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Everything posted by moonorchid

  1. Without Donald and Maya according to variety. I do not care if people think the premise is great for anthologies, I loved this show because of them and I was hella invested in them. I also don’t care about the finale. They literally didn’t show anything definitive for a reason. Everyone wants to be an anthology now and it’s starting to feel lazy. This show was damn near perfect for me but some of the complaints I heard were valid, but what seemed to be the only thing agreed upon across the board was the chemistry between Donald and Maya and imo that is what made this show work. This might be my bias but I think it’s a mistake. Im gonna miss them a lot.
  2. If this is too dark for you, 6 and 7 will be apocalyptic. I considered eps 1-4 to be the lightest ones lol.
  3. https://deadline.com/2024/04/mr-and-mrs-smith-co-creator-maya-erskine-interview-1235883789/amp/
  4. I never considered continued resentment being a possible season 2 thing. Honestly the way the finale went, it felt like a cleansing. I don’t need this to carry over and for me, FOR ME, the chemistry has made me forgive a lot of things in many shows and the few complaints I have about Mr and Mrs Smith I forgive because of Donald and mayas chemistry. I really need this season 2 announcement soon.
  5. It’s an easy suspension of disbelief for me.
  6. Like most shows, they are playing fast and loose with Jane being a sociopath. She loves and cares for John too much to be one and she does feel things…and you’re right, John can’t be that much better considering he’s doing the same things Jane is doing with about as much care toward it. Just cause he wants kids doesn’t make him a more empathetic person. He’s just more personable. I don’t get too hung up on their skill level when it comes to them being spies because it was established they are not the cream of the crop. They were rejected by the CIA and the marines respectfully, and got this gig by email and a cattle call interview. None of that screams “give me the best of the best”. HiHi and the organization they are running is looking for people who are kind of desperate one way or another. John and Jane do get better as the series progresses but their hang up is each other. They become too bogged down by their relationship problems and it definitely affects their abilities as spies. Well that and their innate insecurities and ego. I hope they get a season 2 cause I just really love Donald and Maya together and can watch multiple seasons of them just talking. lol. But I am intrigued by how the writers would approach another season. From what I’ve read, they have ideas.
  7. They were so naive to just accept what other John and Jane were saying at face value but it didn’t feel so out of sorts cause you can tell they desperately wanted to share their experience with another couple like normal people. They haven’t grasped yet that they are in no position to be normal. People who go to a cattle call for a non entity cia type organization aren’t going to be wise enough to ask the important questions. Despite this, the end scene of them in bed is when I completely bought in on John and Jane as a couple and Mr and Mrs Smith as a show. The awkwardness of their telling each I love you for the first time is so charming and wholesome and then them laughing over how much they hate the other John and Jane…I just love them lol. I love how they are not just in love with each other, you can tell they are becoming each others best friend. I can’t rave about Donald and Mayas chemistry enough.
  8. The show seemed to make a big splash for a good month and then slipped into the ether. I hope its numbers were good enough to warrant a second season. It was some of the most earnest, intentional, original writing that really hits emotionally that I’ve seen in a long time. This show thrives on the backs of Donald Glover and Maya Erskines performances and chemistry. If they don’t work, this show doesn’t work cause honestly, the spy action stuff feels like an after thought at times and I think that’s intentional. I wish so badly more people talked about it, it’s really ripe for discussion and analysis.
  9. John’s last line of the season being “I like Jane”…it kills me. The gravity of that moment being him bleeding to death and close to losing consciousness, finally coming to a place with Jane where they can function but it’s possibly too late…you don’t get to this moment, you don’t feel the gravity without episodes 6 and 7. Watching those two episodes, as hard as they can be, are the lowest of the low for their relationship. To still be able to say with all the love he can muster, “I like Jane”. It’s everything. I wish more people would give this show a real shot. It’s so deep and layered and emotional. Theres so many little moments throughout the series that has a payoff in the finale. There’s so many angles to see everything.
  10. Watching the scene where Jane finds out John is still in contact with his mom: One: how chill is his mother? He tells her he’s married and she never gets on him to bring her home. She doesn’t think that’s weird for a son that close to his mother to just not be introduced to his new wife? How on earth did he explain that? lol. Two: in the future it’s prob a jealously thing but I can see Jane’s side. She’s absolutely right, what they do is dangerous for them and for her. No one saying he should abandon her, what he should have done was never take on this kind of job. It was selfish of him. Three: I’m not here for John judging her for disappearing on her dad. Jane went too far with the molesting thing but the bottom line is he doesn’t know the why. Four: I like petty Jane. Sue me. lol. Jane really does care about John to just go ahead and make sure his penis would be saved hahahahaha…I was like “noooo baby girl no” hahahaha On first watch i was neutral about this episode but on rewatch, it’s actually super cute and really fun. Touches on everything that will be an issue in the future, they’re in their fun and sexy phase, and I just really love John and Jane.
