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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I thought Dinah's life-changing news would be that she couldn't use her squeaker anymore, but after watching the Inside: is it possible she gets fired from the SCPD? Or both maybe?
  2. Yeah, I agree. I don't think this really means anything unfortunately, and it does seem random considering the last we heard of Bronze Tiger was EIGHT episodes ago.
  3. They look like they're having a ton of fun. Candice looks like she's glowing - I like her outfit.
  4. And this scenario would make them not keeping in touch with William even weirder. He's the publicly acknowledged biological son of Oliver Queen - the only one anyone would know about if they keep Mia a secret - to know that he could be targeted by these people and just leave him out there on his own would be awful. Unless, I guess they ruled him an unworthy successor for some reason. Maybe he's very generous with his money to humanitarian causes or something.
  5. Maybe - but she isn't a Canary? I guess if Dinah's screamer doesn't work they could always anoint Laurel as one in episode 17. The Black Black Canary the second?
  6. I'm guessing we're going to get a surprise evil turn since there hasn't been any indication whatsoever Laurel's not being honest about wanting to be better. And there have been some clues that could easily be dismissed as other things - her typing away on her phone at Oliver & Felicity's, her sudden reluctance to kill Diaz - who I'm betting is not dead and was initiated into the 9th circle by being burned to a crispy critter. Maybe Laurel's working with Dante and the whole thing with Oliver is a set-up to lead him into a trap? Although how they could redeem her before an exit (if she does exit) the very next episode...IDK. So it's probably not that.
  7. C'mon, his comment about almost liking Laurel was leading up to this triumphant moment!
  8. Felicity's really cute in her lil SCPD training tee, but I hope at the end she takes Oliver aside and is like..."Honey this is very dumb, let's do this on our own again," and it magically works out even though nothing in the previous episodes has suggested it will!
  9. I think he might’ve mentioned her because they’re friends. He used to tweet to her often back in the day.
  10. That cut looks great on her and her makeup does too.
  11. I figured they'd go another week after, but who knows.
  12. Even if they kept it at 9 Arrow would still have its own series finale.
  13. When Sara stops by for the BoP episode I need her to be like, "Guys, the future is a real shitshow. Here's where it goes wrong." AND BOOM. THEY FIX IT.
  14. Please, I'm begging. Will literally beg for anything nicer than the absolute garbage fire of a future we've been shown. I want Oliver to know his daughter. Pls. Pls pls.
  15. A shortened season ending with Oliver (hopefully still as Arrow) is the best decision IMO. I'm glad they weren't dumb about this one thing.
  16. It depends on when they decide to air it. The 10th episode always airs in January so I guess maybe they'll just go one ep further in December and that'll be it? To tie up the loose ends after he hopefully doesn't bite it in the crossover.
  17. Finally, I will be released from my prison, Tatsu! I hope it ends well. That end coming so soon after COIE doesn't give me good feelings. Prove me wrong please, show.
  18. I just rewatched and I remembered that William had that hozen with tech in it which makes it even more stupid that he never heard from Oliver or Felicity again!
  19. With daylight saving time this weekend, another 2-week break and a time change on the horizon, things can only get better!
  20. Unearned emotional depth, but I guess we don’t care about that anymore, LOL.
  21. I very much want him to quit but I don't see how he can quit and continue Green Arrowing without getting arrested at this point.
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