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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I agree. I probably wouldn't watch a show set in that dumpster fire future (especially if something tragic ultimately winds up happening to Oliver and/or Felicity), so selfishly I'd rather them just fix what they've done than set a whole show in it.
  2. They very well may be developing a spin-off for Mia, but I wouldn’t take that site’s word as proof. Pretty sure they mostly peddle unsubstantiated clickbait.
  3. Seriously, HOW was someone able to put flammable liquid IN THE SPRINKLER LINE without anyone noticing? Ugh.
  4. Also can I just say that the walled-off utopia that is The Glades is even more lulzy when viewed from afar?
  5. Since we're getting to see Mia's birth in the next episode, I'm guessing that unless the timeline somehow changes it isn't happening next season and will happen sometime over the summer? Then - unless the timeline somehow changes, Felicity's just off with a baby in a cabin in the woods and no one remembers that chunk of time she wasn't around? Or maybe they're just showing the timeline as it is now and when COIE rolls around they reset the future and Mia is born soon after and we see that the future has been changed?
  6. I really hope the show undoes this bleak-as-shit future sooner rather than later. Seeing the happy present juxtaposed with the dumpster fire future is too much. It would be nice to be able to enjoy these scenes without that huge-ass cloud hanging over them. I'm glad Oliver at least gets to be there for Mia's birth - it would be nice if Sara could pop in and let them know where everything went wrong so they could avoid everything bad that happened after. I still don't get how Dinah didn't know about Mia or remember a stretch of time where Felicity fucking disappeared off the face of the earth, LOL.
  7. Still waiting for Diaz's crispy ass to show up somewhere, BUT Oliver and Felicity were cute, and the cop storyline is as done as it can be, I WEEP.
  8. Laurel's one to call someone out for pretending to be someone they're not, LMAO
  9. After Stan got to her, Dinah has the right to remain silent too
  10. This should make me feel bad for her but I'm just like...kay, time to ditch town then!!!
  11. She probably initiated him into the Dante's lil group!
  12. I see Emiko got those idiot Queen genes.
  13. Being a vigilante doesn't pay and her lil scream thinger isn't working anymore. :*(
  14. I mean he just said your name, guy - so yes, he does know who you are!
  15. You should lose your job because you suck at it!
  16. Usually that takes a few episodes. At least. 😭
  17. You think she'd check to make sure that works after getting slashed in the throat, huh? Lucky for us she's an idiot.
  18. Dinah's sad lil robot battery dying scream. LOL
  19. How are these people not hearing them? LOL
  20. Set it on fire like Diaz in a prison cell. Immediately.
  21. E-1 Laurel's shoes are about a size too big for her impostor's feet.
  22. That's a fast throat slashing recovery. I wouldn't mind another couple of weeks.
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