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Everything posted by zibnchy

  1. Plus Joe wanted to open a pizza parlor at his zoo using the Expired Walmart Meat for toppings. I haven't even watched the last two episodes yet. I don't know if I can handle it.
  2. That interview is painful to watch because Spade just babbles stupidly BUT Saff comes off very well, I think. Hope he lands on his feet and even gets a boost from this.
  3. Holy Cow! I keep thinking this can't possibly get crazier and then it does! First episode Carole seemed kind of normal and nice and then BAM! Oh yeah, Carole knows. The best part? I haven't thought about the Corona Virus in 5 hours! Just started Episode 5. I'm actually going to save the last couple of episodes for a distraction tomorrow.
  4. I agree. I was looking forward to some harmless DRAMA. I just can't figure out how they could go on. Support staff were starting to quit in fear of being exposed. Apparently feeds were down for more than a day before the announcement. There will be two more episodes (I think) to wrap things up.
  5. According to twitter production on BB8 has been stopped. This terrible season is over.
  6. I don't have any problem bailing out on tv shows. I quit watching shows all the time and never look back. So why, I'm asking myself, am I still watching this dreck? They've ruined Manny. He used to be layered. And interesting. Not any more. Beth is just More Beth and there was IMO nothing likable about Beth ever so More Beth is just Too Much Beth. In the first 2 seasons there was something elusive about Annie that was almost likable. Maybe it was the way she supported Ben. And she could be funny. Again IMO. But all that is gone. Ben needs to go live with his dad and Annie needs to go away. (Also ugh to the stupid "cute" therapist for caving to her.) Ruby has always been portrayed as a good mother. A great mother even. Now, all of a sudden, she's making choices that could irreparably damage her daughter's life. And why? Still I watched. Then Lucy happened. And this week Manny threatened Max. Max is the human equivalent of a sad puppy. And I actually believed Beth would cave and give Manny the information about Max. The final straw was when they had the audacity to suggest Au Jus has birdy cancer as part of a dark (unfunny) joke. The only thing good about this episode was the final 15 seconds. EDIT: Sorry. I keep calling him Manny. Of course I mean Rio. My brain is melting.
  7. I know this show is stupid and unrealistic but I cannot understand why Dean hasn't taken the kids (and Ben and Stan and Ruby's kids and Au Jus) and run so far away with a side stop at the police station to turn Beth's gang in. I dislike Dean intensely, yet here I am on Team Dean. So confusing. Stupid show. I liked Lucy so much I want to get a bird and name it Au Jus. But I won't because I know nothing about birds. And I have a cat.
  8. The scene at the end when Beth introduced Au Jus to Dean and referred to the bird as a "rescue" made me irrationally angry. I just hate Beth now. It's easy to blame Dean but Lucy's death is really all Beth's fault. Just MHO. I feel like Christina Hendricks thought GG was going to be her Breaking Bad but it is so very much not.
  9. What just happened? That was just disturbing. Not interesting disturbing. Just ugly and unpleasant. Now I actually hate all the characters, except poor sweet Ben. And Au Jus.
  10. One question I've always had about the show is Are we meant to root for David? Or maybe Why do I have so much trouble rooting for David? He's a 30-something year old man baby with a personality many would find off putting. I get that maybe he's supposed to be a junior Moira Rose BUT Moira has worked her ass off for everything she has (she's a 9 time Daytime Emmy Award attendee after all!! CaCaw!!) Sure she's a bit crazy but she's working all the time. And Johnny Rose is working constantly. David pouts and is basically incompetent at everything until Perfect Patrick comes along and enables him. That store of his is just a fictional fairy tale. Unless he and Patrick are laundering money for the Canadian mob, that store would not produce enough income to support a day old kitten for a day. My big problem with Perfect Patrick is his introduction to the show focused way too much attention on David and took away from the real stars of the show (IMO): Moira and Johnny (of course), Stevie, Jocelyn, all the Jazzagals. Honestly I would love a season of just Moira and the Jazzagals. Especially if they're all drinking Herb Ertlinger Fruit Wines and getting unfortunate haircuts. They should have sent Patrick to Madagascar, or wherever, with Ted. Do I remember correctly that David was the first man Patrick ever *kissed*? Now they're in a perfect, conflict-free relationship and planning the perfect wedding? Where are they going to live? In the motel? In Patrick's studio apartment? I have so many questions. (I kind of wish the show would stick around for another season whence Patrick and David's marriage implodes from the unresolved issues like the wants kids/doesn't want kids one. (Also just IMO David would make a terrible parent. Nobody needs a selfish man baby for a parent.)
