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Everything posted by Yokosmom

  1. Do we know that it will be a whitewash? They may focus on her neuroses and suicide attempts.
  2. She's in jail forever whether she confesses or not, so why not keep professing innocence. She has nothing to lose. Jeffrey MacDonald syndrome. She almost got away with it--it was "he said she said" until the police got hold of that recording.
  3. I found the Dirty John podcast infuriating too, especially when she took him back. Her mother was just as bad. I admire people who can forgive people who have killed their loved ones, I really do. But there is a difference between forgiveness and testifying on the killer's behalf. He planned the crime--it wasn't a crime of passion. I just felt that she just spat on her daughter's grave. "I forgive him, so no problemo" seemed to be her attitude. Her daughter got no justice at all. Both mother and daughter (Debra) seemed more interested in being good, trusting people than in accepting ugly reality. I'm glad that Terra is getting counseling.
  4. I can't comment too much unfortunately, as I binge watched the first three episodes and I can't remember which scene happened in what episode now. I do agree with the comments on the INCREDIBLY LARGE FONTS FOR THE CITY NAMES. Burnt retinas, indeed. Holden is just so naive for an FBI agent, especially one who has had at least some field experience. I'm hoping that he gradually smartens up a bit, at least in his ability to read a room. He IS a smart guy, or he wouldn't even be interested in the psychology to begin with, but definitely is lacking people smarts. Maybe that will come with time... I almost didn't find this thread--I kept looking for Manhunter in the list instead of Mindhunter.
  5. Was anyone else afraid that, in the midst of all the congratulations on the capture of the suspect, that they'd get a phone call about another elderly woman being murdered? So glad that they didn't go there.
  6. I'm wondering whether they are going to show a certain chilling, real life event that happened between Kemper and the FBI agent. I can't believe that they will leave it out so perhaps will show up in a later episode. I think that Kemper is definitely the smartest man in the room in those interviews, and it shows. Real life comment: I have a friend, who's husband was also around 6 foot 7, was abandoned by his father, had a horrific, abusive mother, and was very bright. And you know what? He somehow avoided murdering anyone or burying decapitated heads in his yard.
  7. I'm assuming that the ADT guy is Dennis Rader, the BTK killer. He looks a little like Rader, is in Wichita Kansas, and, Rader, like the ADT guy, worked for a home security firm at one point.
  8. No, in Darien Lake (upstate New York).
  9. Since I posted my all too brief list this summer, I've seen two more acts: Green Day--music was good, though the venue wasn't so hot. Everyone stood the whole time, I'm 5 feet tall, and I could only get a flashing glance at the stage once in a while. And the monitors were both tiny and old. Paul McCartney--great show. Yes, his voice was creaky on some songs, but by and large, he was able to do a good job on most. He performed for 3 hours straight without a break, in an incredibly hot arena, and covered almost 40 songs. And....the stage scaffolding caught on fire due to the pyrotechnics in Live and Let Die! So, doubly, memorable :) It has taken me 43 years, but I have now seen 3 of the 4 Beatles, (John being the obvious exception). I am so glad that I splurged on the tickets--especially since the news of Tom Petty's passing. No way of telling what will be the last tour for someone.
  10. So, so sad, especially since he said he was slowing down so as to spend more time with his young grandchild. He was one of those artists, that in the back of your mind, you just assume will always be around, producing music, however unrealistic that expectation is in real life. I only saw him in concert once, twenty years ago--he was great.
  11. I'm wondering if it was his choice of fabric that kept him out of the top 3? Very bright and shiny. And maybe it is just me, but I don't think that Liris was all that thrilled by it. I'm not sure I can see someone actually walking around in Kenya's dress, but I do think that it was editorial in it's way. Of course, that wasn't the challenge, but editorial always wins out. I'm a little confused over what the judges were oohing about regarding one aspect of Kentaro's garment--did he just make the legs part of the leggings and tape them to the model's let? On some episodes, that would be considered cheating, but here, they just seemed to think that it was clever. Now that the herd has been thinned out a bit, I'm assuming that Claire and Shawn will both be out over the next few episodes. Totally derivative and no inspiration. Well, ok, so Shawn's sleepwear at least showed something a little different. Can't wait for the drama this week, though I now know better than to trust the editing monkeys regarding cheating or whatever.
