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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I hope it has something to do with Laurel. E1 Laurel lived in Star City for most of her life (if not all of it - I don't remember), and it is impossible that Black Siren wouldn't have come across multiple people who were Laurel's friends that she obviously doesn't know or recognize because she's pretending to be someone she isn't. Max Fuller should say something quippy to her at the fundraiser about something in their past and he should get suspicious when Laurel has absolutely no idea what he's talking about, or who he is. And then maybe bring it to some other friends who have talked to her and had the same experience and call her out on it. If it's anything other than that I'm gonna be upset, because Black Siren not having any issues passing for Laurel with people that she surely has a history with outside of the team is unbelievable (as are many things about her arc, but whatever).
  2. I'm really curious what the reasoning will be (if any is given) for Oliver and Barry still knowing who they really are despite their whole realities (and skills) changing multiple times. I'm interested to see how far up in the BS MG had to go to get this one to work out, LOL.
  3. Why would they save it? Finding out that the new Green Arrow is Oliver's sister that he didn't know about is a great cliffhanger. The title being "Unmasked" indicates that we might get to see her face, and since the next episode (apart from the crossover) was originally titled "My Name Is Emiko Queen," it would make sense if they gave some clue to her identity in this episode. Well, happy birthday to you!!!!
  4. If Emiko is getting revealed in the MSF, I can see them doing the parallel with Maya in the future. Although while I'm certain Oliver has no idea Emiko exists, they better not pull that with William - I will NOT BUY. Hopefully her meeting up with William would give some more details about HIS backstory, which is inconsistent and sketchy - and have her be like, "I thought you were done with us since ________ happened," or "I haven't seen you in a year, since _________." It doesn't have to go in-depth, but just give some kind of indication as to what this stupid future is about.
  5. I think he might’ve been talking about Joe DiNichol there and not anyone in the next ep. ETA: or given the tweet before that one he could’ve been talking about one of the crossover stills.
  6. Normally I'm suspect of company folks hyping up their own stuff, but her pinned tweet is about Happy Endings, so I trust her taste.
  7. I don’t think so. “Maya” is all over TV Line’s article, and I don’t think they would’ve gotten that wrong.
  8. I thought it was about Oliver and the new Green Arrow in the present. Could have something to do with the future too.
  9. She could know what her name is but was told that they were introducing her as Maya, and not Mia. Or maybe someone in PR messed up! And yeah, it looks like a wasp.
  10. True! If they’re hiding her real name, someone’s gonna get the job of checking the metadata on their publicity stills. If not, then she’s gonna start adding contradictory info to these pics, LOL.
  11. The whole article repeatedly refers to her as Maya, but if CW publicity sent out pictures with her name as Mia, Maya could just be a cover to not give it away (an attempt and a fail).
  12. Thank you! I wonder what the point of changing her name would be, unless they want to telegraph to comics fans that she’s the future Speedy. I wonder if one of those is just a cover for something she’s working on in the Glades and the other is her real name?
  13. But if it’s a TV Line exclusive, how would he have seen it? Unless everyone else got other pics and she’s in those too.
  14. I see a redditor is already angry in the replies to that tweet. Good, good, let the hate flow through you.
  15. What photo caption is he talking about? I don’t see one on the article, but maybe it just doesn’t show up on mobile.
  16. I think we’ll just be introduced to her as a thief, which in the current environment isn’t the worst thing. She could just be doing what she has to in order to survive and then we’ll find out more as they reveal what exactly is or isn’t going on in the future and how long it’s been a dumpster fire.
  17. Maybe the rough environment she’s referring to is the garbage can that is Star City.
  18. Oh, here I was thinking we were gonna get volleyball at a picnic, Felicity spraining her ankle and going to the hospital and finding out she’s pregnant ala Jim and Pam, LOL. Documentary style makes much more sense.
  19. I mean, he had State vs. Queen in him, which is one of my favorite Olicity eps of the whole show. He did it once (and a few other times during the series) - I hope he can do it again!
  20. Oh yeah - that is Colton, not Kat LOL. The crossover synopses came out today. Marc isn't credited for any part of the Flash ep, he wrote the Arrow ep but isn't credited with the story, and is credited with the Supergirl story, but did not write the ep. ETA: Mods, not intended as crossover talk, just bringing this up in response to the discussion of MG's continued role in the show.
  21. I think it's just a cast list - no one judge me but I have some Suits scripts, and they list the characters on the left side, and the actors on the right. I can't really figure out the order. It's not alphabetical, and it's not billing, and it's not even usually in order of screen time. I think someone just sits down and types out all the regulars in one group, and the recurring/guest stars in the next.
  22. I see Stephen, Katie, David, Emily, and is that Kat's name below Emily's? I can't make out anyone below that.
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