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Everything posted by zibnchy

  1. I just rewatched the first 5 minutes with opening credits. The credits show Charles on the lowest floor, Oliver above him, and Mabel on the highest floor. BUT in the elevator Charles hit 14, Oliver hit 10, and Mabel hit 12. I assume we are supposed to notice and obsess about this. Steve Martin can do no wrong in my book. One of the all time greats. After one episode I love this.
  2. It was a good binge watch. It felt a little rushed. There were some inconsistencies and small but annoying plot holes. Overall I enjoyed it. I personally think they could have left out the episode with the tv journalist and maybe shown us more of the family relationships. I really think what saved this one was the casting. The cast did a great job of selling the story to us. I actually liked the Pia character and I almost never like the Pia character. I just want to say that while the show was fun with all its red herrings, it was completely unfair for the actual killer to be a character we had never seen or heard of before Episode 8.
  3. I'm a little bit sorry I watched that.
  4. Those burns are going to hurt and she can't hide them when they come to do her med check. Also there must be other residual side effects to almost dying of hypothermia. I wouldn't be surprised if they pull her. I'll be sad because I've enjoyed watching her.
  5. I'm from Rhode Island as is Brent. There are thousands and thousands of Brents here. In some neighborhoods everyone's a Brent. Anyway there's a pretty high possibility he's a tool. Also there's a fairly high percentage probability that one of his relatives was my dentist back in 1993. Oh yeah, Julie's face, what's that about? Maybe that's not Julie but an imposter. Maybe it's a twist. They 100% thought Frenchie would take the bet and then they needed to fill 45 seconds. So Julie chose to torture Frenchie with the "Oh let's just see what would have happened" BS. I desperately wanted Frenchie to say "No, Julie, I don't want to do that. I made my decision and it doesn't matter what might have happened."
  6. Him being all blokey and yet talking so openly and honestly about these mental health issues is going to help other blokes (and non-blokes). Glad to read that he's doing well. I'd blocked out the fact that they're all required to quarantine for, I don't know, 2 extra weeks before filming even starts. These people have been away from their families for an extra long time.
  7. I was completely spoiled and I still teared up. Damn you Blokey, making me feel things. In the end I've got nothing but respect for the guy. Wish him all the best. If they're bound and determined to have a male winner this year who will it be? Aaron - no, Justin - no, Tommy - maybe, Scott-no, Pete - probably. The women who are left are formidable.
  8. Yes. Do not hold out any hope that he will get better. Joe's not only not a chef but he got his start in the restaurant biz coasting in on his Mom's coattails. Also he thinks he's way more of a chick magnet than he is (which is not one at all). Actually I may have talked myself out of watching much this season. I hate Joe and there's no upside to him. At least with Gordon you get an asshole who actually can cook and you maybe learn something. Aaron is easy to ignore. And then there's this Legends nonsense and Paula Dean for crying out loud. I will watch the first few episodes because one of my favorite things is matching people up with the casting stereotype they were meant for. Early Boot Cannon Fodder, Farm Mom From Iowa, Blue Collar Plumber Guy, etc. After that I'll probably just come here and read comments.
  9. I was going to throw some kind of tantrum if any of the women went home before Amir. Amir seemed like a lovely guy but now I will happily forget about him. Next on my hit list: Aaron or Justin And then there's Blokey. I have a very bad feeling that they're setting us up for a Blokey win. The women who are left are strong and the men who are left are really not. Pete has interesting ideas but his implementation is off. I mean, food (or at least food people go to restaurants for) is supposed to be attractive to the eye. The only thing I would have done with Pete's gross fish skin is scrape it into the bin. The guest chef, Alla?, seemed really put off by Minoli. I thought it was a weird vibe but also possibly simply editing.
  10. Call me old fashioned and set in my ways but I do not think the world needs a fish scale lamington. I hate coconut. I especially hate the abomination known as desiccated coconut. BUT faced with a choice between coconut and **fish scales** well, honestly, I would scrape all the gunk off and eat the cake. Oh I just remembered he actually added cod oil to the chocolate. Why does Josh Nyland hate all people? I appreciate what Nyland was trying to do because they do waste an enormous amount of food on MC but couldn't he just throw everything in a broth like regualr home cooks might. Please don't even remind me about the offal sausage. Regarding bumping people out of their comfort zones, maybe a Top Chef approach might work. There they each randomly draw an option and have to make that kind of cuisine or use that particular ingredient. Probably be best if they tried this on a non-elimination episode. It might be fun for a team challenge as well. "Depinder, Kishwar, and Tommy, you will be cooking the cuisine of the American South and you must feature the majestic potato." Hijinks would ensue! I still feel massive love for Kishwar, and nobody better ever make her cry and I would happily eat her food every day, but I'm throwing all my winning vibes at Beans. TeamBeans!
