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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I really hope not, because all I can think is that a reality-based canary cry would look absolutely ridiculous on screen. And I'm not talking about KC doing it, I'm talking in generalities - no way this show could pull it off without looking cheesy as hell, and not in the good way. I'd prefer she just have a sonic device like Sara did.
  2. I'm not sure Helena is totally redeemed though.
  3. That's the thing - we wouldn't know that it was being dragged out. The only reason this is a problem is that if Thea didn't really do it, then she'd deny it, in which case we wouldn't think it was solved and the whole point of a "gotcha" later in the season is pointless, because we would have an inkling of doubt about her being the killer. Or, she'd admit to it, which would also be strange if she didn't do it, unless she was trying to protect the real killer, which would have to be Malcolm. This hurts my brain too much, I need to stop thinking about it.
  4. I think they'd want us to think the mystery was solved by then so that the real reveal was a surprise. This is me refusing to accept that Thea did it. All signs seem to point to that since the summary for 3x09 reads that Nyssa shows up in town and gives Oliver 48 hours to deliver Sara's killer or Ra's will start killing the citizens of Starling City. Seems like he offers himself up either to save the killer or to save the city.
  5. Yeah, I can't see him offering himself up for anyone but her. I also can't help but think that even if Thea is revealed to be the killer that it's still ultimately a red herring to kick off dramatic events and the REAL killer will surface later in some kind of 'gotcha' moment. But for that to happen Thea would have to steadfastly deny it and have someone (Oliver) believe her, I can't think of any reason why she'd admit to doing it if she didn't actually do it/remember doing it, unless the brainwashing thing comes back into play, which...no.
  6. I love that so much conversation and character judgment has resulted from something that no one has any idea actually happened or not.
  7. I too am in a bind, because as much as I don't want to see her be instantly good at Canary-ing, I don't want to watch her struggle or get her ass kicked either.
  8. I don't think any kind of ratings dip will matter (and I agree with @tv echo, I don't think the ratings will fall that much), because they could reason that it's because Oliver's gone. Laurel becoming BC or not, if Oliver wasn't missing in 3x10-3x12 (or 13, I'm not sure where we stand on that), I'd still be watching. She doesn't annoy me to the point where I wouldn't watch, because I enjoy nearly everything else about the show but her. I am going to sit at least the first one out (live) since I know Oliver's not going to be around in present day. I'll see what people have to say about it, then maybe watch it with my finger on the FF button. I know for sure I'll pick it back up once he returns - I'm still to invested to back out now.
  9. I don't know for sure that he still has them, but I don't know how he could've gotten rid of them, because part of the convoluted reasoning for Oliver's brokeness is that Isabel somehow diluted the stock so it was worthless. I guess he could have unloaded worthless stock, although why he would have when he was broke and still wanted his company back, I don't know.
  10. So, what are the chances that someone who attended the screening will ignore the confidentiality agreement they had to sign and post spoilers? I just want to know what the big reveal is, if Oliver's kid comes into play, and whose DNA is on that arrow.
  11. True. But that isn't Felicity's fault - especially if he still isn't bothering to give a damn about his financial assets considering that's all he has left of his family's company after he was dumb enough to sign it over to a psycho.
  12. I don't have a single problem with Diggle, apart from him trying to guilt Felicity into doing/not doing something because Oliver was distracted in the field. It is a problem that we don't get to see much of Felicity's life outside of the foundry, because we don't know if she has a friend to confide in or not. I can't imagine that someone like Felicity doesn't have any outside friends, so I'm not going to fault Diggle for her not having anyone to talk to, when for all we know, she did. Even if the invite was spur-of-the-moment, I get why he didn't also invite Felicity. He knows she's trying to move on and is successfully attempting that with Ray. After seeing her walk out of the foundry upset because Oliver drew yet another line in the sand, why would he invite her too when that would only make things uncomfortable for her? He was more supportive of Oliver in this ep, and I don't blame him. He knows how easy it is to get yourself hurt in the field when your head's not in it, and he also knows what it's like to not be able to be with the woman you love (even if the reason is a stupid, self-made one). He also knows Felicity really well and knows that she's emotionally equipped to handle this. Oliver? He's not. I'm not saying Felicity doesn't need support and that Diggle can't or shouldn't support her, but naturally Oliver is his first concern because if Oliver slips up because he's heartbroken, he could die. Others could die. The stakes for Felicity aren't nearly as high. They're as important, but they aren't as high. Felicity has a fulfilling life outside of the foundry. Oliver? That's all he's got. I reserve the right to change my mind on Diggle based on future relationship counselor behavior, but let's hope there isn't much more of it. He's terrible at it, and I'd much rather him deal with his functional relationship and watch him out in the field kicking ass, even if he continues to fight crime in all his unmasked glory. If he's not worried about showing identifying features, might as well go shirtless. For reasons.
