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Everything posted by MamaMax

  1. I think any non-Jew celebrating Passover is a bad look.
  2. But will he let Meri live in his Mojo Dojo Casa House?
  3. Perhaps I'm fooling myself but I feel like there are moments in the show that I read as "real" and "unscripted." None of them are good actors. And the moment in the car when Janelle makes it clear on the way to the restaurant that its not "all better" bc he got a rez at a nice place, I thought he visibly shut down. I do believe he thought this was going to be like all the other times she left - that a cooling off period + a somewhat thoughtful gesture + a night of sex would return him squarely into Janelle's good graces for another few years. Then he would be making R happy by still being "plural" as well as hanging on to J's money. I think for HER, it was an experiment to see if he would really talk to her about what she needs and wants, and she saw it in the car, that wasn't happening. He was 100% thinking he could manage her per usual and that's when she was like NOPE.
  4. so there's chatter on other sites that Kody's been somewhat "indoctrinated" in the "manosphere" and that's what has caused this alleged change in his personality. It really makes me wonder if Robyn genuinely doesn't want to be left alone with him? I can see her thinking she can NOT have a 2nd divorce but that she cant hack Kody 24/7 and with no one else to direct his anger at.
  5. Good grief it’s like Meri and Kody are just in a contest to outlast one another. It’s just a battle of wills at this point. He doesn’t ever want to be accused of firing her but she will never quit. It’s so crazy. These people need serious help
  6. this episode really brought it home for me how cruel Kody and Robyn have been to Meri. I was never too sympathetic to her, but I gotta say, she tugged at my heart this time. His refusal to cut her loose and Robyn's keeping her on a string, wow. Really cold hearted shit. I think its taken Meri so long because, how heart breaking would it be to walk away from a family after 30+ years and literally have NO ONE give a shit? Now, you could make an argument that she made her bed - she's been mean and nasty, the catfishing etc., but even a tiny bit of human compassion for someone would be to cut her loose.
  7. The "marriage lasting past death" stuff is only in the book of Mormon. Jesus actually said there is no marriage in the afterlife, which is why the vows in Catholic wedding are "until death do us part"
  8. i came in kinda late here but IRT the mention of Jana being a Gothard girl -- I listened to the book and it did not occur to me that Jill was trying to say that Jana had been assaulted...just that JB & M had been careless w her safety. it doesn't surprise me that the other kids wouldn't have thought it was inappropriate - but the adults certainly should have! Mentioning that Jana worked at IBLP for a while isn't saying she was victimized. I mean, are we asserting that 100% of his "girls" were effected?
  9. He was trying to get J to take his side against C. He is obsessed with the fact that C left him but still has relationships w others in the family. He was not-so-subtly trying (again) to get J to take his side against someone else in the family. As far as his (ever-changing) accusations as to what Janelle is up to: He jumps on every thing she says trying to "catch" her in her ulterior motives, while she is sitting right in front if him TRYING to explain what she is thinking and feeling. First - she was using him for sex, then she was using him for money. Well which was it? She says she misses him but needs time, he turns that into some sort of mind game. He is projecting his mind games onto her: he's the one who wont tell her directly what he wants form their relationship. (Hint: He wants her undying loyalty and unquestioning obedience.) He knows this is what he's asking for but also knows it will sound awful if he puts it that bluntly so he dances around it. He uses emotionally manipulative words and phrases like "no one cares enough to protect the babies" and then flips when J called him out on that. Janelle, honey, I know its hard to face the fact that your 30-year commitment has gone bad but RUN, don't walk. He might not resemble the man you thought he was but that's because he finally isn't getting his own way.
  10. regarding Meri's houses over the years - gotta say, recent revelations have me reconsidering my attitude towards her. Janelle operated the way I always thought Meri should have - leaving w/i means, getting smaller home for fewer people, and investing money into the general fund to help the ones with the most dependents at home. And now, she is thoroughly FUCKED. Is it possible Meri saw the writing on the wall and was protecting her financial security? Did she know if she wasn't sitting on real estate or otherwise hoarding assets/resources, she could wind up with jack shit? Meri, I take it back. Wet bar and 5 bedrooms for 2 people was just her insurance policy. If I gotta leave, I can sell this place and actually walk away with something perhaps. as for her big rental in Flagstaff, is she maybe air bnb-ing it LOL? Pay the rent out of "general fund" and then pocket the air bnb proceeds? Just spitballing!
