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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Yeah, I'll be surprised if she tells them. I wonder if she suits up to fool Quentin and he realizes it isn't Sara and her death becomes part of the Lance trilogy in January.
  2. Then he'd have to tell her he's the Arrow in this ep-and there's no indication he's doing that either. It's just impossible to tell from promos at this point, other than regardless of who is ultimately responsible, Oliver's giving himself up to Ra's for Sara's murder.
  3. Except for the part where Oliver tells her that she's family, and he'd do anything to protect her. Which, true, is a voiceover and could be from any point in time (and could be about protecting her from Malcolm), but it could just be that they're holding any obvious implications for shock value in-show.
  4. Yeah, if Thea is implicated in this ep, I think it's pretty safe to say that it isn't her. The only reason I do want it to be her for real is to see Laurel go ripshit over it, hahaha
  5. Do you guys really think that whoever they implicate in this ep is going to be the actual killer? If Thea is implicated, I can just see the closing shot of the ep being Ra's talking to someone (off camera maybe?) about how their plan worked, and then panning on Tatsu's face or something. It's so easy to play Oliver when people he cares about are involved.
  6. 1. Laurel had better tell Quentin and Dinah Sara's dead. I know it looks that way, but I can imagine her telling them no because she doesn't want to ruin their Christmas. If she does, at least we know Quentin survives it since he posted from the set afterwards. 2. So, does Thea get implicated? The summary for the ep had something in it about Ra's killing people in Starling City if Oliver doesn't hand over the killer. What if he turns himself over because Thea is the first person Ra's threatens? That could be part of the cause for the blow up between Oliver and Malcolm. Just looking for alternative Thea theories, because the thought that she's involved/implicated in Sara's death makes me feel ill. I'm all aboard the Queen sibling train and I don't want anything to make me jump off of it, because if he confronts her about it, I have a feeling we're going to see a version of Thea that will not be pleasant, and...I just want her story to be interesting and not in a murderous kind of way. 3. I guess the real murderer is Tatsu or Maseo and they're framing Oliver/making his life shitty beyond belief because he never learned how to do his laundry in Hong Kong? Or Akio because Oliver never made good on his candy promises?
  7. I think TPTB misinterpret people wanting Diggle to have a mask as wanting Diggle to he a costumed hero. I think we all just want his identity hidden, and it seems especially stupid that it isn't now, since Oliver told him it was too risky for him to be a part of the team/out in the field since he's a father. I guess it's not too risky for him to do 10-20 for aiding and abetting vigilantism!
  8. I don't think it's problematic, I'm just not at all interested in watching it.
  9. It's Laurel - someone asked the artist about it on Twitter.
  10. It's not that I don't think she should/would take her lumps, it's that I don't want to watch it. It's one thing when you're fighting a formidable opponent and get your ass kicked, it's another to go out and try to be a vigilante and be bad at it (which is what MG is suggesting is going to happen with Laurel). I wouldn't mind her getting bested by someone who was better than her in a fair fight. I don't want to watch random villains beat the hell out of her because she's just not ready for the job yet - which seems to be the direction they're going in.
  11. I think that's Laurel, and the canary on top of her head is a nod to Sara.
  12. I'd rather her just be magically good at it as well, because i don't have any desire to watch her get beat up either. I wonder what the audience reaction will be-like, how many will pity her or how many will think she's an absolute dumbass for putting herself out there when she's not able to help. I watch this show to be entertained, and while I'd be most entertained if she hopped on a one-way train out of Starling, watching her get her ass kicked is a no for me. Is she going to suck and get better during this 3 ep arc, or is she just going to keep sucking? Does it end with her having to find another way like MG said, or does she do that in the middle of the arc, and...eh, I don't care enough to try to figure it out.
  13. Skill, superpower, whatever. My point is still applicable regardless of what words I use to describe what he can do.
  14. I feel like it was in-character, especially since he's a soldier, and he knows patience and experience (which Oliver has) is more valuable in the field than the best skills in the world (which Barry has), when you don't know how to read situations and wait them out. Barry doesn't know how to do that yet.
