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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. And then the grand "EVERYBODY loves dildos!!!" speech. She usually scares me with her special brand of onscreen cray but goddamned if she didn't amuse the shit out of me tonight. As for Cary, just take your CHANEL COAT and shove it up your lying, gold-digging temple ass.
  2. I'm not gonna lie, I cackled in delight when Cary told LeAnne she had bad breath and without even skipping a beat LeAnne growled back at her "Good, I hope it smells like DOGSHIT!!!"
  3. I cannot even fathom how Gretchen/Slade remotely fit into this crew's dynamic...they were also at GG's 80's roller derby party earlier this season too---it's just creepy and desperate as Hell the way they'll show up for any Bravo celebration just for all of two seconds of screentime. What in the Hell do GG and Gretchen even have in common besides a shared love of fake hair, fake relationships and gaudy makeup?
  4. Finally watched this episode...and WOW, I can't get over how much Kameron is a nasty snob-and-a-half!! Also, a total bore on a trip...she could definitely use some of that sexual chocolate to help shove away that stick so far up her ass. I mean, I get that Kameron doesn't think Brandi and her dildo hyjinks are remotely funny and thinks that she and Stephanie are just drunken messes, but repeatedly calling them out to the rest of the cast and audience as being "trashy" is some first-class snooty meangirl bullshit too. And FYI, public class call-out's are just as trashy as drunken dildo chasing, you butterfaced fake-blonde troll. Stephanie drunkenly crawling around on the boat: hilarious!! That would so be me. Get on the big boat and get a little drunk? Just crawl on and keep that tequila a'flowing. The one gal who has handled herself with exquisite grace, class and good-nature for the entire trip so far has been D'Andrea---what an awesome travel buddy she has been so far, just rolling with the punches and going with the flow, simply laughing and commenting on the silliness of everything. I'm totally loving her so far, gaudy makeup aside! LeeAnn simply rolling her eyes and calmly disputing any comments on her man's package was perfection. THAT is how you handle stupid gossip like a pro, unlike weepy Cary and her histrionics---I know part of that might've just been the tequila and first shock of hearing it, but still, calm down and don't let the ladies see you sweat if that's indeed a gross local rumor. Unfortunately, looks like LeeAnn will be taking a one way ticket straight back to Crazytown next episode; what is it with this chick and her obsession with breaking plates??
  5. Amen to that. Unfortunately for most brunette women over 45, it's either keep dying all the gray away or opt for blonde or red---I dunno if I'm feeling Carole's blonde look, but I understand why she felt she had to go that route. I respect this short dyed style way more than those ridiculous long weaves that many of these RH's seem to favor; I'll eternally applaud the NYC RH's for mostly being realistic and age appropriate with their hairstyles((aside from Tinsley and her desperate clinging to those dated long extensions)).
  6. I dunno about Carrie apologies---lest we remember that disastrous time she desperately pursued Natasha for her big self-serving apologetic moment, only for Natasha to triumphantly shoot her down with her own apologetic blast: "I'm sorry I married a cheater. I'm sorry I ended up with a broken tooth due to chasing your cheating ass out of my house. And now I'm sorry you've ruined my lunch." That was some brilliant writing that for once actually revealed what a selfish scumbag Carrie truly could be.
  7. Nahhhh, you're just not as *desperate* as the SATC women...except for Samantha, they all have had to compromise, I'm sorry, "grow" in some way to keep their men. I like that at the end of the day, even if she found a good mate in Smith, Sam eventually realized she simply preferred overall being single and free.
  8. It's just beyond creepy---it's pathetic. It's like Brielle has already decided that it's her ultimate goal to end up like her mom, living in a big gaudy bubble with a rich husband to cater to her every stupid whim. I wouldn't doubt that they do mother-daughter plastic surgeon visits. Such a horrible waste seeing this cast of buffoons being flown to Italy only to act like ungrateful imbeciles who are too ignorant to even attempt to enjoy their surroundings and the local culture/cuisine. I'd kill to go to Italy, even for 4 days...ugh....
  9. Dear God YES!!! The entire time I saw her onscreen((and I say this as someone who's always liked JH and her amazing voice)), I just kept thinking to myself "This chick won a friggin' Oscar?!" I don't know what it is about her acting, but she seems so hollow and wooden to me. Like there's no THERE behind her eyes or her lines---even in "Dreamgirls", she just seemed like she was acting, but I'm convinced she only won that Oscar due to her singing...and when she was acting alongside the likes of Beyoncé and Eddie Murphy, her rough charm likely suited the role. But she was outmatched in every scene with the seasoned acting masters/Broadway & stage veterans of this cast. Way to play up the obvious token role with that random casting, producers. Speaking of obvious token...Liza Minnelli singing "All the Single Ladies" at Stanford's wedding in the second movie? Ridiculously pandering---I could've used a barfbag as soon as I saw her tired ass shuffling across the screen.
