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Everything posted by dwmarch

  1. I think my biggest laugh went to Ben and Kate letting themselves realize that Max stole his school project: "Are we bad parents?" "We're not great..." That was some comedy gold. I also liked Harry's SON OF A BITCH when he saw that Max had taken the caldera. I'm not sure if they meant to do this on purpose or not but Mike thinks he hears Joseph while he's on Roberts St just below First Ave. The episode ends with Joseph catching up to Heather about half a block down First Ave from Roberts. But I'm not sure if that's a bug or a feature because every single outside scene in this episode takes place in this small area. When Liv finds the balloons on her car, she's basically across the street from where Joseph is later:
  2. As I remember, Angel (the series) doesn't quite find its footing in the first season. In the second season it gets a lot less case-of-the-week and a lot more intense though. There are some incredible arcs for specific characters but I don't want to spoil anything. Just rest assured that everyone goes through a lot over the course of the show.
  3. I am by no means a scientist but before watching this show, I had a vague notion that if Yellowstone blows its top, the earth might be in for a difficult time. I'm not sure why the General and Harry and all those military people are having a hard time figuring that out. "What does it mean for the Greys?" is not really more important than stopping them from doing it in the first place. Max looks visibly older in this episode. For a minute there I was wondering if he had been recast. I also liked his moment at the table when his mom dismisses his alien abduction theory. Have we established before that Max is able to see various aliens and not just Harry's species? It seems he can't see Grey hybrids though. I think Harry's love interest is going to turn out to be one of the baddies.
  4. For a minute there I thought Ernie and Lucy were going to go undercover as newlyweds. That would have been fun. I still don't care what Sam is up to. Let him do his thing, he'll ask for help if and when he needs it. Every member of the team is going to go solo on some cleaning-skeletons-out-of-the-closet mission at some point in time. In the meantime, if he wants to make you a healthy breakfast and help you cut through red tape, appreciate him for that. Hey Boom Boom, we love you but could you please stop sneezing all over the evidence? I found it a little strange that we had a hard takedown squadron show up at the end but the only people who actually chased and shot suspects were the named characters. Also in the "we don't want to pay residuals" category, notice how when the hotel manager is making his rounds he only ever talks to people and never gets verbal replies from any of them.
  5. I think that could work. I'm not sure I'd love a season 2 with the same characters but I wouldn't mind some of them popping up in supporting roles here and there.
  6. I liked this episode as well, a nice return to what this show is supposed to be about. I really appreciated Aunt Vi and Dee asking their old friend if they could snoop through his mail instead of just doing it. Was the blind guy supposed to be an army buddy of the villain? He said he had smelled that cologne three times in his life, the first time being on the way to basic training. So I guess they just crossed paths that one time? Or did they end up serving together? Also, how does he remember a scent from back in the day before he developed his superpowers? I remember what the popular cologne was in high school but I'm pretty sure I have no idea what it smells like now. Dante's Captain all of a sudden not wanting him to work with Robyn tells me she's got something to hide. I wonder if she'll end up being dirty or if she'll just have some skeleton in her closet that she'll end up needing Robyn's help to deal with.
  7. My favorite moment in this episode had to be when Omega is taking off in the cargo ship and she ends up blasting that one unfortunate Stromtrooper off into oblivion with the engine exhaust. I was wondering why we were focused on his face and then all of a sudden he gets hit with the Omega mixtape and goes flying. Are we to assume that was fatal? Or do we take his scream to mean he could still be alive?
  8. Great song choice for the end. That is "Lost Together" by Blue Rodeo: (since my last job involved working with maps all day, this song is kind of an anthem) There were lots of funny moments in this episode and some great emotion too. The greys only letting Kate see her baby for a few minutes at a time is haunting, old school UFO nightmare shit. I wasn't expecting the brief Judy-Mike fling to lead to an emotional moment between Judy and D'arcy. Max is less annoying this season and I liked how he popped in to save Harry in the trailer. I remember Harry in previous seasons saying he was a ninja to Max so it's nice to see Max turn that around on him. And one of the funniest things in this show had to be when Ben is confessing that he does things specifically to keep Kate happy with Harry commenting that it is a terrible way to live. Ben actually says, sotto voce, "I know!" I rewound just to be sure because I was laughing so hard. Jay was good in this episode too. I wish they would bring her in on the big secret especially considering she was at the party at Harry's cabin when the alien baby was trying to eat people and there were gangsters and aliens duking it out in the woods. I also liked that Harry was played a little more seriously. Alan Tudyk is great for the pratfall comedy of this show but it's nice to see some character growth.
  9. I'm glad to see the emphasis on maintaining a healthy community here. Thank you to the admins and mods for being proactive and not allowing toxicity to fester. The forums I follow are also pretty well-behaved but I have seen real-life politics trying to creep into shows that cover similar issues. I watch TV to escape that kind of stuff! Just on a technical note, I'm browsing the site on Firefox and I have the site set to Dark Mode. When I look at the announcement banner from the main forums page, it comes up with a white background which makes the text hard to read. When I click on the banner from here, it comes up normally with a dark grey background.
