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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I guess I just don't see how not posting pics and such helps anything? Just from other people's social media, we know SA was at EBR's place for pregaming. People who are gross enough to @ reply his wife about are going to @ reply her about that stuff whether there's pictures or not, and if not posting pics and such is an active choice that would almost make it worse for me if rumors and such *were* an issue. That's why I'm firmly of the belief that everyone should just ignore that stuff. I know it's gotta be difficult, but it comes with the territory, and will as long as he's a romantic lead. I mean, there was even gossip about him being the father of Megan Fox's baby. Trying to wade through all that BS would be so exhausting.
  2. I don't think they act differently around each other, but if* they're super careful not to be pictured together or don't post pics with each other in order to stop rumors, then it's probably having the opposite effect than they intended. *I have no idea what's going on or if it's even intentional - just commenting on the spec. And by acting differently with each other - I meant in terms of posting on social media and/or taking pictures together, not how they treat each other on a day-to-day basis.
  3. Ugh, what's wrong with people? If they're not taking pics together to avoid rumors, behaving differently with each other than they do with their other cast members probably doesn't do much to stop those, haha.
  4. Whichever con she's talking about can't be that bottom-of-the-barrel, since she's implying that SA will be there, too. Maybe they were invited to one of the HVFFs?
  5. I just hope that SA and RA really deliver and make it $25k worth of fun. Not sure how that's possible, but my fingers are crossed for that person. Still think that particular perk is...ill advised.
  6. Godspeed their livers. From the looks of it they're already working overtime, bless.
  7. I can't remember his exact wording, but yeah. I wasn't sure if that meant she needed someone to rein her in (since I think she's supposed to be a recently escaped cult member) and doesn't start out heroic but becomes heroic, or if she's operating for the other side or somewhere in the middle.
  8. I don't really care about a new BC one way or another character-wise. My only disappoint is - assuming she works with Team Arrow, and is around with any kind of regularity - that it would be even more crowded than before. Curtis is in on things and seems to be around quite a bit now (I suppose I'll wait and see how BTS presence translates to on-screen presence before I judge), and yet another character just exacerbates the issue the show was already having with too many people running around and not enough for everyone to do.
  9. Maybe it's next ep's faux Canary returning? And she decides to go by some other name? Possibly?
  10. I wonder what she'll go by? Since Laurel's headstone says Black Canary. Or maybe they took that off? Will she go by Black Canary 2: Blacker Canary?
  11. It's not any different from any of the other finales, really. Oliver gets help to a certain point, then takes out the big bad on his own. In S2 Felicity got Slade depowered, then Oliver took care of him. Last year, Digg, Thea, Laurel and Ray took out the randos with the virus, Oliver beat Ra's, and then Felicity saved him from dying. I think Oliver's always gonna have a 1-on-1 with the big bad.
  12. Oh yeah, I don't like that. I especially hate "Lissy." I don't mind a drugged on pain meds or sleepy "'city" though.
  13. It's tough to tell. She puts the #Arrow hashtag in the middle of some of her tweets instead of the end, so I think he just speechifies as Oliver and people yell, "We will survive this."
  14. Yeah, I don't like this either - and I've actually written her that way (it was from before we knew her). Sometimes I wish I could go back and change it, haha. I don't really have TOO many fic peeves, and they're general rather than Arrow specific. I don't like use of the word "orbs." And I don't like it when writers use descriptors instead of character names. Like, Oliver will be talking to Diggle, and instead of just using his name they'll write something like, "Oliver looked over at the taller man." JUST USE HIS NAME. I don't like it when people get TOO descriptive in sex scenes. Not in a prudish way, but...I don't want to read about anything dripping or anything like that.
  15. Oh, true. I just chalked that up to probably not remembering because the continuity on these shows is shit, and he doesn't seem to like Oliver that much anyway.
  16. He's not even making it up, he's just singling her out and praising her for what pretty much every other "hero" on this show has done. Went through terrible, unspeakable shit, suited up anyway, haha.
  17. I love that she's a true hero not because of anything she actually did, but because of how long she was around. Arrow folks stay not giving a damn about her til the bitter end.
  18. There wouldn't be anything wrong with this if your theories involved actual spoilers. Since they don't, it should go elsewhere. I don't think anyone was trying to keep you from theorizing, just trying to get you to move it to the right thread.
  19. And maybe they have to stay over night and cuddle for warmth.
  20. We're gonna get the angry baby for fan talk. AGAIN. C'mon guys.
  21. I don't know why, but the "Thankfully she is still alive" and the way he said it is so funny to me.
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