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Primal Slayer

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Everything posted by Primal Slayer

  1. If they meant for her to be in Sara's clothes they FAILED, but they had her take on a completely new costume thankfully so it wasn't that creepy. I am fine with her moving the body since I can only imagine all the thoughts going through her head and all the questions it would've raised. Not telling Quentin about it was dumb as hell, that I'll give you 100%. I think they just chose the wrong words for Felicity (which isn't a surprise because these writers aren't good at deep) but to me Felicity just meant that Sara was more of a tortured soul then Laurel was which was true.
  2. Because they don't know how to separate characters from actors. Both feel threatend by the other so they try to do anything to take the other down as if 1 will be left standing.
  3. That's season 3 for you. We didn't get to see Olivers initial reaction to finding out about Laurel suiting up, we didn't see Laurel even suiting up. So many things just appeared out of a magic hat. Hopefully that is all corrected this season. I really want to sit down with MG and co. ask them all these questions, but they just wanted more hype for the show and they went the biggest way they knew how. Sara should've been in some LoA gear, lacked the Canary cry, among other things.
  4. I try not to let the actors personal lives ruin a show/movie for me or else I would be watching a lot less tv/movies.
  5. I agree for the most part though they totally meant Sara to fit because there is no way it is a coincidence that they give her the canary bombs, a faithful yet realistic adaption of BC, a Sin. Whereas Yao Fei was treated as an actual prototype that didn't really come close to the actual Arrow/Green Arrow. They got carried away with their shiny new toy, they don't seem to really think long term.
  6. Arrow is the same show where Oliver somehow managed to get away from Ra's long enough to go over to Flash and help him defeat his big bad and come back as if never leaving.
  7. It is basically apologizing to me since it is the standard Celeb thing to say which is what I interrupted his initial "not apologizing" as,
  8. Well Babs was PERFECTION in BoP. It's a shame that Dina didn't get to do more with the character. Would love it if she could take up the character again.
  9. Well Laurel is less damaged of the two. But hey, people were talking about her being White Canary during season 2, even a good fan art piece of her as it. But Laurel is no different then Roy/Oliver/Ray when it comes becoming their comic personas.
  10. I think she will just have a Peter Parker moment. With great powers come great responsibility and all that jazz. So after her encounter with this woman who wants her tantu totem, she will decide to fight the forces of evil full time. And since she is in fashion, she'll create her costume at the end of the series.
  11. Of course she is a version of Black Canary since they went out of their way to give her many Black Canary attributes but the show has called her The Canary to differentiate her from Laurel who goes by a slightly altered name. Basically a spin off. But now we run into the problem of not being able to be lazy and call Laurel, Canary because it is more synonymous with Sara now.
  12. Just wait until the next Arrow post on ONTD, i'll go ahead and bring it up just for you :)
  13. It is easy for a comic writer to refer to Dinah as The Canary because no one is going to get confused about who she is talking about. The show went out of their way to call Sara The Canary and Laurel, The Black Canary. Roy/Thea have been called Red Arrow to differentiate them from The Arrow and Green Arrow. The writers seem to want to show a difference with Sara going from The Canary to White Canary. Of course we will have to wait to see if they actually implement any actual changes. Could've very easily just brought her back and called her The Canary again.
  14. Well yes and no. The Hood vs. The Arrow vs. The Green Arrow are/will be totally different from one another. Oliver as The Green Arrow will handle things totally different from the way he would've as The Hood.
  15. It must make a difference if the show only called Sara the Canary, Laurel the Black Canary and then Sara White Canary. It differentiates them. Just as Oliver is on his 3rd name in the show.
  16. I think she just slides her outfit off over her head. It would take to much time to undo all the laces and redo them everytime and with the strings she can make it as tight/loose as she wants it.
  17. Well she will probably be thinking it is deja vu all over again if she watched the BoP pilot. She probably gets hounded by fans to watch the show and if she has watched it and doesn't enjoy it, puts her in an awkward place since she works for DC. So might as well just jump around.
  18. ....what is he saying? Was he bored when decided to step in to defend all mighty Texas?
  19. Maybe this means that she has been talks to write an episode for the show? One can only pray.
  20. Finally! Nice to see some pictures of TA 3.0 and Thea/Laurel in general. Speedy/Arsenal are probably my favorite costumes in the Arrow-verse thus far. Though I feel like the middle of Theas costume is just begging a bad guy to slice and dice her right there. Her costume would fall apart with 1 good slice.
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