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Everything posted by AppleCake

  1. AppleCake

    S02.E05: Cake

    So, Leann has mother issues- does the mannequin look like her mother? This show needs to pick up the pace. Julian is still the best, though. Does Dorothy’s dress look like one Leann’s mom wore? I need answers.... or.... at least a lead or two.
  2. Ahhhhh ha! Thank you! I hope Sally isn't gone for good. I always liked the actress who plays her- since seeing her on the show Deception.
  3. Was it me, or was Andy very rude to his friend who designed his suit?
  4. I agree with the "invested" part, although I have no idea why. There are a few postings on Chapel's Facebook page (found under Chapel Schmucker) about her health, but nothing recent. In fact, her last post was on June 15. You would think someone from the show would post some sort of update, right? I also found on Facebook that Jeremiah is selling Mary's quilts for $150. It may all be fake, though. Who knows.
  5. Something dawned on me while I was struggling to get through this episode: I wonder if each housewife is paid a bonus if other housewives show up to their planned/hosted events? That's why they get so upset when others don't show (think Yolanda or Kim in RHOBH or Vicki convincing Shannon and David to stay) or go out of their way to accommodate people. If I was hosting Shannon and she wanted to get a hotel room: Bye bye. Also, do you remember back in the Bethenny/Jill days of RHONY, Jill allegedly tried to get people not to film with Bethenny? Why was this so offensive? Maybe because Bethenny wouldn't get paid if people didn't show to things she hosted.
  6. I find that this show is no longer "charming." I mean, you can watch a train wreck marriage/family/friendship, but still find the people somewhat charming. Even the Honey Boo Boo show, while entirely gross and inappropriate, still showcases a loving family. Back in the old days, we might have been wtfing about Jill and whatnot, but she was still sweet with Bobby and it was fun to watch her at fancy lunches and boast about her connections. Between Josh's awful attitude, Aviva's one-note hypochondria, and Carole dialing it in, this last show was like watching puzzle pieces that even when forced together, did not make a pretty picture. However, I have never wanted to visit Montana....until now!
  7. I completely agree, ghoulina. Also, Mary can make a quilt for only $10? Also, Jeremiah rubbing Mary's shoulders.... Also, that baby is adorable. Also, what exactly is going on with Rebecca and Abe's house? Is on a busy street or in the middle of nowhere? And Kate sees people in NYC wearing Amish clothes all the time?
  8. It is sad....but true. Although everything about the show is more than likely profucer driven. The only thing that has been realistic is the size of Kate's apartment.
  9. I got a Silence of the Lambs/Jame Gumm vibe from Katie Ann after she tried on Kate's clothes. And, yes, Jeremiah was told by producers to go and live with Mary and Chester. Also, they get the newspaper? That's allowed? Or did Jeremiah walk miles to the 7-11 to get it? And, I can't with Rebecca and the fluorescent green headband.
  10. Okay, so, first of all, all of the dresses to the party were bor-ing. Tamra looked like a D-List version of Foxy Cleopatra from Austin Powers. Also, Shannon looked like she was going out for tea with some old ladies. Does she ever wear her hair up or different? David gives off a vibe that he is on something. The only sound person in that whole episode was Eddie. Also, Terry was totally acting with that phone call. Usually, when you're having a real conversation with someone on the phone, you give them more time to speak. I give this episode a C-.
  11. Concerning the whole courting couples not being allowed to hig or hold hands things, so say, a couple were out and their car broke down and it is cold out... Are they not allowed to hug to stay warm? To comfort each other if one is greiving? A side hug wouldn't cit it for me if we got into an accident and were waiting for help to arrive!
  12. I might be losing my mind, but did anyone else notice a man standing in the bushes when one of the cars pulled into Heather's drivway? I swear I saw a man standing there. Who was that guy? Very Three Men and a Baby-esque. Or am I seeing things? Strange either way.
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