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  1. Robert and Anna were discussing the fact that their granddaughter, Emma, had started college. I guess we can expect a SORASed Emma to transfer to PCU.
  2. I just did a re-watch of the series and would love to see a reboot that focused on these women. Bill was a good character but it was the relationships between Barb, Nicki and Margene that made this show so good.
  3. I think Cody Bell may be related to Catherine Bell. Maybe he is Scott's son?
  4. Nothing sucks the energy out of you more than pre-teens and teenagers. They are not only Energy Vampires they are Demons.
  5. Carly so deserves to have a nightmare of a teenage daughter. She and Jax should have been at their wits end from dealing with teen Joss's antics. Joss had a horrible upbringing. Carly having chosen the mobster life for her daughter was just the beginning of the dysfunction in her life. But Joss (and Michael) think their mother is the "bestest mom ever" . On today's show, I was glad to see how intrigued Joss was by Dex. It is high time that Joss find a boyfriend that is nothing but trouble. Carly will hate the very idea of Dex.
  6. This is why I am hoping Tara will get the job. I don't want the other candidates rewarded with a network job. It's even worse than Meghan McCain being awarded the job for being John McCain's daughter.
  7. Can we have a scene or two of Carly meeting with a high class "pawn broker" so she can start liquidating some of her remaining assets. Her jewelry and collection of wedding rings should be worth a pretty penny. She could sell her designer clothes and accessories on eBay. It would be priceless to watch Ava go through Carly's house appraising the art work. Maybe she could contact Lucy so she can rent out her mansion. She could move in with Bobbie or live in the apartment across from Maxie.
  8. Violet is so annoying. It is not the young actress's fault, it's the direction she is being given. That saccharine sweetness and lisp are not adorable, it just grates on me. Every time I see Violet, I am reminded of the classic movie "The Bad Seed". I am sure that the actress is a lovely little girl in real life, she needs to be working with a better director.
  9. I laughed along with the panel during the dad/husband sleeping/not sleeping discussion. My husband does this all. the. time.. He also talks and physically acts out his dreams as he is "not sleeping" on the couch. Last night he was laying with his arm up "writing" on his classroom's whiteboard. A few weeks ago I was doing the dishes and he starts screaming "Pull the f**king ripcord, hurry, we're going to hit the ground. Every time I wake him up and tell him to go to bed, he says he is not tired and just resting his eyes. 😃
  10. The entire panel seemed shaken up today. This event has hit a lot of people hard, myself included.
  11. I have always thought this. The young actress is wonderful but I hated the way her story eclipsed Annie and Tess's stories.
  12. There was just too much Randall for me. I feel that Kevin and Kate were shortchanged.
  13. I was a HUGE Dark Shadows fan back in the late '60s. I would literally run home from school to catch it! My mind went to Barnabas Collins too. Now when I here his name, all I can think of is Buddy Ebsen's Barnaby Jones.
  14. I can't tell if she believes what she is saying or if she is purposely lying. Lindsey does not seem to be very well informed. She just spouts out the talking points she has been given by her "coaches".
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