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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I love that it's a democracy even though the two times we've seen these people needing to operate as a team without Oliver, they've needed Oliver to swoop in for help. Not arguing that it shouldn't be a democracy, just that they've utterly failed to show that any of these people can function as an effective team without Oliver (which I'm glad for, btw). But since that's not what they're trying to sell, writing fail! I don't mind mocking, because Oliver definitely has qualities that need to be mocked. The way they talk about him over on The Flash, like he's some kind of POS masquerading as a hero, and that Barry's 10 times the person Oliver is irritates me. Last time I checked, as much dumb shit as Oliver's done, he hasn't nearly erased existence by being a dumbass. IN YOUR FACE, ALLEN.
  2. I don't think it's just related to Laurel though-they're always doing ridiculous shit with that zip line. This is just the most recent example, and one of the more obvious ones. #ziplineintothemoon4eva
  3. By this point, Oliver should be thinking, "Okay, what was I dealing with on the island 5 years ago? Because that's the shit I'm in for this year." AND THEN PREPARE HIMSELF.
  4. Apparently Star City citizens remain stupid because he looks exactly the same. No wonder the place is going to pot.
  5. The arrow into the moon was my favorite. This might be my second fave.
  6. I love that she jumps before Oliver even shot his arrow and yet somehow still manages to latch onto it, haha.
  7. I could not care less about the city's name change. It's a painless canon shout out. I wish all of them could be that easy.
  8. She hasn't signed the company away to a psycho, which puts her head and shoulders above Oliver as far as running it goes.
  9. Hopefully they're not dumb enough to go out fighting with someone who's still LP crazy, but this is Arrow we're talking about.
  10. Unless they put a light up floor in PT, she's in the lair when she's watching that video of Ray.
  11. I hope Sara had a spare outfit lying around, otherwise it must be rank.
  12. I don't get it either, but I'll take it!
  13. Already love Curtis with the, "jaw's not right." And since Sara's out fighting with the others, it seems like Constantine's probably fixing her right up, and we've definitely got the Sara Lance seal of approval coming for Laurel. I wonder why Oliver appears nekkid in that kiss while Felicity's dressed? Gimme! The new lair looks badass. WTF is happening to Ray that could possibly be Felicity's fault? Ugh. It books like he ate bad sushi and is suffering the aftermath. I want Nyssa to slit Malcolm's throat. Badly.
  14. She's always generally pissy with Oliver, so I just figured everything was normal there between the two of them.
  15. I need a death speculation free zone, where I can discuss the show as if that last minute hadn't happened, because we're only four days in to a potential 6-month wait (hopefully less), and I'm already over it. Is there such a place? It seems like heaven.
  16. My viewing of The Flash is intermittent, and any death on Arrow wouldn't change that. Barry continuing to be a moron while having everyone around him coddle him would, though. We'll see how that goes. I'm not interested in watching LoT, but I'll probably check out the pilot and see if it grabs me. If it does grab me, I'd watch no matter who bites it on Arrow. I wouldn't watch Arrow without Felicity, because I tried and I thought it was...well, boring. I did give it another chance because I knew Felicity was being brought into the fold (thank you, Tumblr and Arrow-watching friends!). I wouldn't continue not only just because of Felicity being gone, but because I'm really tired of life shitting all over Oliver, and I'm ready for him to stop losing people he cares about. The show doesn't have to be The Flash in tone, but I do need the misery porn to stop where Oliver is concerned, and killing off yet another girlfriend would signal that we're still going down that path, and no thank you.
  17. I get that, and I'm not trying to talk you out of your feelings at all. I just think that the case can be made for pretty much anything if you try hard enough to make it, and in the end you might just be making yourself miserable for nothing. I mean, yes, Laurel asked Oliver to come back, but he didn't go, and more importantly didn't stay until it was Felicity who wanted him to. Yes, they're establishing BC as capable and the female superhero, but that was always going to happen. Laurel needs something to do. And we don't even know what this scene is that they have in ep 5, so it's difficult to speculate at all. For all we know the "opposite" of the hallway scene is just one where they manage to have a nice conversation for once. Or they're reconciling their friendship (which seems far off, since Laurel still acted pretty pissy with him IMO, even when she was asking for his help). I get worrying about it, but you could be worrying about something that a) won't ever happen, or b) will still surprise you when it does.
  18. No offense, but you really, really do. I think you (the collective you, not you, you) can find seeds of pretty much anything in anything if you look hard enough, and I think a lot of your examples are a pretty big stretch. I get wanting to be prepared and all, but O/F are together and pretty great together, like...don't you just want to enjoy that a little?
  19. I never thought he was being serious. I thought he offered because he was her boyfriend and it seemed like the right thing to do, but that he knew she'd tell him no.
  20. I think he's running for mayor as a nod to the comics, to cement his newfound, voluntary fight for Starling City, and because Oliver needs a damn day job. He's 30 years old. It's sad. Team Arrow could use Laurel's connection to the DA's office regardless, the writers just choose not to have them use it most of the time, for reasons I don't understand.
  21. I don't think there's anything wrong with Oliver and Felicity living there, since Thea lived there herself for close to a month (or more, since we don't know when she moved in with Laurel) after Ra's stabbed her. Maybe we'll find out that she moved in with Laurel not because she was necessarily bothered by living in that apartment, but because she decided she didn't like living alone, or she liked going home with someone to decompress after a night out fighting bad guys. Maybe Laurel asked her to stay, who knows. It won't bother me personally if they never explain it.
  22. There are two reasons I find it difficult to believe they'd kill off Felicity: 1 - she's so popular, and 2 - they just got Oliver to Green Arrow territory, and they're going to kill off the woman he wanted to marry? I just don't see it. Guess we'll know in 6 months (or sooner, please sooner).
  23. Wasn't Derek killed off because Patrick Dempsey pissed off Shonda Rhimes? She took a calculated risk as the best case scenario, and so far it seems to be working out okay. Not sure if anyone on the Arrow cast is having a personal issue/contract issue that warrants an offing. I think the Grey's issue is helped a little because Meredith and Derek were coming off a pretty rocky patch where he nearly cheated on her, and there are other ships on the show for people who watch for shipping purposes. It seems like one of the reasons they're killing this person off is to undo the LP effect, and to establish that death is an actual permanent thing again. Seems like the type of thing you'd establish with a more secondary character. I'm not bothered by it because I feel like my faves are safe (and will be really upset if I'm wrong), but screw these writers for hanging this over MONTHS of show that would've been immensely more enjoyable if I wasn't wondering who was getting ready to fucking die.
  24. It's impossible to say what would happen with viewership, but killing Felicity would be a huge risk, and I don't think TPTB would be willing to take it. Felicity/Olicity is a huge traffic driver to entertainment sites, MG and co use them for promo, she crosses over to other shows (The Flash and Vixen). And online fandom is a small percentage of general viewership, so surely there are large numbers of Felicity fans who never comment on a website. Would it end the show? Probably not. I can't say what the hit would be, but I highly doubt the money men would risk finding out. I really don't think a main character is getting it.
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