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Everything posted by MartyQui

  1. One of my great regrets is the loss of my great grandmother’s cast iron skillet. My aunt probably threw it away because it was old. I would have happily eaten any of those meals...including Eric’s. Worth a trip to DC to try his restaurant.
  2. Chop off the bottom of Anthony Ryan's outfit and it's my high school drill team uniform, colors and all. No one mentioned that the lace in front of Dimitri's dress was completely see-through? And Michelle must have naked pictures of every judge, because there is NO WAY that that mess was the best on the runway. It was ghastly.
  3. What drives me crazy is when they focus on the fact that the dress doesn't fit...of course it doesn't. Samples come in big and small...so unless you're a sample size, it's not going to fit! That's why they have clips, and pieces of fabric and every other thing they do so that you can get an idea of what it will look like. They're not going to order you a dress in that size!!
  4. Re Cincinnati to Italy...I was just at a meeting where we were talking about CRPS, apparently it’s quite rare, and usually happens after a trauma and in a specific area so her case was a little odd. There’s no established treatment (the people I was talking to are trying ketamine for it), but the pain is supposed to be excruciating...12 on a scale of 1-10. As far as his accent, I have a good friend from Padua, right near Vicenza, and he speaks English with a British accent too. He said that was the accent his teacher had, so that's what he learned.
  5. Chris Coombs, the mentor, owns four restaurants in Boston. Deuxave, the one Adrienne ran, is excellent. He has two steakhouse style restaurants (Boston Chops), and one casual restaurant/bar (D-Bar, which was his first). He's been on Chopped twice and was a real jerk both times. I can't imagine working for him.
  6. The guy who is the Northern version of Randy seems really weird to me...like he’s a bad actor brought in to play the part of “gay wedding dress consultant”. Not as bad as Monty, who I cannot stand, but just weird. Also, the dresses in the Canadian erosion are so much less expensive, they even had a really pretty one for under $1000...
  7. I wonder how much of this is actually scripted...not the primary so much, I think they just give people big discounts and hope they'll give good stories, but all the crew shenanigans. They actually have reality show writers who set up the stories and give cues (if not an actual script) to the players. The idea that they told Adrian to act like a creep in order to generate buzz (especially in the #metoo era), kind of makes sense to me...clearly, they hit a nerve. And unless Laura is in on it too, why would she *ever* not go straight to the captain or Kate after the meat comment? That was so far over the line you can't see the line. But if they're treating it like a scripted TV show or movie, then their "characters" are playing a role, including the role of the man in the golden speedo, because again, where in the real world would that ever happen? Except in Hollywood, apparently.
  8. The England to Poland child probably thought they were moving from the house they already had...which was really cute.
  9. My only issue with the chicken dish was the side dishes...did he say spinach polenta and asparagus? They don't sound like they go together...
  10. Again, they missed the boat on Boston...the street that they showed is Acorn Street on Beacon Hill, one of the most photographed streets in the country, and not somewhere an undergrad at MIT would be living. There must be stock footage of MIT around that they could have used. Ugh.
  11. I looked up Miguel, the tennis info says he's only 24 (!), and hasn't won any tournaments. Family money? Who knows.
  12. It’s not an ad it’s a charity website called Omaze. They have a lot of wonderful promises you can buy raffle tickets for. Prizes, not promises!
  13. Googled the Dakar people...the program is only 9 weeks, so she was really temporary, which explains the husband’s staying behind. She’s actually got a fascinating career, I’d kind of like to read her book.
  14. This morning I watched the condo with gold glitter grout...WTH? All I could think about was how difficult it would be to clean that. Her taste really is crazy.
  15. Toronto to London...he said he worked for some kind of media or mobile company, and I’m going to guess she sees herself as an “influencer”...hence all the pictures of her posing in mediocre outfits. God, they were annoying!
  16. Buffalo to Madrid: had they actually dated before moving? She didn’t seem to know the least little thing about him...I would think I would have known if my boyfriend liked to cook or was messy. I think they picked the best apartment for them, I would have needed space to live with Mr. Old Man.
  17. Houston to Amsterdam...again with the two bedroom bit. We get it, hordes of friends and family will be knocking on your door looking for a free bed. I did think they picked the best apartment. Also, maybe it’s me, but why does everyone need a huge master bedroom? It’s not like you eat dinner in there.
  18. Did they ever say what Josie and Taiya did for a living? Rachel’s a nurse, and Chelsea’s a stay at home mom. I looked up Dry Ridge, and the median household income is $32,000 a year. Yikes.
  19. The thing that I cringed at was Maggie's makeup...one of the brides said that they'd never seen Maggie with a full face of makeup, and she clearly had hired someone, but the foundation they chose was too light and reflected light in a weird way. That plus the unblended eyeshadow and the dark lipstick was just awful. I felt bad for her.
  20. Benji choreographed Adam Rippon's Olympic short program.
  21. Adam's not making bread from scratch or a lot of house made items, so he should be OK making three meals a day for 8 people, plus whatever the crew eats for dinner (it looks like they're on their own for breakfast and lunch). I used to cook lunch and dinner for 4 people (priests in a rectory), and I had a lot of free time to figure out interesting things to make. And I was 16!
  22. I think the judges wanted butter or oil on the bread *before* it was toasted...toasting bread dry, and then not putting anything on it, just tastes like stale bread (to me at least). Putting some olive oil, or a smidge of butter on it would enhance the toasting process.
  23. Luckily, not true. My grandmother and my aunt both had stillborn babies who have graves.
  24. Kenya's plaid coat was fine, but not original. And the pockets weren't matched to the body. If she didn't want to match them, cut them on the bias. Ayana's coat didn't have any kind of a lining or facings...where the collar met the neck was just a raw edge. I did like the black and pink though. The monstrosity underneath needed to go straight into the garbage. And Brandon...just what every woman wants: a 20 pound winter coat covering a top that didn't even cover the model's bra. You can see it when the judges are examining the clothes. I had a muff when I was five..I wore it over my coat. You know, so it would be handy. Kentaro's look wasn't exactly practical, but the collar on the jacket was very face flattering. If Margarita had to pick fake fur, did she have to pick the ugliest one at Mood? They have some really nice fakes that would have been workable. And was that little strip of leather the "fabulous" belt that she told Liris would cinch in the dress? Ugh, just ugh.
  25. I read an interview with Christian Soriano, and he said that the money from Payless was a big help in funding his line at the beginning. Also, I think he's gotten a lot of publicity for red carpet events, especially when he rescued Leslie Jones and made her that gorgeous red dress.
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