  10. What a boring, boring show. I literally was nodding off a'la Mike at GG's own boring, boring show. I think after this latest intensely boring, boring show from this ridiculously boring, boring season, I'm finally, officially done with this mess. Seriously, when I find the premiere episode of "Don't Be Tardy" more entertaining than this garbage, I know it's time to go. I will say this though: Asa, wtf is wrong with you? Anyone who proudly claims to want to be a part of the whackadoodle Jackson family is either after money, reflected glory or serious famewhoredom. If you wonder why your man won't marry you, maybe this is why---the thirst is insanely real.
  11. So Cooper is being all kinds of creepy on his Snapchat lately---he was literally driving around and around Patricia's house shouting out at various cast members and talking about filming. He sits on a doorstep nearby basically bragging about how he's on private property and saying about Patricia "there's not a damned thing she can do about it!" Then he finally parks to chat it up with Thomas and his girlfriend, claiming he's with Entertainment Weekly. Despite his weird allegiance to Kathryn and my love for Patricia, I'm still a Cooper apologist and really liked the dude when I met him, but those snaps really make him look a bit unhinged. Not a good look for him at all.
  12. Exactly. I was 34 when I got married---I wasn't about to change my last name for anyone by then. Although even if I'd been 24, I still wouldn't have changed my last name, because I find the whole wife taking the husband's last name archaic and vaguely sexist. Plus, it's a whole lot of money and trouble to change all your legal documents. And I happen to really like my last name, even though my father was a dirtbag. The wife last name-changing is a trend that I really wish would die already. Why can't the husband take his wife's name if he likes? Or how about if both spouses change their names together to a new name?? And then there's the half-assed hyphenating of last names that some ladies attempt---I always wanna tell those gals to just pick a side already. Once I knew this gal who told me that she was taking her husband's last name because she was ready to drop her "slave name." I mentioned that she was merely choosing another name to get enslaved by, to which she answered that at least she was choosing her master this time. Whatever though, I don't understand the mentality of most brides anyway((don't even get me started on my feelings about big weddings and all that hoopla surrounding them)). I do call myself Mrs. sometimes just so my students know to refer to me that way---although it does make me chuckle when my husband ends up getting called by my last name when I make reservations under my last name as a Mrs. That extends to the last names of kids though. Beyond annoying to see some kids with two last names because their ego-riddled parents decided to plunk extra last names on their poor offspring. How about just settling on one last name and leave it at that? Hell, do a coin toss if it matters that much to both parents as to which last name the kids get.
  13. Seriously, I'm a show fan who actually enjoyed both movies((even though I know the 2nd one was total shit, I still was entertained by it)), and even *I* kinda hope there isn't a 3rd film. Let it go and let us have our memories of the gals at their youthful best---I really don't want to think about the possibility of a dead Samantha and the other ladies suddenly making menopause jokes and settling into "Golden Girls" territory. It's dead, it's over, it's done: move on, already SJP and Bitchy Garson!! I'm so upset on the behalf of KC too---how completely rude and unprofessional to call her out like everyone has. If she doesn't care to go back and rehash a character she's mentally done with, let her have that peace. Team Cattrall!
  14. Landon seems like she scoots by in life simply because she came from an upper-middle class family and is a cute, skinny white female. It helped her marry up, get a nice divorce settlement and end up on a reality show for a few years. I'm sure it'll help her eventually find a new husband or at least have a comfy life in the LA area selling a few houses here and there. She has that whole entitled millennial attitude down despite being in her mid-30's. I guess that and her voice are why most of us are not Landon fans---can't say that I'm too sorry to see her go, even though she never bothered me all that much; she's just yet another glorified basic bitch, honestly.
  15. There was a Real Housewife who used to refer to cocktails as "cockies"---it literally made my toes curl everytime she would say that. Just like fetch, quit trying to make cockies happen!
  16. Probably, @Adultosaurus. Although she had managed to get her guy on there for a short explanatory scene during her second season, as well as getting Latoya and Paris to show up to a few shindigs, so it's not like they all completely bailed on filming with her.
  17. Patricia just posted several recent snaps of filming, so I'm guessing she's hosting a low-key kinda birthday dinner for Shep. Promising!
  18. Hate to say it, but I've sorely missed Asa these past several episodes. She may have her own faults, but she still lent a sense of space hippie-dippy peacefulness in the midst of all their ongoing dramas. Whether it was her art or fashion or whatever else little creative adventures she was pursuing, it kinda lent a sense of whimsy that this show needs. Plus, she usually offered a lot of the Persian food porn. If she's off the show for good after this season, I'm checking out. Hell, I missed the last few episodes and hated them both upon rewatch. These people are all so awful.
