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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I think maybe that's playing into the fear that Chase planted when he tried to make Oliver believe that everyone who gets close to him suffers because of it. So really, his level of care for Susan isn't a factor so much as the fact that she got involved with Oliver/Green Arrow, and is now going to pay the price for that. It's reinforcing an idea that we've already seen Oliver struggle with. I've been trying to figure out how this betrayal is going to come in. When Susan told Oliver that she was going to keep his Green secret because she believed that he (Green Arrow, or Oliver as mayor, or both - I can't remember how she phrased it) was good for the city, I thought it was weird that this came off of the admission that Green Arrow had murdered a cop. Did I miss something where she had any kind of reaction to this at all? It seems weird that she'd be so eager to get back together with a guy who readily admitted he killed a good cop without asking for any of the story behind it. So, maybe that's how Chase gets to her? Maybe he spins a tale about Billy's murder that has her questioning whether he's good or not, and that's where the "betrayal" comes in? Because she starts to feel like he isn't as good as she thought/he led her to believe?
  2. Oh, he definitely knows about Felicity. He knows she's on his team, and would have to know about Oliver and Felicity's relationship last season since it was so public. And he knows that Oliver will willingly let him go in order to protect Felicity (in 5x10). I suppose his goal could be to hurt Oliver by hurting Felicity, but even if Chase lured her with Pandora and all that - throughout Felicity has been doing these things on her own. Chase (if he has anything to do with Helix) just put out the breadcrumbs - she's the one who followed them, so it's not like she's a passive participant in a game of Oliver's man pain.
  3. I think this could be it - that they leverage him to get Felicity to do what they want. That would make Wendy's quote about Felicity having a better understanding of Oliver more literal, since she'd be willing to do questionable stuff to keep him a secret. That crayon-loving simpleton is such an inspiration!
  4. Maybe he learned a lesson and he tries to make sure that Chase doesn't know he has a kid/where said kid is.
  5. Why would he want to save Oliver? Can't get willingness to do whatever it takes to get Susan be driven by a desire to get at/get close to Prometheus, and not a desire to do whatever it takes to save Oliver's girlfriend for him?
  6. Do you think Felicity would need to be asked to help find Susan? Wouldn't she do it because it's the right thing to do?
  7. It's a couple pages back in the thread. I don't think Adrian even needs to consciously make Oliver choose - just to set up one scenario that puts Felicity in an urgent precarious position with Helix (since I'm assuming he had a part in getting Pandora in her hands), and another that does the same for Susie. Prometheus already knows Oliver's likely to choose Felicity (he "Felicity or me"-ed him back in 10, and Oliver gave up the chance to fight him to go to her) - all he has to do is make sure that Susie knows that when faced with a choice, he didn't choose her. I don't love the triangle-ness of it all, but I think Chase seems like the sick type who'd want her to *see* something like that with her own eyes - it'd make her easier to turn. Other options include something to do with Russia or...IDK. She's dating a dude who's in the Russian mob and murders people - it's difficult to figure out what would be a turn off, haha.
  8. I don't think he's actually going to betray her - she's just going to think that he did. And I'm guessing if she gets turned against him then that relationship is dead in the water, and either he won't want to have anything to do with her because she's too far gone, or because he realizes that if she really cared about him she wouldn't have turned against him in the first place. I'm guessing that since WM indicated that she was taken specifically because she's a reporter, that the threat of her exposing Oliver's past deeds looms pretty large till the end of the season.
  9. This guy! He works for Breaking News 7, Star City's lower-rated news station. But a scoop is a scoop!
  10. I think Newslady Whatsherface at Channel 52 is the only other newsperson around, and her journalistic standards are too high. Unless maybe Star City has a Perd Hapley hiding somewhere?
  11. Thank you! I clicked on "The Secrets of Prometheus Revealed."
  12. I think it's in the Vigilante scene when she gets out of the car and he says "Good man," and she replies "Good woman."
  13. I actually didn't see anything about Susan feeling betrayed in the Den of Geek interview. Maybe I clicked on the wrong one?
  14. No, I like him too. I'm stanning him now after that "I'm ten steps ahead of you, and you don't even know what game we're playing yet." Perfect insult delivered perfectly to the moron it was intended to confuse.
  15. I think this bit from Wendy is funny: Based on the next promo it seems like barely half an episode? LOL
  16. I will never understand why they set that "relationship" up the way they did. It made her look slimy, unethical and gross, and made him look like a naive fool. For absolutely no reason at all.
  17. Oh man. And I thought one was too much. If they try to stretch Susie's kidnapping for multiple eps? Just...lol.
  18. Or maybe she will and she'll be around making Oliver's idiotic life miserable.
  19. Wouldn't she know that his operation is bigger than him by the fact that someone associated with him hacked her computer? I guess having Felicity still around could be used to work Susan up a bit since she seems super possessive, but I'm not sure how Adrian could prove that Oliver isn't over her given the way he's been acting lately, haha.
  20. I just don't see why *who* did it would matter to her since she knows that Oliver made them undo it?
  21. He may have initially denied it when he really didn't know, but she gave him credit for reaching out to who did it and making it right last night.
  22. LOL I don't really think it's a likely option, it was just the only thing I could come up with. Anything to do with Russia seems like kind of a stretch (but possible, given the anvils!) because the betrayal action would've had to have happened in the past (unless he did something we didn't see in Russia in 12), when he didn't even know Susan. And she knows he was in the Bratva, so...if there was something personal in her past that could've been tied to them it seems like she would've been more hesitant to date a dude who was IN the Bratva? It seems like to me the easiest way to convince her of him betraying her is to see him doing it while she's in a desperate position (and it's super sick) - and that Helix plot point is in the next ep description, so I put 1+1 together and came up with what's probably 4, haha.
  23. Anyone have any ideas about how Chase could possibly make Susan feel like Oliver betrayed her? The only thing I can think of is (provided Helix is a Prometheus plant) that the favor they ask Felicity to do next ep winds up getting her into some kind of trouble, and Oliver's forced between saving Susan and saving Felicity - and he winds up saving Felicity and Chase makes Susan watch it or something. I'm trying to figure out scenarios that involve Russia or that whole thing coming around, and I'm coming up with a blank.
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