  12. Oh, I am looking forward to it. Judging from their behavior on this episode and the last one, they will either tear each other apart with mutual neediness and exasperation, or be giving each other high fives on their awesomeness. Just how much older is Brandon's girlfriend? I thought it was a little odd that he described her that way in his talking head. (Not saying that there is anything wrong with her BEING older, just that it seemed an odd thing to highlight about her.) So we are almost midway through the season and the only designer that I think definitely deserves to be in the finals is Kentaro. I think that Brandon is a lock too., though I was quite disappointed that he made his same old same old this episode after having immunity and getting strong advice from the judges. Not sure who designer number 3 will be. Michael?
  13. Most of them (I think) are not from New York--all they may know is that Brooklyn is supposed to be a hipster type of place. At any rate, I'm assuming that they are all coached to have these over the top, enthusiastic reactions to the challenges--at least I hope so.
  14. Bigotry is not solely an American cultural phenomenon, but how it is expressed in each culture is different. American English is not his first language. He may have unintentionally given offense in the past and was bending over backwards not to do so again. I loved his outfit and agree that he sent one of the only pieces of true fashion down the runway. Much as I love Brandon in the workroom, he is, indeed, turning into a one trick pony. Seriously, is he able to construct a blouse? All of his tops are the same, possibly because he doesn't know how to sew to a woman's shape (and yet, he gave advice to Kentaro on that topic a few episodes ago...) Also, enough with the strings. Furious at the PR editing monkeys for leading us on. I guess that we are going to have to wait for the episode (as shown in earlier previews) where Michael storms off the stage. Very disappointed that there was no epic takedown of the twins. Truly, they are some of the more talentless contestants that have been on the show lately. I would have thrown Clair out over Samantha. Agree with the judges that her own clothes were better than what she sent down the runway, but then again, her own clothing doesn't have to fit any particular challenge parameters. It was being in the bottom two weeks in a row that sent her home. Can't believe that Margarita threw her model under the bus. I'm glad that we saw the model's comments on that little move. I think that Kenya was crippled by her model's desire for green. Green outfits rarely do well on PR so I had fears for her. It was a bizarre outfit, but I do think that the outrageous print helped tone down the overwhelming green. Glad that the judges were (mostly) intrigued and that she didn't get sent home. I'm wondering if they spend all of their camera time auditioning for the next reality tv show down the line. I think that they are viewing PR as an audition for their next gig. If they are really that way off camera in their day to day lives--yikes. ETA Anaya shouldn't have put that voluminous wrap on her model--did she ask for a huge wrap like that? Did she ask to be "modest"?
  15. So apparently, sheer tops that show the boobs are a thing now. Calvin Klein has one in his Fall 2017 collection. Two thousand bucks for a top that can get you arrested in most parts of the country. Did one of the designers copy him, or has this idea been floating around for a while?
  16. We should be so lucky. They'll probably get a stern talking to (no need to say "the cheating has got to stop" if you are tossing them out on their ears anyway). I, for one, am hoping that they DON'T get tossed out, because the meltdowns and angst on the next episode would be epic. I am looking forward to their incredibly expressive faces during the dress down from Tim, too.
  17. Forgot to add that Heidi's remarks to Kenya on the runway were a bit sadistic--poor woman though that she was about to be savaged in the critique.