  10. The phone call from the Bishop security guy right at the beginning was a little weird. Robyn asks him a bunch of questions about last episode's CIA plot and we establish that it has been a few months with no sign of Michelle. Great except he called her and didn't have any information so why did he actually call? Did they have a preset time where he would phone her to give her an update even if the update was that he hadn't found anything yet? It's almost as if he phoned her solely for the purpose of providing exposition. Then again, exposition seems to be his actual job based on his visit to Dee so he could immediately starting telling her some gory war stories. I know we probably don't want to watch awkward small talk but him launching right into his story was kind of ridiculous. If you really don't want Dee to join the military, let her know the military is probably going to make her take her braids out. We already know she'll quit a job with the quickness if they get disrespectful about her hair. I love how casual Robyn is with just swinging by the precinct to drag Dante into a fresh case. He's not busy, he can just drop what he's doing and hang around with a vigilante squad during work hours. I guess him being on the clock is why he can also shoot bad guys and not get in any kind of administrative trouble for it.
  11. I was expecting Hunter to say something along the lines of "Thanks for rescuing us but what the fuck, dudes? The ship was locked when we left!"
  12. I'm taking the sneaky disposals of Omega's blood sample to mean she is force sensitive. Speaking of which, it's weird that Hemlock caught Omega on two out of three things where she thought she was slick but didn't catch her for the most important one. If the sample has a positive M-count, shouldn't that automatically raise a red flag? When we saw the other samples that didn't match, the computer made a sound to indicate that. Maybe Omega's M-count isn't that high. Omega should take her little grass doll apart and make sure Emory didn't put a tracker in it.
  13. Decent episode, I thought this was better than last week. Nice to see all of the guest stars coming back. I am of the opinion that if three people washed up on shore in obvious prison jumpsuits they would not make it all that far. Also, was the plane crash just over the horizon? No one on the beach saw it? Did the convicts swim around to the other side of the island? I'm glad they show Pike as solidly competent when he's doing actual Coast Guard duties and they save his silliness for when he's on land. Seems like we're setting up a season-long arc of Tenant pretending she's okay but actually secretly plotting revenge against her old mentor. I predict this will culminate in her having the drop on what's-her-name and various team members begging her to think of her career and her family. Don't throw it all away Jane, she's not worth it! Cue putting CIA lady back in jail so she can escape again and cause more trouble later. Or Jane will lower her weapon, CIA lady will grab someone else's gun and another member of the team will put her down.
  14. Oh, this show. Well, since the end of The Blacklist I haven't had a good show to snark on so I'm happy this one has stepped up to take its place. Can we please get away from the evil CIA ruins everything plots and get back to scrappy vigilante protects people the system ignores? The CIA plots are just not that interesting. How many times by now have I seen "CIA did something dirty back in the day and is murdering the witnesses to cover it up"? And how do we wrap up that cliffhanger from last season? Evil Michelle is startled by the roof shaking and so she just leaves, with Robyn guarded by a single mook who is also easily distracted. This allows enough time for Robyn to search the whole place, find the flaming room of death and grenade the door open. It's a good thing it was a Hollywood fire which does not respond to the giant blast of oxygen that would accompany blowing that door off. It's also good that one bad guy had a Hollywood grenade which acted more like a breaching charge instead of just throwing a bunch of lethal fragments back at Robyn. Weird whiplash with Robyn and the villain too. She was trying to burn your friends to death but let's go talk to her and try to convince her to switch sides. She tries to kill you (again!) with a wakazashi but lets you have one too so I guess it was a fair fight and no harm no foul despite the ruined sweater? Also, who decided that since we made it to season 4, screw it, let's just have a sword fight? And of course, the CIA has no idea how to secure a prisoner and in short order Michelle has just wished her handcuffs off and is getting her Hannibal Lecter on. You know what this means? More thrilling CIA plots trying to stop Michelle from getting her hands on some other MacGuffin or from killing some other Important Person. I also found that I wasn't particularly charmed by the actress. Far be it from me to bag on someone's acting but this lady in particular seemed to have a totally flat affect. After what she's been through I'd expect something a little more like Sarah Connor in Terminator 2. Instead we got Sarah Connor in Terminator 3. Last but not least, I know not everybody knows guns and there is no particular reason for Delilah to be an expert in this subject (other than the fact that several guns are present in her house and she's been training with a former military sniper) but I think D is the first person in the history of ever to mistake an MP5 for an M-16. The only thing they have in common is the letter M! Well, everybody's got to start somewhere I guess.
