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Everything posted by moonorchid

  1. It’s him being short sighted and honestly very selfish. This is for him! For him to fulfill whatever professional hole he feels he has. He doesn’t have an interest in helping anyone, he just wants an opportunity to show off honestly. This is shown by Meredith having to tell him that even 1% is still 75 million people. This is how he pitched this to bailey too. How he wants a chance to compete. Jackson had a real opportunity to make a difference and he didn’t see it.
  2. I’m really confused about this contest, is it only to the GSM doctors? And man this Jackson has regressed to season 6/7 Jackson in a big way. But I still don’t remember him needing to win an award this badly, and his relationship with Catherine bugs at times and this week is an example why. Jackson is almost 40 and Catherine is still micro managing his career. I feel for him thst his legacy and money makes him ineligible for things like Harper Avery’s but it’s all so weird and inappropriate that he’s funding this and joining forces with Catherine Avery. Like even without people knowing he funded this but he’s still using his privalage to his advantage and he doesn’t even recognize it. I still want to see him lose just to see how he’s react.
  3. It was a weak example of a “bond” between Jackson and maggie. Him understanding her jargon isn’t “soulmate” worthy, he’s a doctor, of course he’s going to get it. Someone else already said this best, learn the difference between a home husband and a work husband, lol.
  4. Sarah drew was pregnant during season 8 and had just about come back from her maternity leave when japril had sex in the bathroom at the boards, which I was like “you go girl!” Lol. Go watch the episode where they play softball, the way they chose to hide her pregnancy in one scene is a striped shirt and the baseball glove, hahaha.
  5. As sad as it made me to see april so empty and “dead” in the end, this is the most excited I’ve been for april ever, and I love April! I’ve wanted a more mature, adult, nuanced introspection of her faith and what it truly means to her for a long time, but this show has only ever used it as a plot device to continue to deliver drama with her and Jackson and isolate april from everyone else. This is the first time I feel the story is “what does faith and Christianity/religion truly mean?” More then the usual “how can we portray april as a religious nut?” I’m beyond excited to see where this goes, plus “dark April” is the most intriguing April has been ever!
  6. I don’t care if Arizona felt she had the moral high ground, she didn’t even give april a warning or the ultimatum and low key made that situation a lot worse then it had to be. Not to mention Arizona was on the “shun April” train when she stepped in for Meredith all the while doing the freak nasty with minnick and working with her. This episode it was meant to frame her horrible day but Arizona would never have talked to another attending like that and it’s something they all do. That argument holds no weight when there is video evidence of white people waving guns around at police and every precaution is made to not kill them but a black body reaches into his pocket for his phone and he’s shot on sight. Like yeah we all have a talk with our kids about how to speak to cops, but the difference is the cops statistically are killing black men and women, and children dead like they are in a war zone, while white murderes get Burger King and bullet proof vests while being escorted.
  7. Arizona can be a really crappy friend/person when she wants to be. April didn’t deserve that.
  8. Jackson’s contest: I like the idea for the fact that it’ll bring the cast together for one goal and this show is at its strongest when larger groups are participating in one thing. I’m looking forward to them being competitive. I feel bad that april got manipulated into running it but now that she can’t get out of it I hope she goes full on and makes it the hardest competition ever. Part of me also hopes this blows up in Jackson’s face. You can’t tell me there is nothing else without your name on it or being funded by your families foundation. And the fact that you fund it gives this the same issue has if you were competing for a Harper Avery. But most of all I want to see Jackson lose cause then we’ll see his true intentions. Will he just be glad he was allowed to compete and rate equally with his colleagues? Or will he be mad as hell thinking he was cheated somehow? How’s he going to feel if he loses and april is the judge? Will he belittle April’s abilities to make this whole competition less than and make it seem like he was cheated. The drama from his is endless.