  13. She didn't have to. Oliver is a shareholder in the company and he would've had to vote on it.
  14. Yeah, they're going to kiss and tell each other that they love each other and maybe express a little hope for what could've been in the future, and I'm going to need someone to hold me while I curl up in the fetal position.
  15. Oh, I didn't think you were calling me a liar, no worries! :)
  16. I know for sure it was on here, because this is the only board I post on and I was one of the people who thought he meant the team got closer, not him and Sara (and I panicked, haha)
  17. No, I think it was worded ambiguously, and could easily be interpreted as either he and Sara growing closer or the team growing closer, if I'm thinking of the right interview. I remember having a discussion about that earlier in this thread before the season started. IIRC, people were evenly split on whether he meant that he and Sara got closer or the whole team got closer.
  18. I think the motive hasn't been examined because she's in the LoA. Who needs a reason to kill a killer? It could be anyone: someone trying to get at the League, revenge killing for someone Sara killed, someone trying to start shit with the League. It'd probably be impossible to narrow down. (I had to edit this 10 times since I'm on my cell, sorry)
  19. I'm finally starting to buy into the Zombie Tommy theory because: 1. The "shocking!" DNA evidence that is found on the arrow during the crossover - it's got to have Merlyn markers. Thea's going to be implicated because a) Oliver and co. already ruled Merlyn out, b) they all think Tommy's dead and c) Felicity has the forensic evidence that the bows were fired from a shorter person 2. Thea will steadfastly deny it because, you know, she didn't do it, although she'll admit that she was hanging out with Merlyn while she was away. This will give Oliver enough doubt to be willing to sacrifice himself for her. 3. The episode description for 3x09 states that Ra's gives Oliver 48 hours to find Sara's killer - what if he already knows who it is, but is unwilling to hand her over and ultimately sacrifices himself? This would tie in with the spoiler that Ra's thinks Oliver's human connections make him weak. 4. Barrowman said that Merlyn's setting up the chess board for the long game - he's trying to get Oliver and Ra's into a fight, and he knows Oliver would never sacrifice Thea. It also explains why he let her return to Starling City so easily - and he might be batshit enough to dangle her as bait to serve his purposes, IDK. He does think Thea's stronger than Tommy, so maybe he thinks she can handle it. So, everyone will think they've found Sara's killer, then Zombie! Tommy pops up in an unexpected way at some point (during sweeps probably) and is revealed. Maybe Sara knew he was alive and that's why she wasn't surprised to see him, although why she wouldn't tell anyone, IDK. Can you imagine the shit this would do to Laurel? First she'd be on a bloodthirsty vengeance path for Thea that she can't really get out of her system, then to find out the a guy she loved is back from the dead and EVIL!!!11!? Haha, wow. What if they actually do have her go dark? She'd be redeemed at some point, but...hmmm. It's making me think. There are of course some plot holes and inconsistencies that I can't quite explain away for this theory to work, but the EPs don't bother explaining this shit, so I'm not going to try to figure it out. It would also mean this recent spoiler is both true and untrue. That the team thinks Thea is the killer but she's really not - but the filming timeline would be off since the "reveal" would happen in eps 8 and 9. I'm probably way off base here. Maybe Thea is the killer, as whackadoo as it sounds.
  20. I find it so interesting how different people interpret the same things. Yes, Oliver was in love with Laurel in S1, I'm going to vote no on the being IN LOVE with Sara (I think he loved her, and was comforted by being with her, but I think it was unfinished business more than anything else). And regarding Felicity, let's just say that I'm glad my brother doesn't look at me like that. To keep this on topic, I'll be surprised if he quits too. I don't think hating one character is enough to make you quit something if everything else entertains you. It's the same with me - I don't care enough about Laurel to be really mad at anything they do, although I will stop watching if her and Oliver get back together, because no.
  21. Yeah, I went looking for it too and I couldn't find anything. I suppose it could've been deleted, but grain of salt and all that.
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