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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. An evil mayor with a giant dragon tattoo on his neck would be so Star City.
  2. He'd probably criticize anything about anyone if he wanted their alter ego badly enough at this point.
  3. What an awful take. Can the whole "strong female character" conversation die? No one's ever talking about "strong male characters." Someone being a sucky person doesn't have anything to do with "strength" - no matter how she's measuring it, being physical and/or mental. ETA: If she wants Shethority to ever do anything at all, she should probably ditch this garbage opinion.
  4. I've been wondering how the trial is going to work out - after the end of last episode, I'm guessing Oliver's trial is about the obstruction of justice? Then...does he get tried again on the other charges in a later episode or will they somehow combine the two together? Could they manage to get all the charges dropped based on the DA being in Diaz's pocket? If so, then him coming out as the Green Arrow wouldn't make much sense because couldn't he then be charged for crimes as the Green Arrow AGAIN (unless I guess something happens where he becomes a hero and saves the city and vigilantism and the murder(s - i can't remember) they're charging him with are a-okay)?
  5. Wait, why are people thinking he comes clean in 6x18? The thing that can’t be undone happens at the end of the season per the poster.
  6. Sad thing is that could totally be true and this is all they managed to come up with.
  7. Me too. Any other season I would've been okay with it since he had several moments of jackassery. But this season it just doesn't fit. Hopefully it eases a bit of his heartburn that most people seem to be on his side.
  8. I'd love to be around for that conversation, just to hear the writers' response.
  9. If there's any villain in the history of the show that doesn't need to stick around, it's Diaz's dumb ass. I can't imagine they'd end the season with a total loss, so either he gets defeated or he goes into hiding conveniently until October. As for Oliver being alone, I'm guessing he winds up in jail. And that NTA's ~redemption might come in the form of them saving the day for the city without Oliver while he's on trial/in jail. Hopefully I'm wrong! Because that sounds like total balls.
  10. I think he means everyone minus the person who dies will be back as a cast member in season 7.
  11. I mean the show is circling the drain no doubt but people puffing their chests over ratings for an episode that was preempted are...lol.
  12. This show has Lazarus Pits and doppelgängers and flashbacks and hallucinations. How anyone could possibly watch this show and bank on anything being "truly the last time" - LOL.
  13. It's okay, he's going to go work for ARGUS now, a group whose leadership he's never questioned and that he's never expressed issues with whatsoever!!!!
  14. Late, but I love the insinuation that Black Siren could pass off as Lawyer Laurel just by reading a few books lmao. Such a brilliant legal mind, RIP
  15. Hasn't it just been the last two? When he was berating himself in the lair and then berating himself by the window? He was pretty touchy with her in the scene where they talked about their honeymoon - I think maybe he meant to play it like Oliver not feeling like he deserved comfort. He was the one who went in for their last kiss in the lair, though. Am I forgetting a scene?
  16. I mean Black Siren doesn't have to do it - but I'm positive that vial of Vertigo Diaz gave her had Oliver's name 3-D printed all over it. I'd be really surprised if that's not what has him seeing The Hood and whatever else SA tweeted about while he was filming the episode
  17. It's especially hurtful to watch because Diggle has spent 6 years encouraging Oliver and helping him down the path to becoming a better man. And now that he's done that Diggle's like "Yeah that's great but now you're totally a shit leader." And...he's not? He's done all the right things this season. I don't get it - and I hate it. If they wanted it to get this far all they had to do was have Jean Loring tell Quentin that someone was going to testify against Oliver - have Oliver ASSUME it was one of the newbies and be wrong about it. Instead they had Rene actually flip, Dinah hiding something huge, and Curtis being a hypocrite. Same thing with John! All the bad stuff currently happening that he's blaming Oliver for happened under HIS watch. Like....god these writers are such hacks. I mean, I knew this - but it's always astounding how they mess up things that should be so easy.
  18. Katie, girl...I am so sorry you had to do that.
  19. Since it seems like Laurel's going to hit him with some Vertigo and he'll be tripping balls seeing a bunch of bad stuff, I wonder if that Felicity scene is a hallucination.
  20. Quit being a vigilante so you can have the love life you so desperately crave, Curtis. Everyone's problems solved.
  21. I thought Lyla was taking us to the good place, but we are going to the bad place.
  22. 3-D's feeding him a steady drip of low-dose Vertigo.
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