  9. There was so much in this episode and I was doubtful how it would all fit in and I am pleasantly surprised that it fit really well. I’m gonna start with April. Ive been wanting April to grow for a long time. The way she’s interpreted her own religion has always been on the immature side and while I don’t think sleeping around equals growth, what it did equate for april was Rock bottom, and this is how she’s acting out. April was hit from all sides emotionally this episode. From facing past mistakes in Matthew and facing how that all ended up, a Samuel mention which would prob trigger her, Matthews wife dying on her and the guilt from that even though she did all she could do. Sorry Arizona, you can lose me with your attitude and with your “sorry, HIPPA”, like you give a damn about hippa now. Then with the boy, oh my god it seems outlandish till you turn on the news and realize this is happening EVERY DAY! And why after it was proven he lived there did the cops continue to stand watch, TWO COPS! This is what’s wrong in this country! April was the observer and when she started with some “explainist” type stuff, she was shut down quick, and I appreciated that and how she didn’t belabor the point. A moment that gets overlooked for what contributed to her day, as Jackson is talking about his own experiences with the police april is completely horrified. Considering who april is and her background and how this show didn’t talk about race till last season, I do buy that she never knew, it’s like Jackson said, it doesn’t get brought up till it’s brought up. But seeing this boy and listening to Jackson, she was crushed that someone she cares about as deeply as she cares about Jackson WAS this boy. That is soul crushing. April has always been “why would God do this?” Sarah Drew in an interview talks about how there is room for doubt and anger in Christianity cause that’s hows faith works. Sarah Drew has always wanted a more nuanced faith for april and I think they are finally going to give that to April. Its growth and I am all for that. I was telling a friend as we were watching, tuck getting “the talk” was heartbreaking. That childlike glee when maggie was doing the science experiment was melting away as bailey went on. Tucks childhood has essentially changed forever. But the most heartbreaking part of all, he can do everything bailey and Ben said to do, to a tee, and he could still get shot by the police for “looking” threatening. That’s reality. (Side note: bailey mentioned how he can’t have a toy gun in public like his white friends and I immediately thought about tamir rice, whom I still think about a lot to this day)
  10. Wait wait wait...I’m really shook that “incest”, legitimate incest, is being argued as the same as LGBTQ...There’s not enough coffee in the world for me to wrap my head around that one. look Maggie and Jackson are not incest but incest by nature is gross and scientifically “frowned upon”. I’m just...
  11. I’m more talking like a “Matthew-like” person more than the actual person. And I don’t know if it’s the show or the fans. Speaking for myself, there are way too many similarities between Maggie and April and a huge discrepancy in how characters treat them for very similar traits and behaviors. If in this episode April went on about blood on her face I guarantee you someone would have been shown rolling their eyes like Alex and Cristina did back in the day to april. But Maggie? It’s damn adorable and it makes hot popular jock Jackson Avery want to ask you out! As someone who loves april, that kind of crap pissss me off and makes me unfairly resent Maggie. Plus Maggie being the reason the writers did a 180 on japril doesn’t help her at all. I was hoping beyond hope that they wouldn’t do an actual freaking triangle. They need jaggie to be compelling for anyone to care and all it’s going to do is piss me off cause if the way they have jaggie going now is any indication, this will just show how much more Jackson wants to be with maggie than anything else and I’d rather not sacrifice april to jaggie anymore than she already has been.
  12. I thought it was and that tv line article is only sourcing those tweets which is a weird thing to source from, lol.
  13. This is why I get so defensive about Jackson being painted as the victim between japril. That Montana episode was only saved cause he chilled the eff out. I don’t care that April took that temporary position, jackson would never treat any other doctor as dismissively and as aggressively as he did her and to her credit she wasn’t just going to sit by and take it. People act like april is always tearing him down, well remember when she called him sad? He had just yelled in her face that her religion and belief system is a fantasy and not real. Its not just her all the time. Anyway I agree whole heartily about jaggie and I’m so frustrated about what’s happening with Jackson. I had been afraid since the beginning of this that Jackson would be written down to be more compatible with maggie and that is happening and worse, he’s being written to be “saved” by maggie. The fact that they keep harping on their different childhoods (like japril, they keep going over shit japril already did and better) and their white collar/blue collar differences is going to lead somewhere. Ive said for a long time, japril works a lot of the time because Sarah drew pulls jesse up to her level and he’s responding well to her. April as a character gets zero breaks fromhenwriters or other characters and that makes you either love her or hate her but she is defined as a character. Maggie is the writers golden child and its coming across that way. Even last season when she was the unknowing middle in that non existent triangle, she was written in a way that was supposed to make you sympathize with her more than people actually did.
  14. Jackson definitely tried to help her, I think it wasn’t so much about helping her so she could help him, he wanted to be there for her and help her to avoid his own pain. Statistics are overwhelming when it comes to the rate of divorces after the death of a child. There’s reasons for this and I think greys too a huge cop out in the way they dealt with it. Mind you too, I think their story became a victim of Patrick leaving. Derek dies but they don’t want to spend more than one episode on Meredith’s grief so they shove a year into one episode except everyone else’s stories pretty much stayed at a standstill. The writers also don’t believe in growth and finding the drama in that. Sarah drew says herself that she couldn’t connect with April and not accepting any responsibility and jesse Williams had to kind of talk her through that process during the ep where they have the fortune cookie fight. I’ll never downplay April’s faults but she gets the one dimensional brush a lot while every other female character gets the understanding of nuance. That’s really my only rub this topic comes up.
