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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Seems like Willa's going to be back for this, which shocks the hell out of me:
  2. Oh yeah, I'm not worried about the content of the story. I think he really likes Felicity and Olicity if for no other reason than because he created them and a chunk of people love them both so much. That just all happened by accident so I'm not exactly thrilled at the prospect of him writing anything big, because I think the stuff he's done on purpose has been awful more often than not. Although it does make me feel somewhat better that Beth's the one ultimately calling the shots instead of him.
  3. Beth can come up with the greatest story around and it can still be messed up by the writing. See...oh, Diggle's storyline this year, and some of the other nonsensical stuff we complain about this season. My concerns with him as a writer aren't a reflection of her position as show runner. Maybe she handed him a great story and he was inspired and wrote a great episode! I hope that's what happens. His history doesn't exactly inspire confidence though.
  4. Do you remember how awfully he wrote Laurel for the duration of the show? Hers aren't that great either.
  5. Aw, that's so cute. The pic gave me hope, one of the names on the script took it away LOL.
  6. MG was responsible for Arrow's most nonsensical things, so I would expect nothing less!
  7. I don’t have a preference about who kills him for in-show reasons, but I’m all for it being Felicity simply because I know how much #KidVicious would hate it. It would be so glorious.
  8. He needs to be Cayden James-ed. But by someone who isn't an absolute moron.
  9. I'm okay with it simply from imagining all the lovely TLC he's gonna get at home.
  10. No, they were in Oliver's cell - you can see the blown lock in the scene when he closes the door, LOL.
  11. I just hope he was smart enough to make Diaz PayPal/Venmo/Cash app him immediately and make sure the funds were deposited before he actually did it.
  12. Didn't one of the Van paps post about Stephen and Emily filming on their own at the nightclub scene? Or was that just right around the time the nightclub shots were filming? It seems to me (since the nightclub set looks different than this one) that there's a gala that they turn up to on time, and a party that they do not - since, IIRC, there were BTS pics posted of everyone but Emily and Stephen - the one where they were all on their phones.
  13. Since the mayor is at this gala, and in the pics you can tell someone attacks it, I wonder if she gives Oliver the go ahead to suit up again, and that's how they get around the anti-vigilante thing (or she just puts a stop to it right then and there).
  14. I like Felicity's dress minus the hem, but I don't like the shoes, LOL. At least not with that dress. I don't mind Oliver's look - it's something he would've worn in S1, but it is kinda a weird outfit to wear to that particular occasion. Is that Max Fuller standing next to Curtis's boyfriend?
  15. It looks like something Liza Minelli would wear onstage.
  16. Fake Laurel should be glad! If she ever gets what's coming to her, Oliver's making sure she has a better time in jail than he did. We love an activist! Her outfit is hideous btw
  17. Yeah, I thought maybe she'd be anti-vigilante resistance, and in this case I wouldn't blame her considering her mom (and apparently her dad) is too.
  18. My best guess is that they're going to paint her as evil like the rest of the Queen family not named William, so I think they'd definitely reveal Felicity was her mother just to keep that narrative going.
  19. Since the show comics are only canon when it's convenient and not when it isn't, maybe it never burned down!
  20. I love that he wanted to militarize the Queen mansion, LOL.
  21. Hopefully they get William out of boarding school next ep, and in the flash forwards they drop another hint or two about what ACTUALLY happened that led to their estrangement, which will probably still be stupid but not as stupid as insinuating he just never got picked up from school.
  22. LOL Occult in this context means that it’s hidden - they don’t show up very well on an x-ray, so you have to get an MRI. I had an occult fracture in my foot a few years ago that made me want to cry every morning when I got out of bed. Fake fighting with one must’ve been miserable.
  23. The kiss is lovely, the kiss is perfect I want to see all the stills and gifs and clips of it, they are wonderful but omg Felicity's ponytail bumps hurt me. I always hate when I see them after I've left the house, like in my rear-view mirror or something.
  24. Probably not, but Stephen didn't say that Diaz specifically targeted whoever this person is, just that the decision to leave him alive impacts someone close to Oliver. Which, if Diaz was off doing villainous stuff and killed the cop who happens to be Curtis's boyfriend - that would qualify.
  25. He did post a BTS picture the other day where it looked like he was wired up to a bomb. Good lord the last thing we need is Diaz killing Curtis's boyfriend. He'll be whiny x 100000000000000
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