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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Interesting, interesting, thank you
  2. Not just a woman - the one who runs the whole thing. Boo.
  3. Does anyone follow Kat McNamara enough to know if she has an arrow tattoo on her forearm IRL like she did tonight on the show?
  4. Can we talk about the Canary Network? How many are there if there's a whole NETWORK?
  5. No, they didn't break up. We left them in a middle of a talk where they hadn't resolved exactly what was going to have to happen between them for them to work things out, and Felicity questioning if being together was the best thing at the moment.
  6. Oooh true. I hadn't noticed that.
  7. The Maya thing is weird. She and Dinah obviously know each other, but Dinah would know if William knew her or not at any point in their lives, and surely she would say something if she knew Maya was his sister and he didn't recognize her? Unless William and Maya are in on some covert shit together...IDK. The only thing I'm guessing now is that Roy definitely would know who she is, and that's why he wasn't at the fight. I suppose she could be his kid with Thea, but then why would she be in Star City if he wasn't? And at first I thought he hadn't been back there in a while, but he knew what the Mark of 4 (sigh) is, and that seemed to be a fairly recent development, unless they get their tattoos sometime this season. This is all dumb and I don't expect it to make sense but I still want to figure it out, LOL.
  8. I know - I said multiple times that Diaz infiltrating the prison last ep was the dumbest shit Arrow's ever done, but now this! This is it (so far)! I know this dude who had her standing by his side when he did all manner of questionable shit to protect himself and his family and the city isn't judging her for working with a reforming villain and a guy WHO WAS HIS FRIEND to capture a guy who broke in to her home and tried to kill her and his kid? And then for shooting a guy who ALSO broke into her home and tried to kill her and her husband? Is there a carbon monoxide leak in the writer's room?
  9. I know - that was a missed opportunity, and like we talked about before definitely one of the missing pieces to her whole arc of masquerading so far.
  10. He must have, because he thought she was dead, and he saw her after!
  11. It really makes me want to laugh that Felicity has loved Oliver through so much utter bullshit on his part and she shoots someone and yes, works with some unsavory people because she and HIS SON got attacked and he's like, "Hey now, this might be a little too much for me." Ah, Arrow.
  12. He was talking about the episode he directed, not this one.
  13. It's something that the writers can manage to make me enjoy someone I do not like - Black Siren - by writing a good team up with Felicity, and make me bored to tears with someone I love to pieces (even when he's being very dumb!) - Oliver - by putting him together with Dinah and Rene.
  14. Words can't express how disappointed I am that he's just gonna be a cop. I'm not sure what exactly I expected, but it wasn't that.
  15. To figure out what happened in the Dinah scenes because they tuned out the first time? That's why I'd do it.
  16. Why on earth would they have a front door with windows in it?
  17. Anatoly gave it to her, so it's been blessed.
  18. Hopefully it's so they have to redecorate because that place is NOT warm and homey.
  19. Oliver's gonna be a cop, isn't he? And we're going to be stuck with this boring Oliver/Rene/Dinah mess forever.
  20. They have to be, and I'm sure it will be nonsensical and convoluted, so.
  21. Too much is happening and yet not enough is happening
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