  11. Regarding Gabe, I also did a deep dive. There's not a lot of info but I saw a lot of the same sources as @Werehauzen. There was some, just speculation, that Gabe won TC last fall, came back to Austin all ego puffed and escalated his already pretty bad behavior. So bad that the restaurant had to fire him. Probably sexual because of the tight lipped way it's being talked about. Could also be drugs, I suppose. Or racism. For a brief instant I thought it might be covid related, but I just don't think it would be so secretive if it was covid. Think about it. Even if Gabe doesn't win TC he's already gotten a boost and publicity by doing as well as he has. His old restaurant could have spun that into a lot of free publicity and good will. Instead they fired him. Then I read an article that Gabe is in the process of opening a new restaurant, I assume in Austin. This bothers me. Abusers don't stop abusing out of the goodness of their hearts. If he opens his own restaurant he'll have a massive power differential with his entire staff including, I assume, young women chefs and servers. These women need to have their eyes open if they're planning to work with him. Do you think the reason TC hasn't addressed it is because he does in fact win and it's a complete PR clusterf*ck for TC? Whatever happens Gabe is dead to me now but that's ok because I was never rooting for him. Honestly hoping for a Maria win. Or Shota.
  12. "I'm going to make a pickled egg yolk and fennel 4 ways." -- last words of a chef who has lost all hope. I'm mildly obsessed with YoYo. She was eliminated early (2nd or 3rd) and I never gave her a thought because she was never featured. I'm not sure she ever got a talking head except the pity THs contestants get when they're about to be booted. So this week that we have spent with the eliminated chefs, a week in which way too much screen time was given to f'ing Trent, we again never heard a word from YoYo**. No TH, no heartwarming story about how much she's grown as a chef, no judge visit to her bench. Nothing. So my question is why does MasterchefAU hate YoYo so much? What did she do to warrant worse treatment than Trent for cryin out loud. **I recognize the fact that she may have actually just really sucked at cooking because she did leave a poop shoot in Mel's prawn. Even I, a person who doesn't really cook, know a poop shoot is a ticket home. So how did she get into the comp in the first place (I don't watch the audition episodes)? I am a bad person because I may have giggled when Therese served up her small bowl of sadness and despair for the judges. And I felt a definite bit of joy when I realized Conor is NOT returning. I'll be fine if Tom or MessyBun win tomorrow. But, serious question, why have we spent an entire week focused on people who've already been eliminated? This show does not actually need to be longer. ETA: Oh it's poop chute. Of course it is. That's better.
  13. We are going to be stuck with Blokey McFatFingers til, like, final 6 aren't we? Worse? Final 3!? Sometimes I wish I could still drink booze because he would be a great drinking game.
  14. MC Junior Australia 2020 was really good. Why can't we have both kids and celebrities? That said, I like Celebrity MCUK and I LOVE the celebrity Bake Off (UK) episodes. I often don't know who any of the celebrities are but it doesn't matter. It is crucial to get celebrities who are good sports and can laugh at themselves though. Otherwise it can get awkward.
  15. All 3 deserve to win, IMO. Why do the stylists hate Arisa Cox? Is she secretly super mean and bitchy? Is she not allowed to look at herself in the mirror and say "oh hell no"? Serious question because what the heck was that?
  16. Did you watch the CircleUK season that just ended? There was a similar situation (to Chloe and Trevor) and I thought that final meet-up was a real blast. This CircleUS finale fell short for me but I think it's just me, not anything the show did or didn't do. Maybe I just reached a saturation level. In the end I really liked it. I'm glad Trevor won. That money will help give their little girl a boost and I thought Deleesa did a great job. She came prepared and I appreciate that. I'd also have been entirely happy with a Chloe win. She really won me over these last few weeks. OK now what's next up?
  17. I'm not a professional fisherperson but I suppose they simply ask the yabby a question only a girl would know the answer to.
