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Everything posted by Dianthus

  1. Is it wrong that I'm now imagining Old Hook with a peg leg as well? It's more suffering for him, but it fits with going full pirate, as well as the survivor thing.
  2. Part of Old Hook may be the "survivor" thing? Growing old while still pursuing piracy takes some doing, I should think. So, so glad Regina won't be there. I've been thinking of reactivating my old Twitter account, or just starting fresh, partly for this, and partly for retweeting unflattering/funny/true shit about Trumplethinskin. Man, Adam really is a dick, isn't he?
  3. Angel was cursed with his soul, and it wasn't until Whistler intervened (a century or so later) that he decided to pull for the Good Guys. I still maintain that Hook's story is more like Spike's. The chip was done to him, but as he said, the soul he got on his own. Spike got his wake up call in Seeing Red and realized he had to make a change. Angel was more like Douchefire; the first love who left our Hero with deep emotional scars. Hook/Spike being the guy who had to come in after and clean up the mess.
  4. So much for my idea, if so. I wouldn't mind old Hook looking silly if Emma helped him regain some of his dignity.
  5. Kasich is no prize either, from what I understand. He's not very popular in Ohio. Gah!
  6. "Boy am I glad I grew up scared and alone!" said no one ever. Growing up safe and well-loved should've made Emma stronger, not weaker. No child is better off as an orphan. #Monsters. It's kind of unintentionally hilarious that they spent so much of their time pandering to the SQ crowd, only to bring back Robin Hood at the last minute. More of me yelling at the TV: "FFS, Emma, GO, just leave her!"
  7. LOL. Gelena? Zideon? Even that wouldn't be as bad, IMO. At least Zelena never cared for baby Gideon (i.e., changing his nappies and such).
  8. Though it's hard to choose, I think the thing I hated most about this ep was Regina's line to Princess Emma about Snowing's blood being on her (Emma's) hands. I was yelling at the TV by that point, which my friend finds infinitely amusing. There's nothing like being laughed at when you're seriously pissed, regardless of why. As for stealing the Connor storyline from AtS, at least there's no ConCord equivalent so far. Talk about gross.
  9. Bouncing back to earlier convo (sorry/not sorry) - can you imagine the back-and-forth between Milah and Killian once Rumple's gone? "Bloody Hell, love, you were right. He just left. As far as he knows, you're getting passed around by my crew like a cask of ale, but he's not going to do anything about it. I haven't even had a visit from the Harbormaster. I'd be raising ten types of hell." Milah just shrugs. "He's not you. He never could be. That's part of why I'm here." Bouncing back to earlier convo (sorry/not sorry) - can you imagine the back-and-forth between Milah and Killian once Rumple's gone? "Bloody Hell, love, you were right. He just left. As far as he knows, you're getting passed around by my crew like a cask of ale, but he's not going to do anything about it. I haven't even had a visit from the Harbormaster. I'd be raising ten types of hell." Milah just shrugs. "He's not you. He never could be. That's part of why I'm here."
  10. Bouncing back to earlier convo (sorry/not sorry) - can you imagine the back-and-forth between Milah and Killian once Rumple's gone? "Bloody Hell, love, you were right. He just left. As far as he knows, you're getting passed around by my crew like a cask of ale, but he's not going to do anything about it. I haven't even had a visit from the Harbormaster. I'd be raising ten types of hell." Milah just shrugs. "He's not you. He never could be. That's part of why I'm here."
  11. I haven't seen this mentioned yet...ask the electors.org will send an email to all the electors of the EC. It's a mix of form/personalized email. Dunno if anything will stop Hair Gropenfurher at this point, but it's worth a try.
  12. Another random thought, in a lighter vein... it's possible that the admiral from The Brothers Jones was, to them, sort of like Nemo was for Liam 2.0. To a lesser extent probably, given that the brothers were already grown men by that point, but still. Someone who helped them navigate their new world, going from virtual slaves to naval officers, and providing them with resources they lacked. Also, if getting the Eye of the Storm stone was such a big deal that sailors were willing to risk death for it, I imagine that the men who accomplished it would be celebrated. It makes more sense now (IMO) that these two would be tasked with a mission that involved traveling to another realm to retrieve the Dreamshade. They had already done the seemingly impossible once before, so who was better qualified?
