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Everything posted by sara416

  1. I just found this show and I am so glad I did! My husband used to be an EMT and while he generally hates any reality TV, this is one show he will watch with me. I told him this week and last week that if I ever need the paramedics called for me, I want these people to come (except Titus. I'm not getting much of a feel for his personality). They are funny and real with their patients. And I admit, I kind of have a crush on Dan. I agree with the above who said that they could get rid of the cop aspect. It's fine, but as was said, there are a lot of cop shows out there. Also, the eyeball thing about made me vomit last night. Gunshots I can handle, but a dangling eyeball? So gross...
  2. Does anyone know of an episode listing for the marathon? I can scroll through my guide but that takes forever.
  3. There are a lot of differences between this and BMW of course, but one major one that I actually buy is the seriousness of these relationships. The main characters here are girls. I work with teenage girls and YES they absolutely do take these relationships seriously and they are life or death. Most middle school boys, not so much.
  4. Oh I have no doubt that she has experienced discrimination, and as I said, I recognize that Hollywood has standards for age, race, beauty, etc, that make anyone outside of the norm or ideal hard to cast, and that there are fewer opportunities for them. I think the point I was trying to make was that some might see a Julliard educated, award winning and well respected actress (I mean, I've never seen Viola Davis in the tabloids) complaining about discrimination in getting roles in film and television as kind of a first world problem. I mean, it's kind of on a different level than being followed around a store by a clerk because of the color of your skin. I'm a therapist by trade, so my thought process is to give people the benefit of the doubt and try and see both sides of things. So while I may not be on NLG's side per se, I am trying to see where she possibly could have been coming from. So in essence, I'm not arguing and saying discrimination doesn't exist, just trying to get some perspective.
  5. My two cents on the NLG topic, take it or leave it. I say all of this as a feminist and social justice advocate. One way to have taken her sentiment was that compared to say, the black woman living down the street living a "normal" life, Viola Davis is FAR from discriminated against. Viola Davis is successful and amazing and more than likely does not have to worry about the same thing that many other black people in this country face on a daily basis. Being a Hollywood actress gives her a certain level of privilege that most people do not get to enjoy. NLG is also interested in feminist and social justice causes, so perhaps she was thinking along SES lines, and not racial lines regarding the discrimination. That being said, there is absolutely discrimination in television, movies and advertising against all types of people. People are put into boxes and roles and are rarely allowed out of them. Jean Kilbourne has some amazing work on this subject. NLG should have realized that there is only so much one can communicate in 140 characters and that sometimes our thoughts don't need to be made public. And as far as her tweets saying "those people" and the Underground Railroad topic, they were ridiculous and inappropriate.
  6. Sure, no one knows who they are until they are in their 20s or so, but 13 year olds don't know this. Not only do they not know this, but telling them that will not make them feel any better about not knowing who they are. I remember not liking to watch the Olympics when I was a young teen because these 15-16 year old gymnasts who were only a few years older than me were winning gold medals and I was just a typical suburban junior high kid. Sure, that's not everyone, and I might have had some perfectionist tendencies, lol. Riley's character has been written to be kind of existential like that though and think about her place in the world. I thought this was very much in character for her.
  7. I've been married to a military member for over 10 years now, and while there is still plenty that I don't understand about the military, I do know one thing for sure. If you EVER run into someone and they tell you pretty openly that they are a sniper or special forces, they are LYING. Those people do not brag about their jobs, put pictures of themselves actually sniping on social media, and information that others get from them is on a need to know basis. As soon as they said that he was a Marine Corps sniper I knew that this was a bunch of crap.
  8. Every time I see her I see Susan May Pratt. Anyone else?
  9. This thread has moved very fast, so this may have been said already, but I'm going to say it anyway. One of my first snarky thoughts when this whole thing came out was that this is double scandal for the Duggars because they don't believe in credit either and Josh had a credit card! Also, I'm voting for a tell all from Jana. She's so quiet, but you know she's just absorbing everything around her. I bet she has some stories that would blow people away.
  10. I totally saw Gene Simmons! Seeing Sylvia was awesome and I loved her approach to the intervention. I wondered what her style was going to be like and she was great! Those updates were like a punch in the gut though.
  11. Preschool teacher most likely means works at a KinderCare or something similar like a day care center. I wouldn't be too worried. I live in St. Louis, and am familiar with the area she was in. That area is filled with houses that are now apartments. That was pretty clearly one of those "houses". The outside looks like a house, but there are three or four separate apartments in there.
