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Primal Slayer

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Everything posted by Primal Slayer

  1. They should've just had Rip, rip her out of the past. It's a show about time travel after all.
  2. Quentin should be more desperate about bringing his daughter back then Laurel is imo. He hasn't really come to terms with it and I could totally see DD making a deal with him to bring back Sara.
  3. I just can't see what would make her suddenly decide to bring back her sister. Not to mention that I don't want them to use Laurel to bring Sara back only to do the whole "I was at peace, why am I back" and give Laurel another mistake.
  4. Oh ok. Just read it. I guess she is talking about Saras resurrection but we don't know who is responsible for her coming back yet which is interesting.
  5. What interview? I don't remember her saying anything like that.
  6. I'm kind of surprised that Thea doesn't seem to just go and use Red Arrow as her official name instead of just allowing the team to call her Speedy now that she is suited up.
  7. I don't see anything wrong with it, it's a nickname he has for her. If they can find a good way to incorporate it into the show, cool, if they can't, cool.
  8. I could see that possibly happening if something did happen in the past. But it hasn't.
  9. She's already posed with a fan doing the Canary Cry and nothing bad happened, they could easily just take a picture of her doing from the show.
  10. There are other comic book characters from Marvel and DC who open their mouths and have supersonic noises come out. This is something so simple, it would be like saying that Henry Cavill can't do the Superman pose in pictures.
  11. Yeah I heard about that and it is such a weird/lame thing to put someone under contract for. Not as if they have her use it in any promotional material or that she is suited up. I guess she must've gotten in trouble the first time she did it last year. Guess this means that Amell wouldn't be able to hold a bow n'arrow.
  12. I think how Oliver treated Thea, he was basically treating Laurel the same except he wanted to have his cake and eat it to. He knew he could go to her for help as the Hood but didn't want her to be in the know because he wanted to keep her protected.
  13. I think the Flash writers learned from Arrows mistakes since Arrow was all about the drama and suspense so of course they wouldn't have Laurel figure it out on her own even though she should have. They just went where they thought they could get the best drama, even Thea didn't figure out Oliver was the Arrow on her own.
  14. I think there is a brief throwaway line about them going to prom together, at least there is a picture of it I believe. Even Oliver said in Season 1 that Laurel knows him better then anyone else.
  15. Not really. She had a brief thing with Ra's but that obviously would never happen ever. She had an ex-husband but he appeared like once in the comics.
  16. Wasn't that line added my Amell? The writers don't seem to think about the overall story sometimes when keeping certain lines added by the actors.
  17. I remember a tweet talking about fishnets and him replying saying something about how they put something on the outfit to throwback to the fishnets and it seemed like he was talking about the garter belt. http://marcguggenheim.tumblr.com/post/124446784684/have-you-seen-the-fan-art-of-laurel-with-the
  18. I think they meant to allude to her either having fishnets on under the pants or the pants being lined in some fishnet type material and if she were to get cut, you might see them? But I do like the material they had at the top of the boots and on the side of the jacket. Shame they didn't at least adapt those parts from the original design. It is funny that MG seems to think putting the garter belt on the outfit is such a great way to throw back to the fishnets.
  19. If I don't think about the gloves logically, I like them. Whenever Laurel does get a boyfriend again, I am really interested to see how they handle it and if they will adapt a comic character or give her an original character to get paired up with. And if they will try to tie him in to the overall story of the show or just go on with it being on the side.
  20. And they almost had Laurel date/being in love with 2 brothers if they went with their original plan of Malcolm being Olivers father. Robert was to busy boinking Isabel at the time. He probably endorsed Olivers cheating.
  21. And yet Sara had no problem adding to that number for some reason. In season 1 I just chalked it up to Sara being jealous of Laurel to a certain degree which I wish they would've gone with.
  22. I've always wondered about this. Though maybe Oliver/Tommy went to public school and Moira decided to send Thea to private school after Oliver died to keep her in a more controlled environment?
  23. Moira did state how she liked Oliver more when he was around Laurel so I can only assume that she brought out his more affectionate side when they were together.
  24. Lol well I don't see that making them happy since it's a nickname for Black Canary so reversing it doesn't really do anything.
  25. I think she tries to look at the positive side and put on a good face but probably was disappointed with how they wrote her. I can only imagine what she was thinking reading some of those scripts.
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