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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I wouldn't be opposed to Quentin dying, but like I posted in the other thread, I really don't want Laurel to lose someone else in her life. Unless it's the beginning of her going dark for a while - because I think that could be interesting. But that's never going to happen.
  2. I love PB, but at this point? Good riddance. Although no thanks @ more angst over Laurel losing yet another person in her life.
  3. Yep. It's beige on beige on beige depressing divorced dad starkness. All that's missing is a coffee table made out of a giant throw away cable spool or some milk crates.
  4. Better an individual poster for everyone with a mask (if that is what they do) than to have a group photo with people being nasty about who's situated where, IMO. And yeah, IDK why he doesn't have eye black on. He's wearing it in the show - SA has filmed videos with it on. Weird.
  5. Maybe. Suzanne Gomez tweeted that there's something coming every day this week and on Saturday. So that's Oliver, Thea, Laurel, and Diggle (if costumed posters are indeed what she was referencing).
  6. The sleevelessness is so strategically stupid, but those arms sure are nice to look at.
  7. Don't most shows that aren't legal procedurals kind of use law more for shock value/entertainment than accuracy? I mean, even the legal procedurals seem to play fast and loose with it, but not to the same extent.
  8. Lantern. ;) I certainly HOPE they're not trolling a Green Arrow appearance, haha.
  9. I don't think the LP affects hair - just look at that thing on Ra's head.
  10. Ew, see, I feel like it looked better when it was filthy. He had some weird frizz going on with the clean hair.
  11. I feel like these were probably already photoshopped (they would've had to have done a bunch for whatever episode the one SA posted was in), and they just hastily C&Ped MG's head in the existing file before they sent it to him.
  12. I don't think they tried that hard with the photoshopping because I don't think we'd ever see these pics up close unless MG posted them - they're probably all background decoration.
  13. Why is he wearing that ugly-ass hoodie thing over a button up? DON'T CARE, LOOK AT THEM
  14. Oh, I know it's a green screen, but I would think they'd make a joke something more outlandish? Like, it honestly wouldn't surprise me if they actually did go to Japan with the way this show is.
  15. LMAO, they went to Japan. I don't even care how, I just need someone to help me because they're so cute. S e n d H e l p | | |0| | / \
  16. Sara didn't try to kill herself to save her family, she tried to kill herself so she wouldn't have to go back to the League. Which made the ending of S2 all the more stupid, but what's done is done. But yeah, the fact that she did that shouldn't have any bearing on her being resurrected. The fact that she's been rotting away in the ground for over a year should though, haha.
  17. It'd be nice to know what WM was asked. It could just be that someone mentioned that O/F went on half a date and then broke up for the entire season in S3, and she used "right away" in reference to that? I fully expect them to break up at some point, I just hope it's not this season.
  18. If she hadn't been buried yet, he totally would. I think that actually-been-buried kind of dead is where he'd probably draw the line. Actually-been-buried dead for over a year? I just can't believe he'd ever do it. I'm hoping that Damien Darhk or someone actually pulls the trigger on digging Sara up and uses bringing her back as some kind of incentive to get Quentin and/or Laurel to do something that he wants and that it isn't some kind of "we can do this, so let's do this" thing. Because in case no one can tell, the thought of digging up Sara's corpse really squicks me out.
  19. Yeah, this is why I won't consider him a hypocrite or take issue if he is against bringing Sara back from the dead. Never in a million years do I think he would dig up Thea's rotting corpse to put it in the Lazarus Pit, so I'll understand if he doesn't want to do it for Sara, either.
  20. I wonder if Laurel even knows about the LP? No one on the team told her exactly what happened to Thea, although I'm guessing someone could've told her off screen or over the hiatus or whatever.
  21. I do think there is a difference between bringing a half dead/recently dead person back vs. digging one up out of the ground who has been dead for a whole year, yeah. I really don't think Oliver would've done that if it was Thea.
  22. I think it depends on the circumstances, really. Thea wasn't dead - Sara's been dead for over a year. I wouldn't think there was anything wrong with Oliver being against it necessarily (especially if we see Thea having some side effects from it). I think there's also a difference, too, because Thea was run through because Oliver didn't want to take Ra's offer to be the next duster-wearing bejeweled wonder. If he hadn't turned the offer down, Ra's would've never gone that far. Laurel didn't have anything to do with Sara being murdered, so there wouldn't be any atonement issues regarding her desire to bring Sara back. I mean, I think Oliver can be a huge hypocrite, but I don't think taking issue with using the LP would make him one, depending on how it's done.
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