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Everything posted by Dianthus

  1. I read the warnings too, but what bugs me about it is that it really isn't CS, no matter what the author says. She insists that it is, because Hook and Emma are together. While true, if it really was a CS story, Hook would have a chance to prove himself to Henry and win him over. Instead, it seems like merely an excuse for the writer to use Henry as her mouthpiece to rag on Emma and give her shit (like she doesn't take enough crap already). There's nothing adorable about emotional blackmail. Also, if it's just Henry giving Emma grief the whole time, it'd get old pretty fast. There's another story (I forget the name) that starts out CS (for, like, the first 50 chapters. Fifty!), then switches to slow burn SwanFire. You'd think people would have better things to do with their time.
  2. Interview with the Vampire was first published in 1976. I read it (the first time) in high school about 10 yrs later. One of the things I found most compelling about it is that the vamps aren't just evil monsters. They're complicated beings, with thoughts and feelings just like the mortals they used to be. Fast forward to 2016, and now we're being asked to care about the idea that Regina's victims aren't being fair to her. Let's let that sink in for a moment. Regina's victims aren't being fair to her! I mean, boo-fucking-hoo, right? How the hell did we get here?!?
  3. So I was over at AO3 earlier (compulsively checking for a Dark Horizons update) when I came across a fic called Henry Trolls Captain Swan (IIRC) that purports to be CS, but isn't really. It's three chapters in and it's written by a SwanFire fan. Honestly, you don't have to like a pairing, but you don't have to be a little bitch about it (unless it's SQ ;p).
  4. Just got back from seeing Deepwater Horizon. Absolutely f*cking brutal to watch; can't imagine having to live through it, or deal with the aftermath. Great job, though, movie-wise. Kurt Russell and Mark Whalberg were amazing.
  5. Given that David was still 'David' under the curse, I don't see why Killian couldn't still be Killian (even Jones, or maybe Smith?). Plus, he already has an alternate persona with Hook. Early on I was mostly reading fanfics that stayed close to canon, but I've read a number of good AUs since. Hell, I even wrote a story called Give the Boy a Hand that was slightly AU. As for what he might do, and living in a small coastal town myself, I can say we've got a fishing fleet, a Coast Guard station, lots of tourist-y shops/restaurants/inns, a marina, kayak rentals, an old power plant, a small natural history museum, and a state park with a golf course all close to the waterfront. We've got a lot of local artists too.
  6. Honestly, f*ck Regina! She's just deeply unpleasant, and I can't imagine wanting to have anything more to do with her than what's absolutely necessary. Isn't it enough that Emma and Snow constantly debase themselves in her cause? Besides, Belle's already got enough toxicity in her life thanks to Rumple.
  7. I really did feel bad for the Count (even though I made a stupid joke to my friend about him being "down for the count" after Regina killed him). So here are two more deaths of people Snowing knew and (sorta) cared about on Regina's tab, but of course that doesn't really matter because A & E are so far up her bitchy ass that she'll never, ever need a colonoscopy. Did somebody mention Regina fatigue? Ha! I've been sick of her for a couple of seasons already. F*cking cow! My friend and I seem to be MST3K'ing this show now. I think JMo maybe could've done something to salvage the not really funny joke/dig at Granny's expense (like make it more teasing), but Heaven knows she can only do so much. It reminded me a lot of her line to Hook about leather conditioner and eyeliner back in s3. Hook's earlier apology to Belle sounded like someone apologizing for something when he/she knows an apology really doesn't even begin to cover it, IMO. Like: I will offer this to you, even if it's kinda lame, and you can take it or not.
  8. What a crap-tastic thought. The SQers would be even more insufferable then they already are after something like that. Gah!
  9. I'll confess to trolling the nutjobs over at TV.com after last season's finale. I used to think she was funny, too, in the beginning. Now she just comes across as a totally partisan hack who's so far from objective she can't see it with the Hubble Telescope. It's ridiculous.
  10. personally, I prefer Aladdin to Beauty and the Beast. considering it's TS,TW, I'm sure they'll find a way to muck that up too.
  11. I liked the 'look at your hand' scene a whole lot better in the CS movie. A small, breathe-y type scene would've been totes doable right here. Hook takes Emma's trembling hand in his and brushes his thumb across her knuckles, maybe even lifts her hand to his lips for a tender kiss. It's so much more in character (IMO), to have him being patient and romantic and not pressuring her. As someone else (Shanna Marie?) said up-thread, the characters really seem to be acting with knowledge they shouldn't have.
  12. Not that I am actually defending any of this "Thanks for persecuting me and my loved ones" crap from Snow to Regina, but there is this:
  13. Just got back from seeing Sully. it's really good and I highly recommend it.
  14. They can say whatever the hell they like, but for my money the character with the most unfair luck of all is the one who's missing a piece of himself. A piece he will (evidently) never get back (never mind that's it's totally doable), because (stupid) Reasons. The first ep of the season hasn't even aired yet, and I'm already feeling stabby. F*ck!
  15. In any sane universe (yeah, yeah, I know) two rootless orphans finding and making a home with each other would be worthy of celebration.
  16. That's where things get tricky. Cora "loved" her daughter and wanted what was best for her, but what Regina actually wanted didn't really enter into it. Daniel and Regina had a fairly narrow path to success IMO, but I could see it, maybe, with their shared (?) love of horses. Even if they could've managed to build something successful, I don't know that it would've been enough for overbearing Cora.
  17. This is what really sets Hook and Emma apart, IMO. They both know what it means to grow up rootless. They're from very different worlds, but the orphan thing transcends even that. It's like calling to like.
  18. Stupid this bad should be painful... for the stupid, that is, and not for the rest of us.
  19. Richard Chamberlain was in a TV movie adaptation of The Count of Monte Christo back in '75. In addition, he was Aramis in The Three Musketeers and its two sequels. Plus, he was Phillipe/Louis in The Man in the Iron Mask. The man loves his Dumas. He starred in a live-action musical version of Cinderella called The Slipper and the Rose. I've watched all of these, tho' it's been a while.
  20. Would it be more interesting? Of course. Are they gonna do it? No.
  21. Again, going back to the Hook/Rumple convo, given that Rumple is the Dark One, I don't know that he really needs a good reason to hate Hook by this point. It's simply reflexive.
  22. Ugh! Every Letter had me crying my eyes out. Just thinking about what a difference it would've made in Emma's young life if she'd had a real friend, rather than the Lily kind... It kills me.
  23. I'm used to seeing Liam and Elsa as a couple, but JewelQueen in Dark Horizon kinda threw me for a loop. I wondered at first what Liam could've done that was so wrong, but Regina, while still a manipulative, conniving bitch ('cuz yeah), isn't a raging sociopath.
  24. You are now the proud (?) owner of a swan planter box, even though you have no idea what you're going to plant in it. Maybe pink roses?
  25. Hook as the "anti-Rumple" may be part of it, though. Hook is everything Rumple's not - a dashing and adventurous man of action who's traveled the realms. He might also resent the fact that Hook's changed, that the other man has given up on revenge and moved on to find his true love. Here again we see Hook displaying qualities Rumple just can't match. Hook rejected the darkness. Rumple couldn't wait to curl back into its embrace.
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