  15. Going back to the season 9 japril with the very annoying religious freak outs and April’s flip flopping about sleeping with Jackson. I hated it cause april was completely self centered but she was self centered cause she genuinely thought Jackson was just having fun with her, and it was important to her to have it mean something and for her that was sex in marriage. Jackson didn’t deserve a lot of her freak outs but he made zero effort in trying to understand where she was coming from and articulate what he wanted from her. She was insane during that time but Jackson did nothing to help her or himself till he broke up with her without ever articulating his own feelings. UNOSEZ said: “agree that they weren't great together.. Tho u can tell love is there.. But when has he been controlling??.. When after their son died he wanted to grieve with her and she abandoned him and her family to go risk her life a million miles away.. Which left him picking up the pieces and dealing with not only his pain but I would assume his and April's respective families pain.. Not to mention fear of losing his wife in a war zone.. When did he hurt her feelings??.. Before or after she blamed him for "taking her virginity " or maybe when she brow beat him into accepting religion and capitulating that their kids grow up in the church... Or maybe it was before she took offense that Harriet would be on the board of the Avery foundation.. Because apparently money is horrible and makes u grow up bad... It may not seem like it but I like April if in time she and Jackson got back together I'd be ok.. And he does have stuff to work on as well but if were gonna be assigning blame. The lions share of their problems come from her“ jackson and April have a ridiculous amount to still work through if they get back together, but whenever people talk about her leaving, they always never mention April’s own pain. PPD anyone? Jackson was and I think still is in pain and I don’t even think he’s wrong to be angry at april for leaving, but April also lost her baby and felt it differently im sorry. I think she can still be at fault for leaving and it being the catalyst for their divorce and still have empathy for her, it always gets painted with this one dimensional brush.
  16. Replying in the relationship thread too
  17. I root for Jackson and april big time and I def want April to get some, but I need it to not be a Matthew who was pretty much a clone of herself. someone that will appreciate her and make her smile and maybe learn some things about herself. I hate how her tinder storyline was hijacked by Maggie.
  18. I think a network that has used EP’s face and voice for over a decade to make billions definitely needs to pay up, I don’t begrudge her her money and her candidness is both refreshing and off putting at the same time. Would I have felt the same if this were a man who has said the same things she did, I truly feel I would. The only part that rubbed me wrong was when she went on about how any sctrsss can do a season or two and win awards but can they do 14 years? That’s a skill. No that’s stamina. And I agree with the other poster, if let’s say Ellen left and Sandra oh we’re still here I do think the show would be doing about he same. All this and I still do not begrudge her getting paid and using this to give herself opportunities in other ways like with her producing. Get yours girl.
  19. Honestly a completely impartial third party should have been brought in to conduct this because the inter personal relationships in that hospital are insane and how could any of them win and there’s not be accusations of some sort of nepotism or favoritism, but I know I know, drama. I do appareciate that this is an opportunity to involve so many people, the show is at its best when large groups are involved in a singular task.
  20. Yes to all of this and all the examples you mentioned are why I’ve had a hard time with Meredith for years now. But Krista has a better sense of who Meredith is and I am liking her again this season. It started when she told april she wasn’t average, THATS the meredith grey audiences connected to. The one who props others and brings them up instead of tearing them down for kicks.
  21. I don’t like april running this competition. I wanted her to compete! In a twist I would have loved had she won a competition funded by her ex husband who created this so he could compete. Years ago Richard pulled something like this on Alex and it was used as a lesson to teach him to be a dog in a dog fight, I wish april got half the care to be taught this kind of stuff from drs who were supposed to teach her. Now she just gets manipulated into being super organizer once again.
  22. Chandra has directed way more than a couple. She’s been directing episodes for a handful of years now. It just didn’t get any fanfare that Ellen’s does.
  23. Domestic violence is a topic that vernoff probably didn’t want to cover cause it doesn’t jibe with the season she wants to write, which she’s been open about bringing the fun and sexy back. DV isn’t fun or sexy, but she can’t just drop it like she can japril (bitter pills moment) and she can’t wave it off with a tumor but because she’s such an advocate for feminism she’s not going to botch it either. So we’ll see how it pans out but it prob won’t pan out the way the previous show runner envisioned and built up to before Camilla’s pregnancy.
  24. This is what I love about how the show is doing this. Kevin is right to feel the way he feels, jack and Rebecca dropped the ball with him but I don’t hate her or even blame her. It’s hard being a parent and that’s to just one child of an age group, I couldn’t imagine have three children all the same age and all with different individual concerns and worries. Compounded with the fact they adopted one of them and the added worry over that. It’s almost understandable how they assigned Kevin as the one they didn’t have to worry about and then things snowballed from there.
  25. That’s fair. No one disputes that a black kid being adopted by a white family and living in a predominantly white environment doesn’t automatically make Randall stick out like a sore thumb and he definitely felt that isolation. I’m just saying that for Rebecca and jack, knowing this and never wanting Randall to feel anything less than their son, they nurtured him more than Kevin. “Attention” is almost a trivial way to put it, maybe nurture is more what Kevin was missing.
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