  11. He just doesn't want to deal with anyone who doesn't worship him and obey all his commands. Its still a head scratcher to me that K and R couldn't anticipate that introducing a new wife and step siblings (and then babies) after - what? 18? - years of basically hemostasis in the fam would upset the balance. Kody is also so fragile that he cant face any criticism whatsoever. If it were me, I would be calling my kids saying "I'm sorry I didn't understand how hard this would be for everyone." He will NEVER call those boys bc that is tantamount to admitting fault. And I am 100% willing to believe that the moms have ALWAYS been pressured by K to smooth things out for him w the kids. And they did it to keep the peace and because they believed all his manic shit indicating he's just SO BUSY, what with the LiTEral wEIGht of THE WOrLD!! oN! His! SHouLDERs!! Until they saw that if he chooses to, he can be a present father. Until they saw he could choose to be a attentive husband. IF HE WANTED TO. Robyn is just mad because she thought the other wives would do what they always did and just eat shit. and lastly, how could anyone doubt the kids would "side" with their moms? The parent who was there for them. The one they actually got a decent amount of love and attention from.
  12. I think its the infantilization of a young woman. If she was 2 it would see like nice daddy daughter stuff but at 19 its like, he is doing a "who's your daddy" thing which YUKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
  13. I seriously was watching that thinking, "Is he that dumb? Or is this a passive aggressive 'fuck you' to all the others?" I don't know what it was - Kody showing us what a great involved dad he is IF YOU RESPECT HIM AS HE DEMANDS? Or him just saying YUP, I LIKE THEM MORE? But whichever it was, the editing monkeys said to us HE IS THE ASSHOLE YOU THINK HE IS
  14. Honestly I thought it looked like a brothel.
  15. she said that??? SJP, that's not cool. this whole house of cards is built on our collective nostalgia. Also, at first glimpse I thought they were giant chili peppers
  16. the way Charlotte said "NO" and the look, it makes me well up every time I see it. That felt so much like a real BEST FRIEND moment
  17. IBLP told them to do Is there any info about what Bobeye alleged against Jim? And I keep thinking they were the ones that Josh lived with during his trial, am I wring about that?
  18. I really thought we were going to find out that Claire did it, and repressed it, and the parents covered it up. I also find it deeply unsatisfying that we still don't KNOW what happened because Alison was alone. I still think creepy "dad to be with a young girl fetish" might be guilty! HA
  19. perhaps in her vows she could work in "Its like we shoulda been together from the beginning"
  20. I’m re: Utah. I think she was totally gaslit by her cult that the big bad government wanted to come take her kids. I think she 100% believed this for a long time. I think she’s woken up from her culty beliefs, therefore Utah wasn’t a threat anymore and that’s where most of her family was.
  21. I wondered if her rush was due the Coyote pass deal, like she wanted to get while the getting was good and before Kody and Robyn figured out she was getting the better end of the deal.
  22. First time I have ever spoken out loud to my TV, but when said her final line I yelled "Fuck you, show!" I don't know why I expected any different but DAMN that was the worst way to end this. Other things that annoyed - no one looks have changed AT ALL over 8-10 years? How old is Billie supposed to be? What's the timeline here, how long were B&B together? - The apparent tear in the space/time continuum that allows them to get back and forth from NYC to CT as though its 5 minutes away. - The fact that the baby sleeps ALL THE TIME. There's the #1 mom fantasy right there - a baby that never screams or cries and takes 5 hour naps. And I agree that the sex scenes were totally boring and unsexy. For contrast, go rewatch the sex scenes in "Normal People." I would realize when watching that show that I was holding my breath during those scenes, the chemistry was off the charts. and finally, I could not stop thinking about how the lead actress could be Dr Cuddy's twin sister,
  23. If Meri went on a retreat where she walked on hot coals - then she is deeper down the rabbit hole of cults than I thought. IMO, the whole polygamy culture is a cult, and as she moved away from that community that she got involved with MLM cults/cult-adjacent organizations. She is primed to be sucked into whatever the next NXIUM or whatever. She is a lost soul. I actually feel bad for her. Still don't like her, but i do feel bad.
  24. Ok, terminology was wrong but my point holds - she was the connection between the 2 other units - both opened into her but not each other, so if she took one of the other units there wouldn't have been through traffic
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