he's trying really hard to get people interested in the crossover.
  7. Cocktail weiner - I love it. Agreed though. I think it has to do with the fighting and the nature of that fighting - probably Diaz being comic accurate (or as much as they can manage) and Oliver going against him one-on-one—without the newbies there with him—are contributing factors to the positivity, assuming whatever this person heard is in fact what happens.
  8. I'm guessing he doesn't make it into federal custody (or if he does the transfer van is sabotaged or something), since Oliver says he broke into the prison in the preview. Which is NOT the thing you would expect a criminal to do if they escaped federal agents, but Diaz is an idiot, so... I'm kinda curious if everything here is on the up and up since he does that.
  9. What a stupid deal - Oliver would've done all those things even if he hadn't been offered release, LOL.
  10. I'm wondering exactly what's supposed to happen with him getting out now, assuming what Laurel did was real and there really was a trade. Is he going to do something stupid to jeopardize that by participating in the prison riot and then has to get out ANOTHER way (hence the decision he's supposed to be making that affects his life and his family's lives, if that summary's even correct). Does that get revoked somehow and then he gets another offer of freedom from ARGUS or something?
  11. Sorry, I had only heard Beth refer to the flash forwards as "twenty years" in the future, so that's what I was going off of. I see she's also mentioned that she "thinks" it's 2040, so who knows. Of course, this is all depending on whether or not Maya's age is what was posted, since it's possible that could've been changed too. I mean, she's not being born in season 7 regardless.
  12. Everything that's been released with regards to her age has her at 19 or 20, which is why I assumed IF she's Olicity's kid that there would be a concurrent pregnancy storyline in the present. I guess they could change that and make her younger, but I don't know that KM could pass for a whole lot younger than that.
  13. It makes sense that a big reveal like an Olicity kid would happen during the MSF as a cliffhanger when we have like 8 weeks to stew on what it means. But it seems weird to me that they'd reveal her as the Olicity kid (IF she is) at a different time than Felicity is revealed to be pregnant. It seems to me like the kind of thing they'd reveal at the same time? It would be weird to drop that kind of bombshell just to leave the present part of it hanging for some unknown time somewhere down the line, since there's no way she could be pregnant now (or even next episode, unless there's a time jump).
  14. No. He says he has a spoiler source that "checks out." Whether that's true or not is anyone's guess, although he posts on the Arrow sub a bunch so I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that he really believes these ~spoilers are legit, whether they wind up being so or not - I don't think he would've posted them to troll.
  15. Yeah, maybe. I'd think it'd be difficult to keep something like that hidden for very long, but I guess that depends on whether they're going to try and sell William being so estranged that he doesn't know her or not. I could see her being revealed as his sister, and I could also see her being revealed with a "Maya?" and it being obvious that they know her but not how they know her. Reddit hasn't liked anything - they haven't even seen it yet, neither has the person who said they had spoilers. This is what he/she had to say about it, if anyone's curious (I guess the "surprise end moment" could be a Maya thing or have something to do with Diaz):
  16. I'll be really pleasantly surprised if they reveal it right away instead of dragging it out for mystery's sake.
  17. I think that centering the flash forwards around a mystery regarding Felicity was a great idea, especially if it's one that lasts for a while. Not that it isn't frustrating - it is, but people who love her and hate her will be interested in where it goes (although, yeah...for very different reasons). Having Dinah feature heavily and making the city a complete nightmare were not great ideas though, agreed!
  18. I think she's made her personal biases very clear in her own tweets. At least this review doesn't say that the entire fandom's been wanting Felicity dead for years, so I guess it's a step up from the last trash she retweeted!
  19. Yes, I understand what the argument was which is why I pointed out what this person wrote specifically about this episode. I guess we'll see! Seven episodes of prison was tough to imagine at one point and yet here we are.
  20. They can put Dinah's dumb ass in it all they like if I get to watch an O/F reunion. Yeah, I think so - I'm guessing they're going to go see Blackstar who will either be her or lead them to her. I'm also guessing (if she is O/F's daughter) that we won't find out for a while and I'm morbidly curious how they might pull that off. I'm also curious about whether or not William is going to know who she is.
  21. One of this person's reasons for liking it included Felicity not being in it very much (assuming their spoilers are correct), so I don't blame @insomniadreams88 for being wary, LOL.
  22. That person LOVES 3D though, and all they've ever really wanted was Diaz to be a formidable villain and comic accurate, so I guess he is in this (although they did hint that he comes out of the fight a ~loser).
  23. I mean he could still get stomped for 42 minutes. It's just that he'll likely be back to get stomped for another 42 minutes sometime in the future.
  24. I would appreciate 3D getting absolutely stomped for 42 minutes, but #KidVicious still stinking up Vancouver doesn't give me much hope that I'll get what I want.
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