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Everything posted by absnow54

  1. Cecily's "Why are you surprised? It's on the cue cards" was the line of the night for me.
  2. Holy Jon Bon Jovi. He's been bathing in the fountain of youth.
  3. I'm happy to see Dave Chapelle, but has he ever done anything associated with the show? I wouldn't mind if he shows up in one of the sketches tonight. It's been far too long.
  4. Oh man, they were still 40 minutes over with material. I hope they release all the pre-recorded stuff they had to cut.
  5. lol, that Dan Akroyd still thinks Kristen Wiig and Fred Armisen are on the show.
  6. I mostly agree with their top 30, but not necessarily in that order. It's tough to rank the entire cast without some polarizing opinions (Norm being the prime example, and Bobby Moynihan being a surprising one... I didn't realize it was possible to dislike him!) but the one that's throwing me off is Cecily Strong. What has she done on the show that's so remarkable? I think it's because she's ranked just above Molly Shannon, who had such an iconic presence on the show, while Cecily has yet to make an impression beyond, "sucks to lose that Weekend Update desk."
  7. Watching Buck Henry's episodes in the rewind marathon, he was such a clutch host. I know he popped up as Liz Lemon's father on 30 Rock (perfect casting) but has he done anything SNL related since 1980?
  8. I don't agree with the list, but I'm extremely grateful that Jarret's Room didn't make the cut.
  9. I thought Jean Doumanian found him. The 1980-1981 season was her disaster.
  10. Most of the episodes from the 70's look to be 90 minutes, so hopefully they won't be heavily edited. They're also basically spending 4 days on those five seasons, so it looks like the 80's (unsurprisingly) got the shaft for this marathon. I'm watching the Tom Hanks episode from the 85 season, and it was nice to see the 5 minutes that Damon Wayans was on the show. His son looks and sounds exactly like him.
  11. The edits have been a little weird. I hate when they cut the monologue too, it really throws me off. Still, I'd rather have a wonky marathon, than no marathon at all.
  12. Have they been cutting him out of the NBC repeats? He's appeared several times during the Vh1 rewind marathon.
  13. I may be wrong, but I believe most of the musical guests are there as musical guests, and not sketch performers. I don't care much for the musical numbers, and could do without them in the anniversary special, but I see why they have their place, since musical acts have always been a part of the show.
  14. I think Eddie Redmayne has really pulled ahead in the Best Actor race. The Best Picture race is getting interesting though, since Boyhood took both Picture and Director. I think Birdman has an edge though, since it's been winning all the Guild awards.
  15. They're playing the Kevin Nealon Weekend Update episodes right now, and he played a very dry, heavily satirized version of a news anchor, which I really loved. I think Beck Bennett would be great in that kind of role.
  16. Exactly, just look at Hannah from Girls. Mary Sue and "self insert" stories aren't the norm in fanfic, but they're common enough to be well known tropes. It's a shame that the worst of fanfic is what's being represented to the general public though.
  17. Did anyone else cry during "Arthur's Theme" because of that one time Finn said, "How can you get stuck between the moon and New York City? They're a hundred miles apart!"
  18. I wonder if John Mulaney would come back to do Update, since his sitcom didn't work out. I think he would have benefited from more exposure on SNL before trying to branch out on solo projects. Jason Suedekis was great with all his anchorman characters, and I think he would have had a Chevy Chase appeal behind the desk. Che and Jost just lack any charisma, which is the most important part of Weekend Update, two dudes reading the news isn't interesting.
  19. Wasn't she the first choice for Piper in Orange is the New Black, but turned it down? She has to be kicking herself for that.
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