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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Three eps in, I'm beginning to think that's just her look. She doesn't really seem to be very selective about who she directs it at.
  2. He was probably taken aback by the way she was looking at him, haha.
  3. Anyone think there's anything to Anatoly telling Oliver there was something he wanted Oliver to take care of back in Star City last ep? I had a fleeting thought that maybe he'd gotten wind of a reporter snooping around in Bratva stuff and that had something to do with it, but that would make the sex that followed even more ICK, and the very last thing you'd want to do if you knew a reporter was investigating Bratva connections is show her your freaking Captain's tattoo. But this is Arrow and Oliver, so IDK. It was probably just a throwaway line so LOL @ me trying to make sense of things.
  4. I don't think it's a misdirect. If it is, then Carly Pope's even worse at promoting herself than Chico is at promoting Arrow. I can't imagine that many people are showing positive curiosity about her storyline, so if there were more to that shot then I'd think she'd say something like, "Keep watching!" to keep the suspense going instead of completely dismissing the notion.
  5. He has to rest up for all the havoc he's gonna be wreaking in May.
  6. Maybe Susan is Anatoly's long-lost kid or something and that's how she knew about the Bratva! /crack
  7. I don't want to keep making myself angry when I haven't seen the episode, but why are they making a big deal about Rene purchasing guns illegally for his vigilante work? WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU USE A GUN THAT COULD BE TRACED BACK TO YOU WHEN YOU ARE DOING ILLEGAL VIGILANTE STUFF.
  8. Didn't Dinah shoot that Sonus dude to death just a couple of weeks ago? Like if you have an issue with guns, you should have an issue with all the weapons they use to fight crime.
  10. That clip made me not want this Very Special Episode even more than I didn't want it before.
  11. Plus, the order in which they did it suggested that Susan slept with him to see if he had a Bratva tattoo (since she knew what the significance of it was, and it seemed as if she had suspicions that Oliver was in the Bratva - or at least was aware of it - since the PI was specifically looking into the guys with Oliver in the picture and it seemed like the two of them had a convo about it beforehand). Then there was the whole post-coital interview. Couldn't they have just given him a female Billy? A Billie? Instead of this sneaky-ass woman who makes him look stupid. He doesn't need help in that department, show!
  12. Yeah - the only potential story is in her screwing him over. If she doesn't there's no lesson in him not trusting randos because he's been doing that so far and it's mostly turned out in his favor so far. There's no lesson in not trusting people in the media getting close to him, because that will have worked out for him too. I guess maybe the only point is that her snooping inadvertently sets people off against him, but the intent to expose him was still there...and anything other than breaking up with her immediately also makes him a moron. Susie's not a regular so there isn't any point in redeeming her unless they want Oliver to keep dating her for the rest of the season, which still makes him look stupid because even if she doesn't ultimately expose him the foundation of that "relationship" was based on her snooping around behind his back so...if he stays with her he still looks dumb? Arrow: THERE IS NO POINT TO THIS
  13. What SA doesn't understand is that Susie ultimately deciding not to screw Oliver over doesn't mean he was right to trust her, it just means she's going against her demonstrated character because she likes him. Ugh.
  14. Especially since if Shady Susie winds up not screwing him over it's by sheer dumb luck and not any insight Oliver has into her as a person. Yikes.
  15. I was trying to figure that out. I think this is her worst salad yet.
  16. If she does come back, I figured it'd be to close out the flashbacks and have Oliver creeping on her when he gets back to Starling or something like that.
  17. I know Rene has said something along the lines of the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun, but IDK...he's never shown any hesitance to shoot/shoot at someone (in fact he's pretty reckless about it) and hasn't ever shown any indication that he thinks he should be more discerning about where he's aiming. I know this is Arrow so lol @ reasoning but COME ON.
  18. So, are Diggle and Rene just gonna stop using guns in the field after? If not, then it's pretty much a waste of time. And I'm wary of how they'll tie Rene's backstory into a Very Special Episode of Arrow about guns given he's pretty much Quick Draw McGraw at this point. If he or someone he loves was the victim of gun violence, wtf is he doing shooting at people at every turn? Maybe I'm wrong, but this doesn't give me good feels.
  19. It's almost like Diggle and Felicity haven't been calling him out for going on 5 years now.
  20. The only place I've ever seen it mentioned was in the comment section of the last AV Club review.
  21. It seems like if you're dissatisfied with the show and unhappy with Emily/Felicity's role in it, that you're more likely to believe that Emily is dissatisfied with the show and her/Felicity's role in it. ETA: I suppose the same could be said otherwise (if you're satisfied with the show you'd be more likely to think that Emily is too), but it seems like a majority of the commenters here are dissatisfied with the show, but not all of them believe that she's unhappy. Maybe she is, maybe she isn't - we won't ever know for sure.
  22. I'd love for there to be a lesson for Oliver in this, but I think SA pretty much gave up the plot line early in in pre-defense of what he probably knew would make Oliver look like a moron - that she's just a reporter investigating an interesting story and isn't a bad person (and Oliver isn't wrong for trusting her, because she isn't ultimately going to betray him). Which makes her introduction all the more baffling, but this is Arrow, so plot (her being "shady") took precedence over character (Oliver not being a moron).
  23. I don't know how she feels about her job, but I hope she's not as eager for her unemployment as some of her fans seem to be. I get that she might be disappointed that some things didn't pan out the way she'd hoped or that some plans changed, but that isn't going to be any different on another show.
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