  15. I think this is the thing they do where they normally spend the first part of the episode chasing the wrong suspect except this time it was another agency doing the wrongful accusing. Makes NCIS look a little better but makes the Marshals look terrible since that dude was suspect 1 of 75. Imagine having 75 security breaches (not all in Hawaii I imagine but still) and the only thing that prevents you from blaming your own agents is the intervention of an outside agency! I'd pay actual money for this to be true but this show has reused some actors from 5-0 and not put them in the same roles. The actor who played Junior showed up here as a spy from New Zealand if I'm remembering correctly. I had a look to see what TVTropes had to say and discovered that the shared universe is actually way larger than I thought it was: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Series/Bellisarioverse I find that out of all the characters on this show the one I haven't really warmed up to yet is Kai but he gave me the biggest laugh of the episode when he comforted Ernie. I don't know why but that was hilarious. Lucy was oddly insecure this episode. Your girlfriend has her own social life that does not have 100% overlap with yours. That is normal, healthy behavior for adults and good for your relationship too. I appreciated that Jesse stepped right into the middle of it to say "hey, can we solve some crimes here instead of whatever this nonsense is?" Also, I believe Lucy has her own car and is capable of going to the store/bakery/etc. to get one of those treats rather than trying to take the one Whistler bought specifically to give to Ernie! That is just rude. I guess Tenant's trauma will be a theme that will play out over the season? She has been a good boss so far so perhaps there is some entertainment value in seeing her be a bad boss.
  16. But if they really want to milk this dry, we could have a scene where Jyn and Andor are watching the blast wave come in and someone lands a ship behind them and yells "what are you staring at? Let's get out of here!" followed by the ship just barely clearing the blast radius.
  17. Since Parliament-class starships seem to be named after Canadian cities (the other one we have seen was the USS Vancouver), I am looking forward to the inevitable arrival of the USS Moose Jaw, the USS Regina (rhymes with fun!) and the USS Skookumchuck.
  18. I have seen various takes on Kingpin's motivations here and how he reacted to Maya's healing but my own take on it is that he really does love Maya in his own way, knew he had hurt her and didn't know how to make it up to her so he was trying to get her to kill him (just like he killed his dad). Maya got him out of the self-destructive spiral but now that he's decided to remain among the living it's up to him as to what he does with his life. He seems to think that running for Mayor of NYC is the noble thing to do, based on his reactions to the talking heads on the news calling for a "bare-knuckled brawler" to be the city's saviour.
  19. That was a nice callback and definitely a Kingpin thing to do, pretending he can't understand what is going on right in front of him but knowing full well exactly what is being said. I just checked 1x06 of Hawkeye to see if there was some retconning going on with this but it's pretty consistent. Another character is present to translate to and from ASL. Kingpin does a bit of signing to Maya but nothing too complicated and the interpreter handles most of the conversation. My only criticism is that all the other characters in Maya's family are fluent in ASL even though she's been away since childhood and there are no other deaf characters that we see. But that is more of a criticism of television tropes in general, where you can learn something once and be good at it forever without having to practice. I will speculate that Maya's family help other deaf and hard of hearing folks in their community because it seems like something they would do for sentimental and practical reasons.
  20. Thomas E. Sullivan, who played Nathaniel Malick in season 7 appears in a couple of episodes of Echo. The characters are unrelated.
  21. Props to @tv echo for the username/post combo! I love that this show is hardcore enough that they have to provide instructions for how to watch it. That's a first for Disney-Marvel.
  22. Adrianne Palicki was recently on the Inside of You podcast and she hinted that The Orville is not coming back because it is expensive and takes too long to film on account of Seth wanting to write everything himself. (clip should start at the part of the interview where she talks about the show)
  23. I thought it was fun enough and charming enough, even if it basically takes the Hawaii 5-0/NCIS Hawaii concept and just bakes in the juris-friction as an ongoing feature. I would imagine "they aren't allow to carry guns!" is going to last about half of one more episode. I wanted to see Tennant as well but I am assuming the lack of legacy characters was something to do with the strike? I assume crossovers will follow in the future. I don't particularly care if the show goes into detail about the logistics but did this new team just help themselves to a building on a military base? They just moved in and will continue to operate out of here even though they weren't supposed to be there in the first place? They could have included a line from the Australian government official to say "we're putting your new HQ here" but instead I guess it just fell into their laps. As soon as they said the sailor's white blood cell count was low I knew it was radiation exposure. All these Navy people who can tell you the specific difference between a boat and a ship and none of them have ever read The Hunt for Red October?
  24. I liked the finale and I'm glad it was just all of our favourite characters winning for the entire episode. The only thing that didn't quite work for me was Connerty getting his law license back. The show didn't really give us any reason for why Chuck or Kate would do that. I guess maybe they wanted him as an ally if things went south? Or maybe Kate felt terrible about herself for having worked at MPC so this was her way of paying off some karmic debt? In any case, Connerty's conversation with her about getting his law license back was far enough back that to have it suddenly come up in the finale was weird timing since they didn't really connect it to anything else that was going on. I am also somewhat surprised that what ended up taking Prince down in the end was not the various schemes of the characters but rather that Winston Dick Energy, which scared all of his money away. I'd love to see a Youtube reaction from someone who is actually in finance. I'm pretty sure they would find this show to be... whimsical in how it interprets money moves.
  25. Season one does not end on a cliffhanger but there is a clear setup for season 2. It's too bad, I would have enjoyed at least another season of this show.
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