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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Hopefully they'll have a shot of it in the trailer, and it'll look better IRL.
  2. DragonCon is this weekend and a lot of the cast are going to be there, which is probably why they're releasing it tonight.
  3. I loved it when Barry suggested that Oliver should wear a mask and Oliver was like, "Well, if you can find something that doesn't interfere with my sight line" or however he phrased it, and I kept thinking, HELLO, YOU WEAR A HOOD OVER YOUR HEAD. That probably obstructs your peripheral vision enough, dude! Guess Diggle's part of the obstructed vision club now.
  4. Smoak & Arrow is great at organizing voting blocks (and bless the people who keep voting), but I don't think EBR's gonna take this one.
  5. Was that actually supposed to be a poster? I thought it was more a reveal with the title of the show and the air date slapped on so people would see it when the pic was inevitably posted around the internet (as long as people didn't crop).
  6. Doesn't someone else do the costume concept, and she's the one who actually makes it a reality? I recall seeing an interview (it was a while ago, I can't remember who/what it was for) with a guy who did the concept art for quite a few of the Arrow costumes. None of them were main characters, but at the time, Oliver was the only main cast member who actually had a suit.
  7. I'm excited for the trailer. I mean, we knew this was coming - we saw the preview of Diggle's costume at SDCC, only there we thought it was more Daft Punk than Magneto. Costumes haven't ever really been this show's strength. Oliver's original one was good, because it wasn't super fancy and was pieced together by materials I believe anyone would have access to. Sara's was pretty good, too, for the most part, as was Helena's. The further into the crusade we get, the more ridiculous and/or high tech things are going to get. Roy's was kind of ridiculous looking on him - although I do think Thea looks better in it. Laurel's buckles and fingerless gloves are ridiculous, Ray's looked a little bit like a penis, Oliver's suddenly going out without a whole lot of protection on those precious, beautiful arms. Now Digg looks like he's been cast in a high-concept EDM video about futuristic biker gangs. I mean...it is what it is, but bring on that trailer.
  8. The bitter ones are going to stay bitter as hell. Costume or no, nothing's going to change that.
  9. A lot of people are shading him - most of that trend is not good. Makes me sad for DR.
  10. I'm hoping that the helmet has a face shield or something that they decided not to put in the promo pic so you can see who it is. The one at CC had one, and I think that would make me feel better about it.
  11. He has worn a ski mask, and I gotta say I'm glad he's not doing that anymore. I don't mind him having a costume necessarily - he'd be stupid not to, since he's got a wife and kid and needs to protect both his body and his identity. It's just that the helmet especially looks stupid.
  12. He has a chin strap and everything. Poor Diggle. :( At least Oliver has something on his face that obscures some of his features. This just makes his peripheral vision shitty and people can still flat-out see his whole face.
  13. Why did they bother giving him a helmet if it doesn't cover his face? I get that it would make him virtually unidentifiable to facial recognition or whatever, but any criminal that sees him up close CAN STILL MAKE OUT HIS FACE.
  14. Let them hate her, then. It's just a silly online poll that means nothing in the grand scheme of things, other than the fact that (if she wins) she had more obsessive voters than CB did. Besides, the truly bitter faction hate Olicity fans more than they dislike EBR, so they'd probably just write off everyone who voted as being an obsessed shipper.
  15. Fingers crossed that "game changer" and "the show will never be the same" are not part of her vocabulary.
  16. I wasn't implying that QL was in on the plan to spring Roy. And what happened to Roy while he was in Iron Heights would be on the warden - it's not QL's fault Roy was in gen pop.
  17. It actually helped that Roy was in gen pop though. If he wasn't, the whole fake death thing would've been much more difficult to pull off. I mean, yeah, it was typical SCPD/Iron Heights ineptitude, but it worked in Team Arrow's favor, at least.
  18. I like Aim Higher. It fits with the archery and who Oliver is trying to be as a person and a hero.
  19. I think it's probably got to do with the television medium. What's the easiest way to convey emotional distress in the shortest amount of time possible? Crying. Any female character with that much emotional stress heaped on them that requires a reaction is in a no-win situation. Cry too much? You're a whiner. Don't cry at all? You're a cold bitch. Shut people out? You're still a cold bitch. Snap? Weak. Seek comfort in someone? A slut.
  20. They actually have something for her to do this year - she has a huge conflict in that she's a lawyer and going outside of the law to fight crime at night. That could provide her with a season's worth of issues - no need for played-out family drama at all.
  21. Recognizing, of course, that there are people who care about the Lance family and their trials, they've been the focus of storylines for the past three years, and I'd rather that time go to Diggle and/or Felicity this season. The writers do get pretty deep into the Lance family drama, but IMO, a lot of the time they wind up coming out looking like assholes. I've thought that about every single one of them. And Dinah, especially, isn't shit. Ugh.
  22. Ugh, I hope not. Oliver was just as much a pawn in that mess as Sara was.
  23. Yeah, it's played out. I'm sure PB/SA are just having some emotional scenes that hopefully have nothing to do with Quentin shitting on Oliver and/or his alter ego YET AGAIN.
  24. It's not like I'm sitting here advocating for it. Just discussing the possibility.
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