  12. It seems like this episode was filmed in late fall/early winter and it does start to get that dark at 5:30ish. However, in addict language :"I was there at 5:30!" means "I meant to be there at 5:30, but I was actually there at 6, sort of, and my mom is evil."
  13. This would have been better with less Seacrest and 2 hours to showcase more dances. The Ryan/Allison routine was just as good as I remembered it being, if not better. I still think the cut of that song in that dance is a bit distracting though. The edits just don't flow right. And I love Outta Your Mind, always have. But I really, really wish they would have found a way to showcase Kayla and Kupono's Gravity. They didn't even show it in the clips of the memorable dances! I distinctly remember watching that the first time and not moving a muscle the entire dance because I just knew I was watching something amazing.
  14. It definitely had its cheese, but I thought that having the girl who didn't seem like she would become an addict as the main character was actually truthful and pretty true. I work with teenagers and have worked in the substance abuse field as well. Unfortunately, it isn't a big leap to go from painkillers to heroin. And they hit the nail on the head as to why people do it: same feeling, still an opiate, much cheaper than pills. It seems that there is a new story every day about a seemingly good kid who got caught up in heroin.
  15. Since it is moving to Netflix, does anyone think that the whole series will be back on instant anytime soon? I was pretty late to the Degrassi party and watching it on instant was what got me hooked.
  16. Week two where Jason used an actual dance term. That's 50% so far. I'm hopeful he can improve on this. I will be keeping track this season.
  17. Jim...OMG Jim. That was amazing. Not only was he amazing, but Jason DeRulo used an actual dance term when critiquing him, which gives me a little bit of hope for him as a judge this season.
  18. Just noticed something in my random watching of episodes. The drunken debutante when Rory comes out is the same actress as one of Honor Huntzberger's bridesmaids. She has a very distinct look, a bit manly, so seeing her was really noticeable.
  19. I have issues with the financial aid stuff too, however I do want to point out that Ivies don't give merit based scholarships. I also feel like I have read previously that they do not give athletic scholarships either, so Janet saying that she is on scholarship doesn't ring true either.
  20. I wonder if the hour long special of Degrassi's most talked about moments will cover the ones not shown in the US, like Manny's abortion storyline.
  21. I watched about a minute of her talking to the "expert" and then fast forwarded the rest. I could not handle the spin and turning this all into the evil media being the main problem in victimizing them. That being said, I do think that they could have done a much better job at redacting that police report as to not identify the victims. I'm a therapist and I work with kids and have had to do my share of redacting records for protection of the client when releasing things (although never to the media). You have to read those records with an objective and critical eye to make sure you are doing everything you can to protect the victim/client. I was much less angry after this interview than after the parents. It was actually kind of refreshing to see these girls show several different emotions throughout the interview! I appreciate that they acknowledged that they were angry. It was clear they were coached, and made even clearer by the piece of paper in Jill's lap!
  22. Sorry, more to say they more I think about it. Michelle made it a point to say that this "wasn't rape or anything", so basically it wasn't that bad. Way to discredit the experiences of anyone who has struggled to come to terms with a sexual assault that wasn't rape. It happens all the time, and people everywhere don't feel justified in even having feelings about their assault or abuse because "it wasn't rape so it wasn't a big deal". I'm so angered by this statement I can't even speak coherently. And why did it take Josh coming to them three times for him to get help? Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice...
  23. I had blocked Fox news with parental controls for when my father came into town because he doesn't just watch it, he obsesses over it and I refused to let him do that in my house last time he came to visit. However, I unblocked the channel for this event. I am with them on juvenile records being sealed to a point. I work with at risk children and adolescents and man do they make some stupid choices that they do not need to be punished for later in life. Do I think leaking juvenile records is a bigger issue than Josh inappropriately touching his sisters? NO. No matter with the Duggars say, the inappropriate touching actually is a big deal. Every once in a while I felt like they were in the area of saying something logical and/or rational, but then all of a sudden they weren't. It's like they dipped their toe in the pool of normal and then ran away screaming. And I rewound this part several times but couldn't get what it said. Did Michelle say that the police chief exposed this because of the lesbian agenda? What?
  24. I don't mean to nitpick here, but I had braces for 5 years as well as maxillofacial surgery. I had the surgery while I had braces on. I had my bottom jaw essentially cut in half and realigned because I had a 12mm overjet. And yes, lol, it is a great weight loss plan. Not enjoyable or long lasting, but effective!
  25. Not the only one excited Kave Dweler. And I think I had some allergens in my eye too.
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