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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. He probably put all of his energy/words into formulating the shipping paragraph.
  2. Wasn't he the one who wrote something about everyone losing everything in S5 and S5 is the journey of getting it back again? I guess maybe he's saying that TPTB intended for S4 to be awful, because S5 is about making things not awful again. Or something.
  3. "Frozen in amber" is such a stupid line. Is this Jurassic Park? Are we talking about dino DNA?
  4. IIRC, Chris Hayner had some kind of Ghost!Felicity theory when they did that scene with O/F in the limo last season-he thought Felicity was in the grave and Oliver was hallucinating her. He's mentioned it a few times since then-I think this is probably a joke and not an actual hint/spoiler, but who knows.
  5. After reading going on half a million words of this fic, this is the chapter that made me wish I'd stopped, haha.
  6. Crack theories are welcome forever and always IMO
  7. Throw that CB.com tweet directly in the trash. Gross.
  8. As long as the people making money off the show are calling the shots, we'd probably wind up with pretty much the same show regardless of who was running it. Maybe better-executed useless drama, but useless drama just the same.
  9. My point was more that "game-changing twists" like HTGAWM delivers are more palatable when they're done 11 times per season compared to 22. And I'm aware that this is your opinion. Just chiming in on the discussion which as far as I know is allowed here.
  10. "I hate her and this episode didn't make me not hate her."
  11. If I take a sec to think about what the people who hate her hate about her, he's either talking about Felicity arguing with Oliver (which we know happens based on earlier spoilers) or her crying. Or both, LOL.
  12. I forgot she was locked up on Earth 1. Given she still is and Flashpoint hasn't changed that/she hasn't escaped/they don't let her out for some invented need of her poo scream, then I'm referring to any other Earth where she's alive and Oliver's dead. The "or wherever" part of my comment.
  13. For cheese purposes, ep 100 needs to take place on an Earth where Oliver is dead and Laurel is alive, be it Earth 2 or wherever. For max cheese purposes, it would be an Earth where Laurel's alter ego isn't a baddie-and where she reiterates her dying words to Oliver.
  14. HTGAWM is better with the game-changers and plot twists because those are what moves the show almost every week-and IMO some of the twists are fairly ridiculous. It's designed to be a shocker from episode to episode and Arrow really isn't. It also has half the episodes to fill, so I'm not really sure it's fair to compare the two.
  15. He only said that those were fake scenes, not that Oliver wasn't getting a love interest. So there isn't a reason NOT to believe him, because he didn't deny the thing that people were actually worrying about, haha.
  16. His, Greg Berlanti's, the writer's room, etc.
  17. No, you're right. I don't really understand why anyone would want him to regress personally. Treating women they way old Oliver did makes him a piece of shit-mask or not, and now that he's obviously gotten past that, not sure why he'd go back.
  18. The OP didn't write happy IN a relationship with her, but he was happy to be in one and still screw around on the side-so, that isn't incorrect, haha. But the OP seems to want post-island Oliver to go back to being like pre-island Oliver, and no thanks! Being able to be monogamous is actual character growth for this dude.
  19. I'm pretty sure those are casting sides. And if that's the Queen mansion, I guess it survived thanks to FP? Or they forgot it burned down in the 2.5 comics?
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