  11. They are def supposed to be the stand in for either Brad and Angelina or what audiences would expect from a show titled Mr and Mrs Smith. Killing them off within mins tells you immediately to subvert your expectations.
  12. I was not prepared for “I want to make you cum so bad” lol
  13. There’s so much I want to say at a later time when I can organize my thoughts, but I keep thinking about what Bev says to Jane, that John thinks they are incompatible but he wants to be with her incompatibly. There’s something so wretchedly beautiful about that statement. I think that tells you everything you need to know about how John feels about Jane. Even while massively unhappy during that time. There’s a lot to unpacks in general. Michaela Coel is mesmerizing.
  14. I thought this finale was fantastic from start to finish. It somehow brought action, comedy, drama, tragedy, and intense human emotion and made it all flow easily. Nothing felt jarring. Donald Glover and Maya Erskine are gold in this show and it does not work without them doing what they are doing. It was smart of the writers and creator to lean into them like they did. That ending, while initially upsetting, is actually cinematic level top tier quality. This show is damn good and I’m crossing my fingers for a season 2.
  15. Watching John and Jane try to wrangle over grown toddler Ron Pealrman was hilarious but the highlight of this episode is that scene of John and Jane on the bench. It’s funny, I’ve known who Donald Glover was but I’ve never watched his previous work that he’s starred in. So I was floored by his vulnerability and almost timidness when John is asking Jane what their vows would be. It’s the first time you realize, oh he doesn’t just like/care/love her, he’s in hella deep with her. He is so in this with her and it twisted my cold dead heart lol. I didn’t think I could ship like this again lol.
  16. I had zero interest in this but my friend group wanted to group watch so I gave it a shot. Im so massively hooked. By the time I’m writing this, I’ve actually watched the entire series already and am currently rewatching and am gonna comment as I finish each episode a second time. The chemistry is the first thing I took away from this show. It’s so hard to explain it but if you have it you have IT and Donald Glover and Maya Erskine have it. I know there’s a lot of confusion and misconception of what this show is supposed to be considering the movie of the same name, but what I got immediately after watching this this the first time, is this show wants me to want those to do get together. It’s a relationship study set in a spy thriller adventure type show, but the relationship comes first. The characters come first. The writing is so well done. I feel like I know exactly what they are going for. I was hooked from the beginning. Honestly, this show is make or break based off the chemistry of the two leads and they hit the jackpot.
  17. It’s funny how in everything Jesse Williams does, he can never get away from references to his eyes lol. The burden of beauty I guess. 😏 This is prob my favorite episode so far as a whole. It’s the first time I felt everyone acted like themselves and not the disjointed version we’ve been watching. I am lost at who could be the killer (if there is a killer) but there will def be big reveals at the end of the season. I def think Loretta is dickies mother and tobert is working for cinda. All that equipment, the push to podcast, the new hash tag! I know that the guys said some mean things to Mabel but podcasting without them using the “Only Murders” podcast feels like a stab in the gut. Why do I feel like she’s prob staying with Tobert instead of having found her own place. Like I said, great episode. Really felt like “Only Murders in the Building”…and I feel like the disconnect all season and the reconnect of this episode is very intentional.
  18. I had no idea but he actually does. I listened to his 2014 memoir recently “I Must Say” and he was a part of “Godspell” in the 70’s and done little bits of theater through out his career and just like to sing in general.
  19. I love this show so damn much! This episode got better on rewatch. I don’t really have any theories different than what everyone else is already theorizing. I was initially disappointed we didn’t have any scenes of the Big 3, this show is at its best when they are together but I didn’t mind it as much as I thought. Jesse Williams has nice chemistry with Selena Gomez and if he knows nothing else, he knows how to play up the charisma! I’m Uber side eyeing Tobert though. One of my favorite aspects of this show is it is actually a comedy and Steve Martin and Martin Short will not let you forget it. The bit that had me reeling was the crab scene…Oliver screams out “crab men” and Charles with the perfect perplexed confusion says “what?” And then Oliver proceeds to bark out “breeding” and hip thrusts all over the stage! I was crying laughing, that scene has no business being that funny lol. Speaking of Martin Short, we are only 3 eps in and he is KILLING! From all angles! In so many ways, this show is tailor made for Martin Short! He actually has been a very well rounded actor his entire career and it truly feels like finally he has a project that lets him tap into that. I am buying him being funny, being dramatic, and being a romantic lead…who saw that chemistry with Meryl Streep coming? Lol. Speaking of, she is damn near stealing the show and her song at the end…I was shocked at how much I loved it and was questioning if I’m supposed to be THAT into it. She really is just exquisite!
