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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. This also makes me feel better about Lyla and Sara:
  2. Well, the Canary Cry looks about like I thought it would. And I seriously hope Diggle has some protection in his ears because glass is shattering and he's standing there like nothing's happening?
  3. Ra's sparing him irked me NO END. Wouldn't killing Sarab for something Maseo did be exactly the kind of thing he needs to kill someone for, especially if he's trying to teach his flock that they have to completely shed the identity they had before in order to be a member? Ridiculous. I hope there's a reason for it.
  4. Shit's going down - Felicity's wearing pants again.
  5. I just find it so strange that there's all this BIG STUFF happening and she's nowhere around. I mean, I don't mind it necessarily but I find it strange. Roy fakes his death and leaves and we don't know if she knows about this (I'm guessing no, for reasons, but who knows). Thea nearly dies and Oliver goes off to join the League and she doesn't say goodbye? Does she even know it happened until Felicity went and told her? They obviously filmed with her - she had a BTS pic from the hangar and she was in a still with Oliver. It's just so strange to me.
  6. Yeah, there's an interview in the SPOILERS ONLY thread where MG confirms that Ray and Felicity are over. It will be really difficult for me to accept if Felicity gives up on him now, after everything.
  7. If he just injures Diggle, then I'll think he's playing a long game, but why on earth would Ra's allow Oliver to just injure him? I need to stop trying to make sense of it.
  8. Yeah, probably. What I want to know is if he's just playing some long game and pretending, or if he legit somehow got miraculously brainwashed by that brand.
  9. So, the Canadian promo - Oliver now has no memory? And I'm guessing he either kills or injures Diggle pretty severely. Ugh.
  10. Yeah, I would've loved it if I hadn't built up my expectations there. It wasn't what I expected at all (but it was nice). And given the way the EPs talked about Thea's "recovery" I was really surprised that she was basically all there at the end. So, Felicity and Thea scheme to get Oliver back, yeah? I accept no other alternatives.
  11. Yeah, I really need someone to explain that to me. Ra's gave an evil kind of satisfied look, so I figured there must be something in it, but...what
  12. Also, they made Laurel irrelevant again. Wasn't there a scene of her at the hangar with Oliver? There were stills of it. Does she know what happened to Roy? Does she know what happened to Thea? Do I care?
  13. Well, I built that jet scene up too much in my head. I would've thought it was great if I hadn't been expecting something else, haha. And I didn't expect Felicity to SLIP OLIVER A MICKEY, WTF. What the hell happened at the end? Ra's brands him and that's it? Was there something in it or...I don't understand what happened. ETA: A+ sex though, show. I applaud, although I wouldn't have called that a morning after. AT all.
  14. Oh, I definitely get that they want to focus on other stuff, it was just the wording of it that had me worried. But I can see them wanting to get it out of the way before the finale so they don't have this dangling storyline and can focus on the action. I just interpreted it as them wanting to get it out of the way because after the events of the finale it's not going to realistically be something they'll do (aka, Oliver and Felicity won't end the season in a good place). But that's just the unrelenting cynic in me.
  15. I'd like to say no, but I'm not sure. I'm leaning more towards no. If Oliver does something to either Lyla or baby Sara, then he can't come back from that-I hope the writers of this show know that.
  16. Could be that he meant that they wanted to get it out of the way instead of that they needed it out of the way for plot/story purposes (which is how it sounds).
  17. Just...what's happening in the finale that they wanted sex off the table before that? Nothing good, I'd imagine.
  19. Ugh, I hadn't read that. The Seat42 reviewer said the goodbye was a nice one, so I got the impression that things were going to be hopeful. Unless he's talking about her going through the seven stages after Oliver goes evil. But then...that would mean she accepts him going bad and I'm sorry. No. He better be trolling.
  20. I think MG said it in some interview - that she'd be grieving in 3x21, but I think it was in the context of the rest of the team dealing with Oliver being gone too.
  21. Here's hoping Malcolm dies. For real this time.
  22. I'm kind of hoping that Oliver's getting played by Ra's and that ultimately Ra's doesn't want Oliver as his heir. It's too much to hope though. Too much to hope.
  23. Seems to me like there might be a ceremonial initiation that people witness, and maybe the branding is a thing that happens to all the members, so it would be suspicious if Oliver didn't go through it? Maybe the fact that he's gonna be dunked and brainwashed is something Ra's wants to keep a secret, so he goes through the regular initiation motions?
  24. The drugs are a definite possibility, I mean, Malcolm had to learn about them somehow, and Maseo doesn't seem at all like his old self. Does Ra's put them in the food for some kind of mass mind control? Although, that can't be it, because Sara seemed to remember very clearly everything she's done so...I don't know. If Ra's is using the pit to brainwash Oliver, then I'd like for this ep to end on a WTF note with Ra's running him through again and then dropping him in the water. Also, because it would make more sense to me and I want to be right, I would also like it if Ra's revealed that he doesn't want Oliver to be his heir before he does it and that he's been playing him all along. Why he would send him after Nyssa at that point though, IDK.
  25. My first twisted thought was it was because she'd injected him with some weird nanotech or had been conditioning him to respond to "I love you," to put some kind of "overthrow the League" plan into motion, haha.
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