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Everything posted by MartyQui

  1. Subha’s recipe looked good until I saw the cup of ghee! Even if you only fry everything in it, that’s a lot of fat.
  2. I heard from a friend that Jess LeProtto is cast in Steven Spielberg’s West Side Story...
  3. And they didn’t mention AC in that warehouse...a metal building in Dallas in the summer would be horrible without HVAC. I agree that the financial model seems really weighted toward the renovators. I’ve looked at the Airbnb listings, and it seems like their rental estimates are really inflated.
  4. I think the boots that Eddie had on were a handicap...I think he was tripping over them sometimes. Overall...meh. But I love Benjamin.
  5. Barcelona: I recognized the terrace where they had their initial meeting with the agent. It’s at a hotel I stayed in last September! I liked the apartment they chose, it seemed like a good balance and a great location. I was just happy I didn’t have to hear how the working partner wouldn’t tolerate any more than a 5 minute commute to work!
  6. Ugh, Tuscany bride. What a sad pitiful little wedding she had there, and then she had a whole reception (minus the actual ceremony I guess), back in Texas. Bet Mom and Dad coughed up the money for the whole thing too. I didn’t mind indecisive bride, since she had never tried on a dress before. I could see getting overwhelmed.
  7. Haha! My brother in law read the book and commented that no one makes you tell every awful thing you did in your life in your autobiography.
  8. Accra: he developed an app that helps small business owners make decisions. It sounds interesting (and they won a funding prize last year, so it sounds real, not like some of these stories). I really liked them both, and the apartment they chose...I couldn’t have lived with the orange sherbet walls in the first apartment! And the third was beautiful but seemed a little isolated for her.
  9. Los Angeles to Turin: Turin is gorgeous, and very walkable. The 20 minute commute was probably a nice walk. I’m so sick of Americans complaining about the small refrigerators! That’s because you step out of your door to a market and buy what looks good that day. And how big a kitchen does one guy need?
  10. You hate us us cause you ain’t us...but Johnny Damon is a jerk.
  11. Saskatoon to Santiago: The husband was SO annoying. Dude, you’re not buying the house, you’re going to live there for a year. Suck it up. And how many people are going to come visit when it’s a 12 hour flight from Canada? And why do two people, one of whom isn’t working, need two bathrooms?
  12. Thinking about Garo's corsets...sometimes they were a design element, but for at least two of the dresses he sent down the runway (Kate's and the model with the sequin V), they were structural (to hold up strapless dresses). I think he needed to pick a lane.
  13. I’m so happy Sebastian won, and I want that teal coat dress (and somewhere to wear it). The less said about Hester the better. I thought Garo’s collection wasn’t particularly well made, and quite a few of the looks were really derivative of Vivienne Westwood.
  14. Is it wrong to google people who show up on IHH? This guy’s a VP at Hyatt...that’s a job with a lot of responsibilities, so I’m guessing that all the “I have to be near the nightlife” stuff was producer manipulation. Again, I don’t understand why people with real jobs and reputations do this show. He came off like an a**.
  15. No one said that Garo's suit had to be a pantsuit and a jacket with lapels. He could have done a jacket with a zip front with a corset insert and a pencil skirt...he would have met Nina's challenge while keeping to his own esthetic, and it would have been way easier to draft and finish.
  16. I don't think the stepfather thought that the girl's life didn't have value, I think he was heartbroken knowing that she was dying, and wanted her to save her strength to live a little longer. It was nice that he accepted what was coming and did his best to make her last days happy. I sobbed.
  17. I don't understand how those traders have all that time to sit around and scheme. I worked on a trading desk for a while, and we barely had time for lunch. They brought it into us so that we wouldn't miss a trade.
  18. I don’t understand why someone with a job like his (not a travel blogger or a stay at home dad or a wanna be actor) would agree to be on a show like this? I mean, I have a job somewhat similar to his (but I’m not a CEO, haha) and I can’t imagine making my search for a vacation home public.
  19. That jacket was really poorly made...look again at the lapels...they weren’t pressed correctly so the seams curved in a way they weren’t supposed to. Rookie error.
  20. Yes, the daughter definitely had Down's and it looked like she has a cochlear implant too. Good for Dad for being the stay at home, he looked like he was into it. I would have picked the country house, but I can see not wanted to be so far away from everything. I liked this family!
  21. What do you mean? I thought they were doing a B&B like you see in Ireland...a room, maybe a shared bathroom, and a host who makes you breakfast in the morning?
  22. I wonder if they were ever going to do a real B&B...it sort of looked like they were just renting out the room with the kitchenette.
  23. I always think that these travel bloggers do this to drive traffic to their blog/instagram, but as far as I can tell they don’t have a blog and her instagram is private. Thought they chose the best apartment, but the story (as usual) doesn’t make sense.
  24. Will Restored by the Fords have it’s own topic? I really like their designs.
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