  13. Going back to the false accusations of rape for a moment, I think it might also have had something to do with his comments to pre-DO Rumple when he came looking for Milah. Personally, I subscribe to the idea that Hook was just trying to goad Rumple. I seriously doubt Milah was being mistreated in any way on the Jolly, or that Hook wouldn't deal with such an offender in a rather terminal way. Given what we now know about his backstory, I can't imagine him being ok with rapists among his crew (or anywhere really). Bad Form, doncha know.
  14. I don't know that I can pinpoint the moment that turned me against Regina. I have a strong anti-Authoritarian streak in me though, so I was predisposed to not like her, even if I was willing to give her redemption a chance. I'm always going to fall for the misfits and the underdogs. It sticks out like a sore thumb, too, that Emma and Zelena have so much in common (abandonment and betrayal), but the writers do nothing with it. A lot (all?) of the characters have it to a certain extent, and that's part of what brought Hook and Emma together, but here's yet another thing staring them in the face, that they choose to ignore for the sake of manufactured drama.
  15. It kinda makes sense to me that Regina should be the one to deal with the EQ. It's her, after all, and her mess to clean up. Problem is she's doing such a piss poor job of it so the writers can keep spinning their wheels until the finale or whatever. They do more spinning than Rumple.
  16. @KingOfHearts, I'm almost sorry to say this, but welcome to my world. I know you liked Regina, and this must really suck for you. Seriously. No snark. I did enjoy the small CS moments, and Emma being there for Belle, and how Killian didn't even so much as insinuate an "I told you so" towards her.
  17. As much as it pains me to type this, I think that if they even bother to justify Regina going into Emma's dreamscape rather than Hook, it'll be because he needs to stay with Henry. They might not, though. This is all supposed to be about Regina's redemption anyway (bleargh), and fan service (for a small but incredibly vocal minority of fans). The only thing I can take comfort in is that even most SQers seem squicked by Golden Queen. I never thought they'd come up with something I'd find more revolting than SQ, but give the boys a prize.
  18. D'oh! I forgot to mention Wonkette in my earlier post. That's another blog I frequent. Also, too, Zazzle has some really good pro-diversity merch on sale right now. IIRC, Trump doxxed Graham early on in the campaign (releasing his cell phone number), so Graham might be looking for a little payback there too. It's hard to be sure... there's been so much crazy since. Mango Mussolini...Tangerine Tyrant...Vulgar Talking Yam...El Cuadillo del Mar-a-Lago...Camp Runamuck (for his transition team)...Orange Obscenity...Orange Hitler...Trumplethinskin...those are some of my favorites.
  19. IKR. Never thought I 'd agree with him on any damn thing! I listen to the Stephanie Miller Show every morning. You can find it on Free Speech TV or Tune In or stream it online via one of their affiliates (i.e., WCPT out of Chicago). It's Progressive Talk radio, and damn funny. I've been reading Charlie Pierce over at Esquire and The Rude Pundit thanks to their regular guest status.
  20. Earlier today, I called the local offices of both my Senators (CA) and my Congresswoman, re: Senator Graham's call for an investigation into Russian interference (!) in the election.
  21. I realize this may sound hokey, but has there been any movement in the SFF community for a Rebel Alliance in response to Herr Drumpf? Star Trek fans (like myself) and others interested in science, equality, and a better future? Hell, Fight the Power was featured prominently in Star Trek Beyond. I'd like to see more of that. We're not going back into the kitchen, into the closet, into Massa's cotton field. Hell no! ETA: Another group you might want to consider supporting is Emily's List. They help get women into political office.
  22. Pocket Anon, author of Scar Tissue, has another story going now. It's three chapters in so far. It's a take on the movie Enchanted, only instead of a Fairy Tale Princess in New York, it's a pirate.
  23. What really scares me is this: Trump is just a distraction. He's a Useful Idiot for tPtB. We'll all be focused on him, while they dismantle our government, take away our rights, and bankrupt our treasury. How the hell is voting for a rich white guy voting against the Establishment?!? You didn't stick it to the Man. He is the Man. HRC was the real threat, and that's why she had to be stopped. She's smart, determined, and a dedicated champion of women and children. Also, look who was stumping for her: Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, two of the loudest and clearest voices against the Wall Street banksters who caused the 2008 crash. The only solace I can take is our newly elected Senators who are women of color. I for one could totally get behind a Duckworth for President campaign. That woman is bad ass!
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