  15. Just wondering which interactions you thought were Felicity leading Oliver on? To me she seemed like her normal self, the only issue I had was with her comment about the land mines on the island. Apart from that I thought that everything was above the board between the two of them - even though it's obvious that they care about each other deeply and know each other well. I didn't get anything inappropriate from Oliver (if he thinks Felicity's in a relationship with Ray now), either.
  16. I think they just don't like writing the secret identity aspect as far as the main characters of the show are concerned. I can see how it would be a pain in the ass story wise. Still makes sense for the general public at large to be in the dark about who they are though, since Oliver has committed, like, a ton of murder, and vigilantism is technically against the law.
  17. I'm having difficulty even watching that with Batman in the cowl and tights and mask without a shirt on. It's like watching a strange ballet that I can't take seriously. I do wonder what the outcome of that fight is going to be. Ra's will live. Will Oliver get super f-ed up or just take a header down the side of a cliff? Come on, Wednesday!
  18. Yeah, the death makes the most sense, but it still doesn't make any sense because everyone's going to keep waiting for him to come back to town. Which might be the point - it clears Oliver's screen time for Laurel, while still keeping the audience tuning in because they know even though he's "dead" he's going to come back. Although unless he really is just being nursed back to health and recuperating enough to get back to Starling, whatever interesting crap he gets up to is something I'd like to see. I guess maybe we'll be getting another set of flashbacks?
  19. Yeah, I think they've both accepted how they feel and that nothing will come of it so they're just letting it fly at this point. And I'm happy to watch that, because I think they're so nice to watch together - Felicity softens him so much (no one get dirty with this, please).
  20. I'm conflicted on this one, because Oliver told Barry that he needed to let Iris go, for both their sakes, so I'm assuming that's what he's trying to do. And I'm glad that he's trying to do that, because the alternative is him being kind of douchey to Felicity because he's upset, so it's nice to see him making an effort to be nice to her and keep things at least somewhat the way they were. I didn't think they were really all that flirtatious or anything, but they definitely had a vibe about them. They love each other, though. I think it's difficult to turn that all the way off, regardless of how you're actually trying to handle the relationship part of things. I mean, Felicity doesn't know Diggle had that talk with Oliver about her overhearing the conversation with Cutter. We know she heard it, but he didn't say anything that she didn't already know or hadn't heard before, so it's not like he delivered any new information to her to be incredibly hurt by (stung, yes, but I think she could get past it fairly quickly). And she doesn't know that Oliver saw her kissing Ray. The only thing that I thought was really questionable was Felicity's sigh about the land mines. Not that she'd have the thought or think of it fondly or anything, but that she'd express it like that with him right there. Maybe she thought he wouldn't remember, or it just slipped out?
  21. Because I refuse to believe that Thea actually murdered Sara and am in the "framed" camp, it'll be interesting to see what happens to the Thea/Malcolm relationship, since she'll think it's him who's framed her, right? SHE HAD BETTER BE BEING FRAMED
  22. Yeah, I misremembered it. I watched it last night. Something requiring her double probably happens later. Did anyone make out what the count was saying apart from "where is my accuser"? I heard him rambling on about the justice system and something about the Arrow.
  23. She was kind of shuffling towards him - kind of a run. But she came right through the crowd of "monsters," so... shouldn't she look like one of them to him? I'll stop trying to make it logical, haha. I never said I *just* looked at his leg. ;)
  24. It's probably going to come out that Oliver forgot to tell Felicity because baby Diggle came right after, then he broke things off with Felicity/had a mind-blowing last first kiss (LMAO), got contacted by Barry, and then the next morning he was hit with the stupidity of Laurel dragging Sara's corpse down into the foundry and the grief of the utter senselessness of her death. He'll remember that Sara told him about the comm issue once someone has traced them and found out who they are (Ray, maybe) or found them and hurt someone because of it (Felicity or Diggle), so we can reach MANPAIN LEVEL 10 because GUILT.
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