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Everything posted by WAnglais1

  1. My favorite out of the season was probably the Blue Scorpion episode. I thought the guy from THE IT CROWD was excellent. Most of the other episodes were like getting hit with a frying pan to the face and an oar to the back of the head at the same time. The season ender? I called it about ten minutes into the episode. No surprise at all. A little editing on these scripts would help a lot.
  2. How long would this phone keep a charge? And if it dies, how would you recharge it? My iPod makes you enter the security code to recharge if it's been unplugged for a few hours. I hate all these people. Stick a fork in me.
  3. Yeah, I don't get the Rio thing. Ooh, he's a bad boy who can kill you! Sigh. Lucy? This made me so mad and upset I might take it off the Hulu list. I was stressed enough thinking something was going to happen to Au Jus. These characters are all terrible people. I adore Retta as an actor, but not even her appeal can keep me watching. I'm aware you have to buy into the world of a show, no matter how crazy it is. This is why some of my friends didn't like 30 ROCK. Still, I believe a show has to have some kind of internal logic. This one does not.
  4. Except for the moment looking at Notre Dame, it was a waste. Horrible, stereotypical writing about how Parisians treat Americans. One more "hamburger" joke and I was going to scream. I guess the cast got a free trip to Paris. That's always worth it.
  5. My favorite sitcom since PARKS & RECREATION, which was my favorite sitcom since THE OFFICE. If Mike Schur and Greg Daniels worked on another sitcom together my head would explode. Team Cockroach FTW!
  6. My guess is Luke becomes successful and Alex cannot get a job and moves into the basement. Education = BAD! Being a white guy at the country club = GOOD!
  7. Especially since he thought it was fantastic Chip Driver solved the murder on page 10! The scenes with Michael and Evil!Janet were great. I liked the quiet approach. Ted Danson could have chemistry acting with a glass of water.
  8. I watched it all last night and was really meh on the whole thing. The one bit which made me happy was having all the questions answered. When I saw the synopsis for this, I thought, "Oh, LOST wasn't bad enough? Now there's the NEW!LOST!" I also thought the crimes of the ten were way too real for me to honestly not have a huge emotional reaction to...the Susan Smith-esque woman who drowned her kids? That happened right up the road from where I live. The mall shooter? Too close. I almost tuned out during that.
  9. I just finished S3. I have no idea what to say. I watched in on Blu-ray and some scenes were so dark, I couldn't see a darn thing. Just sound. Was it supposed to be like that? I feel like I wasted 18 hours or so. I've been told, "You need to watch it two or three times to get it." I don't have that kind of time. And still, the season ends with Audrey in some kind of peril.
  10. Bamford is a genius! I'd watch any of these women, but she's tops to me. So darn funny.
  11. A lot of comedy folks who I respect raved about this. I tuned it in and thought it was okay, until S1Ep5 and the visit to her father's house. The whole thing with step mom was okay, until FB released the pet into the wild. I loathe when any show does a disservice to animals, so I'm out. I don't care how lonely you really are. And do that many people really take cell phone photos of their junk? I'm so old.
  12. Exactly. If you say you're going to get coffee, go get coffee and call from there. Then, come back with the coffee and leave soon after. Or don't come back at all!
  13. Yeah, the toilet thing was a bit much. I thought, "Wait...he's not LBJ! We're not going to have to see anything else, are we?" The language is not organic. It's cussing for the sake of cussing. There's even been the, "Can I say that?" line. Yes, you can...it doesn't mean it sounds natural or integral to the plot. Anthony Edwards is TV married to Lauren Holly and has a mistress? Living well is the best revenge of the nerds.
  14. It was like when young actors get to cuss on stage. They make sure you know they are saying the f-bomb by saying is as loud and over-enunciated as possible. When President!Bauer was going to speak in the deserted!mall to that group of folks and is being introduced, he's almost in the dang crowd with them, yet no one noticed him standing there? Shout-out to my childhood town of Asheville, NC! Nice touch with the real people voicing concerns at the end. Other than that? Meh. Too many plot threads and I expect none to be tied up.
  15. (dials 9-1) "They say one is the loneliest number." Kinda clever, in 1972. Why would a drug dealin', counterfeitin', guy like Rio not have a code on his phone? Or was it T's phone?
  16. I'm kind of over the cop turning up at the family's church. Wouldn't that be considered harassment if this went to trial? Then again, he followed Beth to the QuikieMart, so who knows?
  17. What was up with the left side of De Nero's neck? That looked like a huge fat pocket or something worse. I don't get this show anymore. No matter how much noise I'm asked to make.
  18. Information on Walmart manager's salaries. Average $175,000 a year. https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/09/business/walmart-store-managers-wages/index.html
  19. The wife and I once went to Italy. It was a spa-type vacation. The group was in the middle of an olive grove in Tuscany, soaking in a naturally-heated pool. It was glorious for us. One woman constantly complained she wanted to go to McDonald's.
  20. And then breaking. I guess it got Fallon the TONIGHT SHOW. Opera man was a favorite of mine, and I loathe Sandler. I once wrote a "song" about how much I hate Sandler for the morning radio show I produced. It eventually helped get me fired because the hosts hated it. Circle of life. The tours skit was good and the last song touching. The scariest thing was finding out GROWN UPS 3 is on the way.
  21. Oh, well....I had a hate/love relationship with this show. More of the former, really. The show recast Ivy every other episode. Didn't Gordon have gray hair with the 'stash and then no gray when he didn't? A two-parter might've worked better. Oh, well...
  22. I've grown to like this show over this season. ST:TOS used several quotes from the "Scottish Tragedy" as episode titles. And this one was another. Also, in Ed's office, one of the wall hangings is the album cover for "Escape" by Journey. I laughed when I realized that.
  23. I'm okay with the company car. Michael Scott had the Sebring, and since this is from a writer on THE OFFICE, I can hand wave that.
  24. Cash stockpiled because banks have to file forms with the feds when there are deposits to accounts over a certain amount. It may be over $10,000. I'm not sure. Why am I still watching this? Rhetta. Other than that, I'm not big on any character.
  25. I hand-waved Glenn's non-Lexus car as in the same category as why he didn't have an assistant. Maybe he also thought the car would come out of his salary? To me, this says he and his wife are pretty thrifty and probably have a decent bit saved. In the end, a Lexus is just a jacked-up Toyota. The salary error I can also wave off. At my job, one year I had a bad performance review. HR decided to cut my salary by 10%. I wasn't really happy about this, but what was I going to do? It was to start in January. By that next September, it had not been implemented. Finally, it went into effect in late-October. I was not asked to pay the back cut.
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