  11. Providence Rhode Island Buddy Cianci, spent 4 years in federal prison for racketeering. Then got out and ran again.
  12. Now that the former seafood restaurant is doing ok is there any reason why the younger daughter can't sell her 40% stake and take her kids and get the hell away from the rest of her family? I assume it depends on whatever kind of financial contracts they may have signed and I literally know nothing about financial stuff. But, damn, if not for herself she should get her kids out of there. That poor boy (I don't remember names), 20 years old, so much pressure already and trying to get clean on top of that. It felt like he was carrying around so much weight. Older sister needs help and I hope she gets it. There are obviously deep seated problems in that family that we aren't privy to and that are none of our business. What was the point of humiliating her on TV? None of that shit about her relationship with the line cook was any of our business and humiliation like that can literally kill a person who is obviously struggling. Gordon should just stick to humiliating dickwad control freak restaurant owners. There are plenty. Honestly, after seeing the condition of the kitchen I would not ever eat anything within a mile of that place ever again. I'm almost reluctant to ever eat seafood again after that.
  13. What was the point of the Roland/Johnny story-line? Does Chris Elliot know where some bodies are buried? I would really really like Stevie to be happy. Not enough Moira, never enough Moira.
  14. I was so happy to see Chef Lisa at the end of the episode. Glad things are working out for her. Maybe next week we'll meet Phil again. Ramsey seems way less abrasive this season. He's still an ass but he seems to be slightly more nurturing. I almost like him again. That will probably not last.
  15. I feel like Roland is the only regular character on this show who hasn't shown any sign of growth in 6 season. He's exactly the same guy he was in S1E1. Which is too bad because he could have grown that character a lot. Even a little improvement would have probably brought a lot of fans to his side. I've been rewatching from the beginning on netflix and I've found that I can ff thru all Roland scenes and it doesn't detract from the story at all. The best thing about Roland is Jocelyn. I love Jocelyn and I'd hate it if we'd lost her character because they axed Roland. Maybe they could have killed Roland in the first episode. Rewatching also reminded me what a dud Mutt was, but what did I expect really. I would hate to lose Stevie but this is the final season so I guess I was going to lose her anyway.
  16. Circle UK Season 2 had a contestant, Tim, who brought his cat. Circle US needs a cat. I loved Circle UK and I imagined that Netflix would ruin the US version but I'm so relieved to really like it. (I hope I love the winner, I haven't loved either of the two UK winners.) I'm kind of sorry they booted Alana. I wanted to get to know her better. I wanted to hear more about how horrible the ramifications of being, um, too beautiful are. (Did you guys know she's a model?!) She's so brave to go on TV and actually Tell The Truth about being a model and being JUDGED all the time (mostly by ugly people for sure) based solely on her looks! Hope she writes a book.
  17. I feel like, for me, Mel and Sue were the gold standard. I may or may not have daydreamed about being BFFs with them (depending on how weird it makes me sound). I only knew Noel from IT Club so he originally seemed like a very odd choice. BUT I quickly grew to love Noel. I've not warmed up to Sandi but I don't dislike her. I do dislike Prue. A couple of years ago the American hosts were Nia Vardalos and her husband Ian something and, Oh My God, I found her almost completely unwatchable. (He was just there.) There was an energy about her that actually made me anxious. So the Spice Twins are almost unwatchable but at least they don't make me anxious. For terrible hosts have you tried Canada? I actually find Canadian Bake Off to be about 85% unwatchable.
  18. OMG it's craquelin NOT cracklin. Over on Masterchef (US) they are constantly making cracklin to put on everything. So I could not figure out why they would put crispy pig skin on their choux. On purpose. Of course the first time I heard about choux pastry I thought it was shoe pastry. I feel smarter now.
  19. I mostly like everyone ok but dangly earring guy is a bit of a special smug bastard, isn't he. Regarding the level of talent, I've found the same to be true of American Masterchef VS the British Masterchef. Much lower quality. Much simpler bakes. Much reduced expectations. Also there was an American on Australian Bake off this year and she was unimpressive. I'm certain they only kept her as long as they did because she was one of only two women left. I can't possibly be the only one tired to death of the Gingerbread Scene Showstopper. It is everywhere. I feel certain that the main reason Sherry got the job is precisely because she and Paul have zero chemistry. I actually like her a lot more than Prue.
