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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Maybe with Stephen planning on leaving she decided to take on some other work - seems like she has an announcement coming about her Reborning play soon - maybe that's it.
  2. That's unfortunate. I hope no one's @-ing her like assholes (that also goes for the people who are undoubtedly gleeful at this news). I hope she comes back for an episode or two, although TPTB have definitely taken the story in a direction where she doesn't need to be there next season. I'm really curious to find out what exactly they're going to tell the team is the reason for her leaving town - it's still lulzy to me that it doesn't seem to be suspicious to Dinah or Rene. But then again, they are idiots...so.
  3. Yeah, I hope they've gotten her to agree to be in Crisis and/or the finale so my hopes of Oliver's fate changing by the end isn't gone. This makes me wonder if Stephen is going to be in all of the episodes, or if he's going to be offscreen in hiding with Felicity for most of the season?
  4. Laurel’s still dead, my guy. The woman who stole Laurel’s life is not her daughter - Dinah Lance sucks but I’m glad she’s been spared from the plot stupids that made Quentin a stalker.
  5. I don't really eat much meat anymore, so I would have a high number. But of the non-meat options the only ones I wouldn't eat are: Celery and cucumber - my two most hated foods Avocado - I'm allergic
  6. I'm not saying he isn't going to be in an episode, but his beard looks the same in that pic as it does in this one where he's definitely filming for Chicago Med: So do I think it means they aged him up and he's going to be in flash forwards? No.
  7. His beard looks about the same to me as it does in his other pictures on Instagram. I think either the lighting is making it lighter or he messed with the color levels.
  8. I would be really surprised if it isn't revealed that Dante is playing her, and she only *thinks* she's head of the Ninth Circle.
  9. I don't know if Stephen saying he was committed to season 8 means anything. I guess we'd have to know what he committed to before they decided to end the show - he could've left at the end of this season and negotiated a couple of appearances next season and the BI would still work. They've definitely written the story like they weren't planning on him being around that much, and we'd have to know if the decision to end the show after 10 episodes had something to do with how much Stephen was willing to return (provided he's even in all 10 episodes), or if it was because of how they've decided to end the show (hopefully somewhat happy after he survives Crisis and changes the future!). I guess we'll know soon enough if another show's ending is announced, or if Ausiello confirms one way or another.
  10. Yeah, given how they've set up the future/storyline past Mia's birth, it seems to be about him. I wonder if he would've come on to guest star on Crisis to be killed off/go missing, or if they were just going to have him missing and that's that? I'm guessing the plans have since changed (and am hoping for a happy/happier ending now), but I'd love to know what the original plans were. ETA: It's weird that he didn't outright say it was Steve because that news is already out. It'll be interesting to see if it winds up being about someone else.
  11. Uh, what? Of course we see that she only has good intentions for Archer and evil people will start using tech like this for their own nefarious purposes that it wasn’t initially intended for. Even though her motives were good, it seems like she does blame herself for whatever happened with the program - she even said last episode that it was “on me.”
  12. Yeah, Moira knew the value in paying people to shut up/go away. Telling Robert to cut them off? No way.
  13. I think she thinks she's the leader. I'm guessing we're gonna get some kind of reveal that Dante's been playing her and she's not actually in charge, betrayal betrayal, second guessing her evilness, a 15 minute reckoning with her life, her choices, then she goes to Oliver to...I don't even know what. It seems like the Ninth Circle or an offshoot of it is operating in the future so it doesn't seem like Oliver defeats them (unless there's some kind of trick, and the future has been a simulation or some other stupid thing that I will - at this point - gladly accept despite its idiocy).
  14. If she hates Robert so much and had a hand in his death, WHY does she hang out at his grave so often? Girl, see a therapist.
  15. She's big into self-preservation so I totally believe she's going to backslide for maybe 15 minutes? Then Sara, Dinah and Felicity will pep talk her with some "this isn't you!" Even though...well, she's been more evil than not and Sara will of course be talking about a completely different person, but then she'll (again) see the error of her ways and will have of course slipped up publicly to the point where she can't stay in Star City and will fuck off after learning her lesson and promising her friends and not!sister that she will be a very good girl in some other city/on some other earth!
  16. I'm sad that our first female big bad sucks, and that because she's a Queen we're going to have to deal with eons of Oliver being an idiot about it. That's all I can muster up the will to say about it.
  17. I hate Emiko, but god does she keep doing great stuff. Ugh, Beth - stop
  18. I can't stand Emiko so much that I have no idea what this gas was even for
  19. Multiple black-clad dudes make me hopeful that Emiko and Dante's third wheel isn't dear ol Diaz.
  21. Yeah, she cannot be much younger than Oliver - if she actually IS younger.
  22. Robert is awful and yet I'm glad he's being shitty to Emiko because she is also awful? I don't like this
  23. I've been a good girl for six whole months, why won't anyone believe me!!!!!!!
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