  18. I didn't hate Brandon's look--I simply don't understand it at all. The judges should have also pointed out that he makes the same cropped top over and over again too. Claire looked like she could cut a bitch on the runway during her critique. One of the highlights of the episode, really. So glad that Kenya bounced back. i used to think that Shawn was the least talented of the twins, but apparently I was mistaken. My question is, why hasn't anyone openly confronted the twins on their behavior in the workroom? A simple request for them to use their "indoor voice" would be a start.
  19. If one of the finalists designed the see-through top where you can not only see the models boobs, but her nips as well, they are going to be slammed by the judges. There have been see-through looks in other seasons, though not quite to this extreme, and Heidi Was Not Pleased.
  20. The look posted above (I've already forgotten whether is is Batani's or Samantha's) is beautiful, but it looks as though her boobs are a hairsbreadth away from falling out. Cut a bit too low...
  21. Agree on the straps--I pictured unnecessary bedtime annoyance trying to get all the straps properly placed. Every woman past the age of 50 or so has to get up in the middle of the night to pee (my unscientific statement, but probably mostly true). I'm glad that she brought it up as a real world consideration. Samantha and Kentaro were adorable. It's nice to see people helping each other in a non-obtrusive way. Note that he didn't yell for her help and that she didn't sew it for him or dash across the workroom. Oh, bringing work back to the apartment would be HUGE. I can see the producers having a hard time with the twins--designers regularly help each other out in the workroom, even sewing on each other's garments if they themselves finish early and someone else needs something hemmed. Where do you draw the line, exactly? I think that the twins are past that line, but I'd hate to see a situation where no designer can help another--those are some of the feel good moments on the show. That said, both twins are so narcissistic that they seem completely unable to read a room. The other designers have been shooting daggers at them with their eyes--I'm surprised that no one has told them to STFU or at least to use indoor voices.
  22. There is circumstantial evidence that he may have returned to the crime scene. It has never been proven.
  23. Agree with all of the above, and yet she did at least make some semi-intelligent comments on several of the outfits, which is more that can be said about some of the adult C level actresses and pop stars that they have had on the past several years. She tried, at least. I suppose that Heidi had to give her that introduction in an attempt to overcome the fact that the guest judge was just 14 years old.
  24. Not a fan of Whitney's, but there is no crime in being single and vacationing with family and friends. It doesn't make you a loser.
  25. I loved Amy and Kenya's outfits and was sad that they weren't in the top 3--I'd place either of them and probably Anaya too over Margarita's dress. It was good of the judges to tell the designers that there were actually many looks with high scores--that way, everyone who tromped back to the workroom could imagine that they were a hairsbreadth away from the top. Not sure what Deyonte was thinking--that mustard color has never gotten a positive reaction on this show (fully expecting someone now to leap back to yesteryear and post a photo proving me wrong). Even if he had a good design, the color would have been a distraction. And the design itself didn't do his model any favors at all. I was wondering if he was going to get the Tim Gunn save if he was aufed. Speaking of distractions, loved all the snarky comments on the twins frantically racing around the workroom. No wonder Brandon was trying to Zen out. Speaking of which, I didn't really get his outfit, but I am rather surprised and Pleased (as one of the twins would say) that he is still here. When I heard that he'd never designed for women outside of a single class, I thought that he was a dead man walking, but he has managed to come up with decent outfits, even though a few weren't my cup of tea. Perhaps being a men's designer is helping him in a way, because his previous experience hasn't been focused on size 0-2 models. He just takes each body shape as he finds them. Interesting to find an introvert on this show--normally casting weeds those folks out. The aufed designer's outfit looked like something that would show up in a parade--too many garish colors. Being inspired by your heritage is great, but adapting it to the competition can be tricky. Yes, it is very sad. Not dissing JC Penney--I shop there myself, but high fashion, it aint' I know that this show stopped being a hot cultural thing years ago, but it apparently still get's decent ratings and has a devoted fanbase--I'm not sure why they can't get anyone above Avon and Penney's anymore. I would think that a smaller, trendy, up and coming type of business would leap on the chance for some publicity.
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