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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Yeah, I need my costumed crimefighters to run around individually because otherwise it looks like they're on the run from local cops after TPing someone's house on Halloween. Maybe he gets electrocuted. Heh. I mean, an arrow would come so quickly that it'd be nearly impossible to get in front of one for someone, especially when it's coming through a darkened window, but if anyone could do it, it'd be Ray, right?
  2. Yeah, I didn't see it either. Seemed like he just pushed her to the ground as a precaution? I even slow-mo'ed it and didn't see anything.
  3. He's got it on in all the scenes as far as I can tell.
  4. So, I'm guessing that Oliver gets outed?
  5. The news report they all got on their phones read that the victims were killed on Friday night - I'm guess the wedding was on a Saturday afternoon, so Oliver being there wouldn't have meant anything to Ray as far as 2+2s and all that. And I guess Digg and Lyla stopped by the lair to watch the press conference?
  6. They were quite friendly in the comics, so I don't think it would be a stretch for Felicity and Helena to be friends.
  7. Well, there is kind of, but it's just Helena talking to Felicity, implying that she and Oliver are more than friends, which Felicity denies. Then Helena asks if Oliver knows that. Then later, Oliver and Helena are talking about something and she tells Oliver to make sure not to "let that one go," and Oliver asks "who?" like the fucking emotional moron that he is. Then Roy almost gets killed again, and the end is the panels with the wine that were already released.
  8. So, this issue of the GA comics was...well, most of anything Olicity fans would want to see was released by TVLine. TYPICAL
  9. To paraphrase Joni Mitchell: you don't know what you got till it's electrocuted and left for dead
  10. Oh, definitely. It just seems more "Roy" to me than Thea, that's all. Although I'm sure it'll be her saying it. He really is the best, poor guy.
  11. Plus, I feel confident in saying that neither Ray nor Felicity would say "in the history of forever."
  12. Honestly, this sounds like 100% like a cute, dopey thing Roy would say, not Thea. But I think it's definitely them. Maybe the writers forgot who broke up with whom? That wouldn't surprise me either.
  13. I didn't even care about Roy until he became quippy installation art in the Arrow cave. And now I feel like I'm going to be really upset if/when he bites it.
  14. Yeah, "in the history of forever" seems like the kind of thing that would come out of poor Roy's electrocuted mouth. ETA: Wait, it was Thea, never mind, haha.
  15. Oh my god, I'm cackling. Admittedly, I'm a terrible person.
  16. Excuse you, as a well-respected CITY LEADER, he had a press conference to get to! Also, I think the show really dropped the ball with the Roy thing. Apart from being outright stupid, I would've really liked it if Ray's electricity flinging ass would've gone to see if he was okay. I still wouldn't like him, but I'd think he was a marginally more decent person than I do now.
  17. The Flash is starting to go off the rails too IMO. Maybe separating the original team was a bad idea.
  18. This whole season has been the storm.
  19. I don't care how sturdy the widows are. My fear of heights would probably prevent me from even being in that condo, much less standing that close to the window ON MY HANDS. Nooooooooope.
  20. Giving me a panic attack in front of those windows, that's what.
  21. With Barry having messed with time, and given that Reverse Flash is in that pic too, I'm not even sure that we can count on Oliver being there as being part of a current, real timeline. Someone over on SpoilerTV thought maybe this was a version of the Flashpoint Paradox - so maybe it's an AU Oliver that's helping Barry in that shot, and Barry gets the timeline to rights by the end of the episode/season.
  22. It's a play on the Checkov's gun principle: if there's a rifle in the first act, it has to go off in the second or the third. If they introduced Ray as a minister in episode 3x17, there needs to be a reason for it in a future episode (as in, he would be the one performing the second wedding ceremony MG teased). Otherwise, they just had him be a minister to have him be a minister and be present at Digg and Lyla's wedding so that Oliver could see him and Felicity together. Which is probably what it was - my guess is Ray's being a minister will serve no other purpose.
  23. Aren't both shows shooting their penultimate episodes right now? So there'd be one more episode of The Flash after that Oliver crossover.
  24. The slowed down gif is making it look a lot different than it came off in the show. She inhaled really quickly - I really do think it was supposed to indicate that he touched a sore spot from her training.
  25. I figured that gasp was because he hit a tender spot since she just said that her trainer was enthusiastic.
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