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Everything posted by moonorchid

  1. It’s like Krista and Debbie just don’t get it. If maggie isn’t a strong enough character to stand on her own then having multiple people flat out say it isn’t going to make people root for her.
  2. After a decade I bet it felt like getting fired, and the way it was handled was not amicable.
  3. Holy crap the last time I watched Dick Tracy I was a kid and that line went WAY over my head, lol. But the difference is Madonna oozed sex appeal and her and warren Beaty had that dynamic...maggie is too childish to realistically pull that off and her and Jackson are too cringy to make it sexy.
  4. “The longer we wait to eat, the hungrier you’ll be” I physically flinched and feel nauseous. I can’t believe that line made the final script. Your pairing needs to have crazy sexual chemistry to make that cringy line work. Ugh it was so bad. It’s like maggie watched a rated R movie and is mimicking “sexy”.
  5. It’s like a game of “and another gosh darn thing”...if charscters like Derek and Cristina were still around this wouldn’t be a big deal. But they aren’t and a lot of dynamic characters are gone and they were replaced with bland counter parts and now two more characters who’ve been there for a decade with loyal fan bases who have brought so much to this show that their fans connected with are being written out and when you look at what’s left...the palate is getting thinner and thinner. So yeah people are mad, it’s not going to get Dempsey mad, but also, people just don’t care for what’s left. Thats something they gotta either figure out or continue putting their heads in the sand.
  6. I never considered scorsone to be the cast member. And if there was jealously I don’t think it was consuming but if Sarah drew was pitching her own stories and they were a hit, and she was one half of one of the last hugely popular pairings...I could see that ruffling some insecure feathers.
  7. Or these writers and showrunner need to stop being so damn lazy and write for her!
  8. Like this is speculative but I tend to believe it. I maggie was failing with the focus groups and after being written specifically so people would root for her, this didnt please them. I think Jesse and Sarah stood together to pitch a japril story and was told yes but they never had any intention of following through. This fits with the fact that Jesse was trolling the crap out of fans in the first half of the season and then abruptly stopped. I think Sarah pitched that and this crisis of faith storyline and was told it’s all good but they are using it to write her out. I do think they are writing her or cause jaggie is the new endgame and they don’t want fans holding out hope for japril. I think Arizona has been shafted for years so they figure instead of coming up with a half ass storyline for her they’ll write her out too to make it seem like thisnisnt a rail road job against Sarah Drew. I do think Ellen is jealous of japrils popularity. I think Debbie Allen and Krista Vernoff feel undermined by Sarah Drew. I even if none of this true there’s enough evidence by what we do know as fact to illustrate that none of this is copacetic. I think it’s maggie cause it said “soon to be top billed actor” and maggie just fits the profile. She’s been inserted all over the place and giving the most favorable writing meant specially for people to love her.
  9. Someone posted this yesterday. It’s vague and reads like a riddle. But it’s insinuating that an actress lost her job because greys wants another soon to be top billed character to be much more popular. To do that they hooked that character up with a popular male but he was a part of another popular ship so instead of just keeping that ship apart, they are removing the road block. but it’s also insinuating that actors were lied to about storylines and a pitched storyline was used to write a character off the show instead for what it was pitched for which was character growth. I personally feel this is about Sarah drew. There a lot going on with this statement.
  10. This is a lot of info that I spent the day yesterday mulling over. If this is true and it makes too much sense not to have weight to it...then I am filled with so much rage right now.
  11. We don’t but then we would have to accept that Sarah drew lied about some things and if she had lied shondaland would have called her out on it because the only ones what look bad are Shonda, Krista, and Debbie.
  12. They won’t. Their egos are too big to go back on this, plus I’m pretty sure they’ve burned their bridge with Sarah drew and Jessica Capshaw.
  13. I am against trashing actors on their looks and while there may be some racial overtones when done to maggie by angry shippers I’ve also seen horrendous comments about april from her looks to her voice and how she should die. Hating characters for arbitrary reasons is not new to grey’s and not isolated to just maggie and Stephanie.
  14. I have only seen scenes on YouTube and I’ve seen enough, but is that actual dialogue? If so I am freaking laughing.
  15. Why is it imperative that we have another episode of the show telling us again how dorky and adorkable and awkward maggie is? Then she literally lists her quirks to Jackson and it reminds us again of how “awesome” she is. guess what y’all? Jackson is *just* as weird as Maggie! He had an imaginary friend too! #soulmates
  16. So that jaggie kiss wasn’t all that, especially for a first kiss that has been supposedly anticipated for 14 episodes. im discovering a new appreciated for Sarah Drew because I’m starting to see how much of japril was Sarah drew selling the crap out of it. Example: compare jaggies first kiss to the japril Montana kiss. Japril poured themselves into each other but really april was really pulling Jesse into it and forcing him to react. But that kiss had heat. Jaggies first kiss? Yeah they were smiling but i didn’t feel like it was in any way a game changer for them, like world altering. When April kissed Jackson for the first time, he was completely shook! plus did anyone think the blocking was weird. He puts his hand on her shoulder and I immediately got a creeper vibe like he was about to say “come here little girl”...not the vibe you want for your tent pole pairing.
  17. They are hanging their hat on those left behind...and what do they have going on: jaggie, jolex, owelia, meredith the sun, mer/jo bff, Miranda and Richard with some Catherine mixed in and some interns. None of that compels me or even makes me want to watch as a comfort thing.
  18. I’m petty, I hope they get dragged for this. I’m glad people aren’t just taking it. What happened was foul and now the illusion of the “culture” of the show is shattered.
  19. They are so dedicated to Maggie and jaggie thst they are firing Sarah drew over it. I whole heartedly believe that. So it only means jaggie is the new end game. It at best just wear people down and they’ll like it enough, it’s never going to get the fan reaction japril got, and now it’s not even in their back pocket. Smh, I’m devastated,
  20. I’m beyond livid hours later. Sarah and Jessica were fired, make no bones about it. Arizona I can kind of see but April was finally getting a nuanced story for herself. personally I do think april and arizona having the least connection to Meredith is part of it. I think Krista is lazy and disinterested in them. Plus I do believe aprils departure means jaggie is a go and I am so devestated and heartbroken and betrayed. They chose jaggie. They freaking chose jaggie.
  21. Never happen, show is too dedicated to jolex.
  22. It’s either going to be cured by the removal of th tumor or it’s just normal oversight by greys, much like when we see Arizona walking in heels and earring skirts without a hitch in her step.
  23. I enjoy the competition aspect in that it unites all the characters in a way this show hasn’t tried to do since season 8 (if memory serves), and jackson isn’t my favorite honestly but it just bugs the way he’s involved right now.
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