  19. Agreed. And now that you can go online and buy all sorts of false "service dog" paraphernalia((t-shirts, leashes, collars, etc)), people are taking all kinds of advantage of this trend. And as an insane dog lover myself, it's not that I don't mind having dogs around most public areas((Hell, they're cleaner, cuter and quieter than most children)), it's just that I hate how folks are ruining this privilege for other pet owners who genuinely need their service animals and have all the proper paperwork and physical/emotional requirements for them too. Just the other day I saw this young couple with a tiny little teacup chihuahua on a flimsy white leash that had "service dog" stamped on it. Never mind how besides giving anyone a dirty look who dared look or wave at their dog, after a few minutes I noticed the couple literally tossing this poor "service dog" of theirs to each other repeatedly like it was a tiny football((it was actually yelping in surprise---some onlookers and I were getting upset about this)). Now please correct me if I'm wrong, but is it customary to nearly hurt one's service dog because one insists on roughhousing with it and essentially scare the poor creature?
  20. I begrudgingly liked this couple too, despite them so desperately flying their dual freak flags. They seemed oddly sweet, even though they obviously worked very, very hard to perfect their "oh so creative" look and "we're so quirky" style together indeed! I think mustache dude was way more into the idea of renovating that house out in the burbs than she was---she seemed somewhat resigned to simply following his lead on that decision. Lord knows I also wouldn't be thrilled to have to spend all the time/efforts necessary to get that old creepy former store looking homey and modern. On a more random note, those colorful hipster bars that he owns/runs downtown look hella fun and worth a visit.
  21. Kuckoo Kelly both scares and fascinates me---you should check out her Snapchat/IG stories sometime. She seems to think she's still that 20-something hot supermodel who gleefully lives in her own little unicorn world. How her daughters have turned out so seemingly well-adjusted and intelligent is beyond me.
  22. No joke: I had these reruns playing in the background most of today, and my husband kept cracking me up with his babytalking imitations of Brandi/Stephanie with their squeaky little voices. We won't even discuss his dead-on if oddly deranged Kameron impression. I sincerely hope they consult vocal coaches to help cure their mousy Stepford vocal fry. Most of these women have hideous voices and bad facial work, but I never thought I'd find any of them nearly as amusing as I somehow did today. Okay, and rewatching Leann dressed in her penis suit and talking to her dog, that was an oddly amusing moment too.
  23. My pet peeve currently is realtors, or at least the local realtors I've been dealing with lately. Although I'm not exactly in the best financial shape yet to upgrade from my current home, I still like to see what's out there and explore my neighborhood for potential good deals now and then so that I know exactly what I want when the time is right to make an offer. I've known a few local realtors whom I respect and who have shown me places a few times in the past. So I see this week that several larger condos in my building are available and I asked my fave realtors to be taken to see them, and my emailed requests were all ignored. One realtor pretty much told me((in a nice way)) to either sign an exclusivity agreement with her or to fuck right off. Okay, I get it---don't bug realtors to see places unless you're dead serious about buying. Don't waste their precious time. But on the flipside, if there's even a chance to make a potentially good sale, what's the harm in taking a potential client to either consider an offer or spread some word of mouth to other potential customers? Unfortunately, I'm afraid I've now been lumped into local realtor pariah status and my curiosity and future upgrade ambitions have been mistaken for pure bullshit...still, I'm slightly butthurt about it, even though I'm sure any realtors here would gladly weigh in with their own thoughts on this situation.
  24. I'm actually not surprised in the least that Landon wasn't asked back onto the show---what more of a storyline could she possibly provide? She already did the showmance thing with Shep and T-Rav the past few seasons, she was essentially homeless due to her rental suddenly being put on the market, and her random local job pursuits were a joke. Not to mention it was obvious that the rest of the cast and could barely stand being around her anymore and most viewers don't like her either; plus, she got a horrible edit this past season, which is usually the kiss of death in reality showland. I might've thought that *maybe* she and Austen could've gone for a laughable showmance, but he apparently wasn't asked back either, which actually DOES baffle me. Wonder why he wasn't invited back after the good guy/everyman edit he got? Maybe he just came off way too bland and boring for the producers.
  25. FINALLY she got fit of those tired, ratty old blonde extensions!!! As expected, she looks a trillion times better. And I agree with you, @Mu Shu: if she just did something different with that blah blonde shade already, streak it, darken it or add some lowlights to add spice into her look, it'd make such an awesome difference. Here's hoping she doesn't immediately go running back to the all-too-familiar fake hair/clip-in's after a few months with this fun new 'do. Now if she could somehow just fix her tired ass old personality, she'd nearly be perfect.
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