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Everything posted by camom

  1. Or neither of them wanted to share a room with Elizabeth.
  2. You're right, I meant to say that. And it makes the bedroom situation even stranger. I believe Elizabeth also has her own art studio.
  3. It seems to me that Trent and Amber favor their biological children over the adopted ones. Jonah flunks out of college, doesn't have a job, and still has his mom waiting on him hand and foot. Elizabeth gets her own bedroom, even though she is just one year older than Anna, who has to share with a middle schooler. Anna is blamed for pretty much everything and is having to go away to college whether she wants to or not. Emma is criticized quite a bit or is just ignored. Alex is babied, but I think perhaps he acts that way because if he acted his age his parents would turn on him, too.
  4. He just may be trying to guide her and she is ignoring his advice. I think she may think anyone would be thrilled to have a "TV star" buy their house. Too busy to get married? Even though it's his first marriage, I doubt Chris is holding out for an extravaganza. How hard is it to gather the kids, hire an efficient, and have a BBQ? I have two theories: (1) they're never going to get married, or (2) the wedding needs to fit in with the filming schedule.
  5. Yes, it was many years ago, but sometimes that hurt never goes away. And the fact that they've been living in such close quarters doesn't help. My ex cheated on me over 30 years ago. I have a good life and am glad to not be married to him anymore, but because we have children (one disabled) and grandchildren in common, I can't just write him out of my life. There are times I still feel bitter. Amy and Matt can both be annoying. I could see myself spending time with Amy, but not with Matt. I have yet to find even one redeeming quality in Caryn. Jackson is adorable!
  6. As I watched this I kept thinking, "How doe these people even survive?" They are all idiots. Fortunately, for the most part the idiocy seems to have skipped a generation.
  7. I'm really, really old -- I've never heard about any of these people. The only reason I had ever heard of Jo Jo is because the neighbor girls dressed as her for Halloween.
  8. In winter. Or perhaps a monsoon. I would love to know how they -- as a group -- decide how to use the "family" money. Or does Kody make all the financial decisions. I doubt their five brains combined understand the basics of finance.
  9. If there was ever a couple who should just quietly elope, it's Mariah and Audrey.
  10. Finally watched this mess. I'm astounded that Truely can't ride a bike at age 9. With so many older siblings, I'd would have thought that she would want to emulate them. In a family that large, bike riding should be something that's almost automatic was soon as they're mobile. I feel like she must have been ignored a lot by her brothers and siblings (not to mention her numerous parents).
  11. At Kevin's premiere Randall said that the drug trial started in two weeks. I'm hoping that they're either too late or that Rebecca isn't accepted into the trial. That way she isn't the one saying NO and Randall can't blame her (but he'll blame someone, I'm sure). He's become such a selfish asshole. I really didn't like the episode that much. I kept waiting for some kind of comic relief, but there was absolutely none.
  12. They had Colorado before California I noticed. But with the editing, who knows if that's actually the way it happened. Isn't that the groom who had to go to the hospital? I'm surprised more people didn't have to be medically treated. It looked like the steps had a landing about halfway down. Why not have the grooms/partners meet them there? Walking down all of those stairs in a long, heavy dress would freak me out.
  13. I felt sorry for everyone having to stand out in that heat and humidity for hours. Assuming that each bride had 2 minutes to walk down those stairs and meet her groom/partner, and assuming that there were no production interruptions (unlikely), that part alone would have taken nearly two hours. I was worried that one of the brides would fall. I also hope that the couples were there just for the show and had "real" weddings at home.
  14. Me too. I seek God's guidance, especially when making a big decision. But I don't go into it saying, "God, this is what I want and you need to prove it," which seems to be what all of the Browns do.
  15. Usually the panel talks a lot after the reveal, fawning over the singer, but this time they were all uncharacteristically quiet. Left more time to show Palin's encore.
  16. I've had that reaction several times. And I bet a lot of younger people had that reaction last night. I thought it was funny how the panel members didn't quite know how to react, like they were afraid to do or say anything positive. I don't like to see politicians on these kind of shows, but at least here nobody knew who she was, so she wasn't booted because of her identity. I also agree that this group is pretty weak over all.
  17. The only reasonable thing said the whole episode came from Brianna (I think, may have been Aurora). "You're the parents, you made the choice." Or something to that effect. The kids reacted badly because their parents keep making promises and then breaking them. Horrible, horrible parents. The older kids seem to be doing OK, but I think a lot of that is because they were mostly raised prior to the show. Now everything that happens is to keep the TLC gravy train moving along.
  18. I think most rational people would have told Rebecca that they found a clinical trial she might be interested in, given her printed information to look over, and offered to help get more info if she wanted it. But Randall is not rational. He wanted to bulldoze her (and his siblings) with absolutely no concern for her wants and desires. Randall knows what's best. Period.
  19. I liked this family and the house they ended up with. Nothing was terribly over the top, but was made to meet his physical needs. They seemed to be hard working, deserving people. The only things I didn't like were the window/cabinets and the appliances; I think I'd get tired of them pretty quickly.
  20. The mom was a child shrink? I doubt I'd take my child to her after seeing this.
  21. I think young Kevin just needed that one to complete a set, and he and Rebecca found it together. A good memory for adult Kevin.
  22. I think what saved Greyson was the fact that she made Val's favorite flavor, lemon. She didn't really even make a trifle.
  23. For someone who has been hospitalized for mental health issues at least twice, Randall behaved as though he'd never seen a therapist before. He should have one on speed dial. I noticed throughout the episode that they weren't showing the therapist, then they did at the very end. Were we supposed to recognize her? It was kind of weird. I agree that the Kevin/Randall rift will be due to Randall not liking Kevin's involvement in Rebecca's care. I also think that Kevin will listen to his mom's wishes about her care (at least as long as she is able to make decisions) and that Randall will think that only he knows best.
  24. As the parent of a special needs child, I've felt the criticism of Toby has been over the top lately. Parents deal with it in different ways. Some dive in head first, learning everything they can, going to support groups, etc., and others need more time to accept the situation. Some parents are more emotional while others are more practical. I never doubted that he loves Jack and would be fine; just because he isn't like Kate doesn't make him wrong. I hope Kate was as upset with Madison as she was with Kevin. It takes two, after all.
  25. The family last night -- kids with severe food allergies. I can understand why the parents were so anxious and how it transferred to the children. I think Jo handled that situation very well. It's necessary to be vigilant, but they have to let the kids live without constant fear. I think the dad expected Jo to come in and tell his wife how to handle the kids and was surprised/offended when she suggested that he make some changes.
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