  20. Are we supposed to think Isaac and Roxy are romantically interested in each other? Because no. There's just no freaking way. Not in a million years. I can't even imagine them hooking up for a quickie like Julia and her "dates". I guess the show runners made Roxy a former gymnast (as opposed to child star) so they could tie in the Nassar story with creepy gym owner guy. I just don't have any faith that the show can handle that story line with any sensitivity. I don't much like Roxy but she's at least an interesting character. She's broken but we kinda know why. Potential for her character's growth is huge. I also like the actress and think she's doing a fine job. Julia is just so boring and weird (and not interesting weird) and Edie is just the worst. How did Edie lose all her redeeming qualities? Every episode should have one of Dad Bechley's "children" show up unexpectedly and punch him hard in the face. For starters.
  21. We don't really know if Edie wants kids or not but what seems pretty clear is that she doesn't want to have kids with Tim. I don't much like Edie but a big issue is her sexuality. It seems that Edie and Tim have been having problems for quite a while. Way back in the pilot they made it clear one of the primary problems is sexual. So I think if Aggressive Lesbian Plot Device hadn't shown up Edie and Tim would still be dunzo because I think Edie is more than 60% lesbian. That said, NOBODY on this show should have any kids.
  22. I've been trying to figure out what's off about this season and here's my 2 cents. In no particular order. 1) Prue - she's bitchy and mean and generally unhelpful unless the baker happens to be one of her pets. She's been a poor replacement for Mary Berry all along but this season she seems tired of it all. 2) Noel - I LOVE Noel but something is off in his interactions with the bakers. His remarks seem forced and the bakers seem annoyed with him. For this I blame the producers. I feel like the producers are trying to force the interactions to be risque (many mentions of buns). The past two years Noel has been great with the bakers but maybe the producers left him alone more. Now I imagine them telling him to "Make more buns and balls jokes even if you have to force them." and "Annoy the bakers when they're at the most critical phase of the bake. That's fun." 3) the bakers- I just don't think this group is very good at baking, with the obvious exception of Steph. (David's bakes look good but I never want to eat them.) There was no baker this year that won my heart (like a Kim-Joy or a Chetna) and I realized today that I don't care who wins (as long as it isn't prissy Alice.) Have to root for Steph at this point. (I feel like I would love Rosie more if I could play her at .75x speed.) Bottom line I blame the producers and the casting department mostly but I blame Prue for her own shitty attitude. It was past time for Michael to go.
  23. It seemed like several of the bakers were fairly unfamiliar with making choux pastry which is completely absurd. Did they really never watch a season of this show? Every season, I think, has a choux pastry challenge. Why would you, in season 10, not practice all the basics. I don't know how much time they have between finding out they're on the show and actual filming, but I would be re-watching and practicing (I know they ahve jobs and stuff but ffs it's GBBO, why half ass it?) I would at least practice many different varieties of dough. GBBO taught me what choux pastry is. I've never made it but I'll bet I could have done a better job than whatever that was that Michael was trying to fry. I think this is what's annoying me - the bakers don't really seem particularly qualified. They've been quite shitty at the technical bakes this year. I just don't know if this group really has the chops to compete. They have the opportunity to practice their bakes in advance so I find the fact that so many of the bakes are underwhelming to be quite a head scratcher. For the record, I'm the worst baker. I can't even make a box cake. But I'm obviously very good at judging other bakers. 😀 I'm the biggest GBBO fan I know and I'm starting to think the show maybe needs to end. (Oh who am I kidding? I'll watch no matter what.)
  24. Or her lungs. ("Because she breathed life into us. Also, did I mention we were poor?") I'm with the Dorian was chosen crowd. She was very conventional and average but she never fully imploded (Subha treatment notwithstanding.) She has a sobby sob story. She will represent the brand well enough. I think Nick was just Joe's wet dream. Rich, white, Italian, blandly good looking, Harvard boy. Nick is what Joe sees when he looks in the mirror. Nick should run away. Sarah was there. I think Gordon likes to think he's a "savior" and picks a project every year. Micah was his Amazing, Awesome, Extraordinary, Season 10 project. That didn't go well and Gordon will probably pull out all the stops next year.
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