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Everything posted by WAnglais1

  1. He's middle management in Hell.
  2. Exactly! A spiritual awakening, or epiphany, is a very personal thing. It's not something one tries to make money from. (Never end a sentence with a preposition.) I have a friend who only dated crazy women. He said the reasons were self-explanatory. Pop rock margaritas cracked me up (no pun). That's like sorority girl drinking. Sister Andrea is not to be messed with at all. She's like trying to debate a Jesuit. They'll cut you, in a totally spiritual sense.
  3. Candle Blood Song CBS. Les Moonves is the five-eyed boss! I think something happened to Ben. He seemed too nonchalant about it. And why can't we at least find out if Kristen has suspicions about hubby? I love this show, but it's maddening. KH was fantastic when she told off the Church!Guy..."Do you have children?" "No." "Then shut the f up." She's such a fine actor. I need to look for more stuff with her in it.
  4. Andy's videos all had the same content, in the same place, at the same camera angle. The last call to him kind of disturbed me, but this one was so obviously Fake!Andy from the start. A great episode full of true WTH moments. I may be the only one, but I have a soft spot for Andy. He seems to be trying to do the right things...he confronted the MiL and wanted her out of the house, and this is his payback. Leland shouldn't mess with Kristen. I'm sure there are several climbing axes in the house. I know the kids are realistic since they annoy like regular kids do. Good for the Kings.
  5. By the time 1B gets here I will have completely forgotten what happened in 1A. I know TV is more time consuming to make these days, but GET ON WITH IT!
  6. Yeah, I'm out after this first episode. You kill an animal and I'm done. I'm now pissed off at myself for spending three seasons hoping we'd get something that made sense. Cast is fantastic, but I'm done with it.
  7. This has shown up on HBOMax now after being cancelled on Epix. I watched the first three episodes and must say I am not impressed. Another DC "Everything has to be so dark" entry. Ugh. Too bad the writing and acting are sub-par. I was so tired of Cockney Alfred on GOTHAM. And I may be mistaken, but it was always mentioned Alfred had a medical background. He sewed Bruce up and tended to all kinds of injuries. Not according to this. I decided this episode was it for me with two things: The gun at the poker game. And the worst offender of them all...the show is set in the 1960s and there's a scene set in a bar/club with cage dancers. We hear "Paranoid" by Black Sabbath playing. That album came out in late 1970. Even the tiniest bit of research on your smart phone could have confirmed when the album was released.
  8. I think it's the "Friends Syndrome." We got a pretty cramped room with a bathroom shared by the entire floor. Cinder block walls and windows so old, they cranked out. I do remember our Honor Code and if you were caught cheating, that was it, you were out. There were a couple of University Officials on it, but it was mostly students. I love Mindy and think the actors are great, but I went to college at the start of the AIDS era, and was really unattractive. So, this is unrealistic to me. Still, it was nice to see someone believe the woman in these situations.
  9. I love the idea of this show, and the cast is great, but I'm not going to watch yet another X-FILES, LOST, MANIFEST, or any other show which starts out to be great TV and then disappears up its own backside. During the confession scene, someone walked in to the room where I was watching and began a conversation with me. I was finally able to get through it. I was muttering, "Don't ruin a pair of great performances with kissing!" But, they did. Too many questions and not enough answers. I'll start next season, but I may be out soon.
  10. I believe I saw one of the folded slips didn't burn. If something happens to him, you know she'll find it and read it. I also laughed that Leland asked for root beer.
  11. I think this may be the best episode of the season. Kristen was amazing the entire time. Such a good actor. Leland? Think again about faking your way through it. I did laugh when the NCOS guys remembered Ben's name.
  12. Oh, yeahhhh! Crasha, banga, boom! Thank you, Nine-Nine. You made me laugh out loud at least once an episode. This finale is up there with the best of them. I have a suspicion that the ending scenes between the actors were not acting. Hulu has all the seasons for streaming. I may have to rewatch soon.
  13. Wasn't it 1967 in Cuba? Or 68? If either of those years, "Suspicious Minds" by Elvis wasn't released until 1969. I hate to be "that guy," but things like that bug me.
  14. Andrea Martin = National Treasure. I have never seen her give a bad performance. Thanks for the clarity on the Acid!Goo. I had no idea what was going on there.
  15. I liked the Ray Harryhausen skeleton effect coming after her. Once again, it doesn't matter: Man, woman, demon, skeleton...they all want to crawl on top of Kristen. Even Young!Bearded!Monk was giving her the eye. That kind of gets old, to me anyway. Other than that, super creepy episode.
  16. Ugh. Just ugh. It's like the script meetings say, "Can we beat people over the head with edgy foreshadowing? And then LET THEM SEE IT?" Oh, yeah...it's another super-powered crazy guy. So predictable and stupid. A twin? Generic!BadGuys! in a utility truck. Crazy super villain knows exactly when the rescue is coming! I'm out. I don't care about any of the characters.
  17. I paused the credits on this show one night. They read that whatever is won is paid as an annuity over 25 YEARS. So much for those life changing amounts of money. You won $200,000! A whopping $8,000 a year. Or, you could cash out the annuity right away. I didn't think I could like this show less. Now, I can. Still like Hardwick since he's Wil Wheaton's bestie and got him to stop drinking.
  18. This show is exhausting. No one is a decent person. I guess that's why the title is what it is. I'm only happy the cat made it.
  19. I get the feeling it's supposed to be set in the 30 ROCK, UKS universe, but it's not quite working for me yet. Danson and Hunter are always fantastic to watch do anything. I also like the daughter character, and Bobby M will grow on me. It gets a few more weeks from me.
  20. I watched the whole series in about a week due to...well trying to get my money's worth from HBO MAX. This was a horrid mess. And I have a fondness for the terrible 70s movies. How many RedShirts(tm) are offed as people shoot not looking at them? Then, when the leads fire at each other, they are worse than Lucas' Stormtroopers. It makes no sense. This was all over the place. And boring. Oh great, another fight between two women. There's going to be another season? I'm out.
  21. I may be wrong, but it appears to be LOST with teenage girls. Hard pass.
  22. Yes, Montana...home to big skies and open pits of green acid which dissolves bodies! It's like Axis Chemicals moved there. Show is done for me. Y'all carry on...
  23. He was also the husband in the movie FARGO and Drew Carey's crossdressing brother on the sitcom. (You probably already knew that. Sorry.) Seriously tired of the female tropes of the two sisters. Of course the brainy one cannot have a boyfriend. It's got to be the blonde who loves to drive fast. Also, I kept thinking the three of them should've gone full Bobby Hill on him ("That's my purse! I don't know you!!") and kicked him in the crotch. I have a feeling if I give any time to this it's going to end up like LOST, THE X-FILES, or TWIN PEAKS. A lot of plots are never resolved and it gets more and more up its own butt. I digress. I'll watch for a couple of more episodes to see if anything logical happens.
  24. I feel like this show should be called THE HUBRIS.
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