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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Cisco and Joe are coming to Starling City, aren't they? Wouldn't the timeline put them there while everyone else is in Nanda Parbat? Ray's...IDK, out doing stuff in his suit, I guess.
  2. I think she plans on going with them - IIRC, she had a bag in her hand in the clip from the sizzle reel.
  3. Honestly, I figured Oliver just stole her, haha.
  4. Yeah, maybe. It's just weird to me, that's all. Are these guys going to travel with them, or are they just waving them away at the hangar, haha. I expected this transfer to be much more low tech, I guess.
  5. Okay, for real, WTF is Thea doing on a stretcher with paramedics in what looks like a private hangar, I don't understand.
  6. No he won't. Quentin will either die, or he and Oliver will get back on good terms again. Or Oliver will go be Arrow somewhere else.
  7. So, I wonder how the next ep goes. Who finds Thea? If Oliver's walking through the hospital panicked as that BTS cam shot implies, then it seems like he arrives at the hospital once she's already there. Then again, that could be him trying to find her body so he could steal it from the room/morgue/whatever. So, open hospital? Or open in apartment with Malcolm standing there over her body with Oliver, telling Oliver about the LP being able to bring people back to life? IDK, anyways. Thea dies Oliver entrusts the safety of SC to Laurel and Ray - Felicity and Ray say goodbye AND SAY GOODBYE (<----breakup) Jet scene where Oliver breaks down and I also break down. Fetal positioning, etc Arrival in NP Immediate Lazarus Pitting and Thea hopping out of the LP like a cat out of a bathtub, completely bananapants Oliver hating himself in the Mood and Brood suite, complete with every fire hazard known to man SEXXXXXX After finally tapping that, Felicity's all, "Nuh-uh, sir you are not committing yourself to a League of Assassins," then goes and has a heated stare-off with Ra's. Does he hurt her? Threaten her? Doesn't matter, at this moment she's committing herself to systematically destroying his life. Oliver gets branded, D&F get ushered back on the jet? With Thea maybe? Malcolm stays?
  8. Also, I really hope someone is at the hospital with Oliver when Thea flatlines. I just want someone to wrap the dude in a hug and never let go, goodness.
  9. We thought he died, but he didn't. Thea seems to be actually dead though, so I don't see how this would work because Thea DID perish at his blade. It took a few days, but she seems to be dead dead dead in that preview.
  10. Yeah, I think it's just a matter of making do with what they can have vs. having what they want. Ray can't have Anna and doesn't want to be alone. Felicity can't have Oliver and doesn't want to be alone, so they're not being alone together.
  11. Yeah, but Oliver legit (ridiculously) lived. Seems like Thea flatlines and actually dies, then has to be brought back via the LP, so I don't think that idiotic prophecy holds true for her.
  12. So, does he marry her off to the League problem child all, "Heh, deal with this." ?
  13. I wonder if we're even going to get an actual breakup or if it will just be alluded to.
  14. I'm okay with it because a) I've accepted the fact that this show is so ridiculous, and b) Felicity's so tied to Oliver's humanity I'm holding out some hope for some kind of feels in 3x22 when she tries to bring him back/slap him back to himself.
  15. I think the Evil! Oliver is going to be present time, and that's the "transformation" mentioned in the 3x21 summary.
  16. Okay, so if Thea goes batshit cradoodles for a bit, what are these Thea/Felicity scenes we ALLEGEDLY have coming our way? Are they during the full cradoodle period or post cradoodle? I needs to know.
  17. I like that she's wearing ceremonial garb. I also like that she goes for Oliver first when she wakes up, haha.
  18. Wedding scorecard: Oliver and League Random Oliver and Nyssa Maseo and Tatsu (assuming they're divorced, IDK) Thea and some League Random Sara and Nyssa Fern and a new pot Malcolm and some League Random Two nobodies whose wedding gets busted up by crimefighters and/or criminals Oliver and Felicity
  19. Nice of Malcolm to finally get lost, you know, when for once it would've been good to have him around. Ah, plot.
  20. Yeah, probably. Because there was that shot of Thea wearing the hood she had on that night in the sizzle reel. I'm voting flashback too.
  21. Felicity telling Oliver that she loves him.
  22. Yeah, I guess. Just seems like that would take forever and a day (I know why they did it, just...).
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