  20. I swear there’s been fanfic of this kind of concept and to see it in action was a lot of fun. The show does okay without Aldis Hodge but when he’s there’s he brings with it the vibe and energy of the original series and I def miss it when it’s gone. But the fact that AH does this show at all when his career is really shooting off makes my heart grow three sizes. AH and Beth Reisgraf def still have IT and I love that an entire episode was dedicated to them. Gives the fans the inside look of what their relationship specifically to each other looks like, but I am going to address the elephant in the room. I understand who Parker is, but the fact that they don’t kiss AT ALL is a little Side eye worthy. They allude to them having sex, they talk about how deep their feelings are for each other and how attached they are, they are def attracted to one another…so the fact that they don’t kiss after having an emotional moment at the end causes me to ask some uncomfortable questions. This is the kind of stuff I’d expect in an 80’s to 90’s show when you have a black man and a white woman in a relationship on tv.
  21. The lengths people went to be able express violence and hatred tracks for where we are decades later. The thing that stood out to me the most, was the man who created the I Hate Barney society. The guy is away on business, comes home, expects his three year old daughter to be over joyed and when she’s not he finds she’s transfixed by Barney and that hurts his feelings. Instead of asking himself why she’s not happy to see you, instead of putting your energy into spending more time with her, I stead of wondering what YOU can do…he chooses to attack and destroy what his daughter loved. Not even bothering to try with her, just eliminate what she loves so you’re all that’s left. What an asshole. What an example of male fragility. I doubt he was ever taken to task for it but I don’t care that he credits Barney for dealing with his sadness and alcoholism. What he chose to do was shameful.
  22. I finished the movie and felt like the whole thing was a fever dream. TW went really extreme with his type of humor. It felt like the first half was narrated by Korg and Korg was doing the voices. No one sounded real or authentic. The jokes were awkward and not funny. Funny enough, Bale whose playing his villain a little campy was the anchor to this movie settling the hell down and actually telling a story. Once we got to their showdown, which by the way looked so cool in B&W, the second half flowed so much better. some thoughts: - what was the point of putting Thor with the GoTG if they were gonna gloss over that. - I thought Natalie Portman was a delight in this movie. Her “HELL YEAH” as they are about to fight Zeus men was a lot of fun and it’s a highlight. - Thor giving the kids the power of Thor, for a limited time lol, was a really cool moment and possibly my favorite scene. - I didn’t think I’d care for Christian Bale but I actually think TW went so extreme with the camp and the humor with everyone else, Bale actually forced everyone to settle down a bit and I appreciated it. Overall, I’m disappointed. MOM and Love and Thunder might be the sign that marvel needs to scale back its schedule and rework the formula.
  23. I felt it about 20 mins in and still felt it in the end…I thought this movie was pretty mid. 6/10. I don’t dislike it but even going in with no expectations, it just wasn’t good. The script is weak, so many moments are just so cringe abs awkward. WandaVision was my favorite marvel tv project post endgame and made me not just love Wanda but call her my favorite. I knew she was the villain here but I felt like they really were surface level villain with her even though I felt Elizabeth Olsen sold the crap out of this. It could be because Dr. Strange is just not my thing. He doesn’t move me at all so following him majority of the movie was wasted on me. This movie feels like there was a bigger idea for it that got scraped after it was filmed and they just pieced together pieces that move the plot along but it’s just the most common tropes in movies. I wanted to love this so badly.
  24. The book doesn’t delve too much into that either but from episode one, where Kate is telling Lady Danbury of her plan to get Edwina married to an English man to secure her and their mothers future, I inferred that Kate has remained unmarried because her father didn’t come from money so there would be no dowry’s and it’s heavily implied that when their father died she took on the responsibility for caring for Edwina when her mother couldn’t. It heavily mirrors the situation Anthony had with his fathers death. Kate essentially gave up her future for her sister and mother. It was enough explanation for me.
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