  18. For my personal emotional well being I propose that we implement a new rule. Anyone who make Kishwar sad is immediately banned from the MC kitchen forever. Heck, let's just declare Kishwar the winner and let everyone else battle for second. That was actually an excellent twist. I'm ok with never hearing the word gutsack on a cooking show ever again. Question: What is the fish coral(sp?) they were talking about in conjunction with the gutsack? Is that roe? Tried to google but I think I'm off on the spelling.
  19. Does Reynold have written into his contract that EVERYONE must exclaim at great length on the wonder and awe that is REYNOLD!!!! Honestly he kinda ruined the episode for me. It's easy to love Callum. Poh is a LOT but she's also warm and has a great rapport with the cooks. Reynold felt like he was just there to meet his fans and pretend to be humble. Also that black dessert just looked unappetizing and gross. If I was working in his kitchen I'd throw it away because it looked like burned food scraps. Man, I just really don't love Reynold. I love Kishwar and she's the one whose food I always want to eat. I was, of course, sure that the guy with the fussy cake was going home since we've never met him before. Many years ago when I was small my grandmother would make us kids a quick and easy mille feuille using graham crackers and whipped cream. It was so sweet and basic and we just loved it. But we certainly never called it a mille feuille. I first heard that word on an early Bake Off episode.
  20. I didn't watch the audition episodes because I got 10 minutes in and had already cried a LOT and I couldn't deal. I'm extra emotional right now and the slightest hint of a sad backstory makes me cry. So anyway... Is Kishwar the woman in Emilia's Mystery box episode who was very worried her food might be too simple because she just made something her family likes? Because I was sooo sad that she was worried and I love her. I hope I didn't just jinx her. Hiring Melissa is the smartest thing this show ever did. And Andy is so much better. I was surprised by the top 3.
  21. I tell myself I have to watch them all because otherwise I'll likely read a spoiler this week and then I'll be so crushed because spoilers for a show like this really take away from a lot of the fun. I actually felt bad for Jack/Emily. It felt like a production set-up. I mean, I don't actually like Jack but that left a bad taste in my mouth. Maybe production hates him. Did any of them actually believe that was actually Lance Bass? Love Khat & Deleesa/Trevor. Heck I kind of like everybody. I even like Chloe now. I think she may actually be quite confused about arithmetic and history but she seems to read people pretty well and she shows evidence of a good heart. And I think she's only 21. Is that true? This is honestly a fun show. I've watched all 3 UK seasons and both US seasons and it's so interesting how the show has evolved. Editing seems to focus more on strategy. I wish more countries would do Circle seasons. Be fun to see an Australian version.
  22. OMG Jack/Emily is annoying the heck out of me! I honestly am not sure Jack has ever met a woman. In ep 3 or so, after a "chat" with one of the women, Jack/Emily said, about himself, "Hmmm that's maybe the best conversation I ever had with a girl." That tells me all I need to know about Jack. He is very young so I will cut him a very very tiny bit of slack. I don't know this Chloe person, apparently she was on another Netflix reality show. Tell me can she be this dumb? Is it an act? She doesn't think there's ever been a war between the US and England?!!? Well, sure, I mean it was a tiny war, of no consequence, and she's no reason to have heard of it. It was over almost before it started. I'm sure they don't even mention it in schools in England. Also she was on the losing side and it happened more than 20 years ago so ... So far this looks like a decent bunch. I really liked Bryant. He was lovely and if this was all just his attempt to get more followers for his breathing videos then good for him. He made a good show and I wish he'd stayed. What is this Lance Bass nonsense? I'm not in the mood for this.
  23. I just finished Season 4 and I'm going to put this next bit in spoiler tags because I don't want to spoil it for future viewers who may wander in here.
  24. Let me see if I understand this. He said "You're all done, young lady!" and you DIDN'T instantly murder him? You're a better person than I am by a mile. 😀 On topic: I've found that I lose interest in the on air broadcast shows after a few weeks, once we get to know everybody, mainly because I can get up to date info about the show from Twitter and Youtube. For example, we usually know by Saturday who has won veto and who will most likely go up in their place. On the broadcast show we don't get told this info until Wednesday night usually. By then it's old news! Any attempt to introduce tension or drama is useless because we already know what happens. I wish they would shake up that formula.
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