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Everything posted by aussieinsydney

  1. This a thousand times over. I know! What is up with that?! LOL. The squinty eyes, the hunched shoulders. All she needs is a moustache to twirl and she'd be set. I don't do social media that much, but why has her personality changed so much from her season? Is she off med or does she need some perhaps? It's just bizarre! Oh Bianca, Bianca, Bianca... sigh. My favourite queen of all time. :)
  2. About this. GR should be an experienced enough chef to be able to tell how a cut of meat is cooked, without having to cut it into pieces. If you go to a restaurant here in Australia and order a steak, it comes out on the plate as a whole steak. If I, or anyone I know for that matter, received their steak as cut up pieces on the plate, it would be laughed at and sent back as it would more than likely be as dry af and completely unacceptable.
  3. Nobody buys it. He is a disgusting piece of crap that has a lot of growing up to do.
  4. Wow, what a surprise. A win for Cleen on both counts. Hopefully Cleen and Christian can fuck off now and Nunez can lay his hard on for Cleen to rest, once and for all.
  5. I loved Shirley when I first saw her on Top Chef, so I was squeeing like a fan girl when she appeared. IMO, the only one of that sad, sad group that is capable of running a kitchen is Arial. Everyone else is about 10 rungs below her in maturity, temperament and by the looks of things, cooking abililty. I'd be shocked to not see her in the final and it will probably be Jose right along side her.
  6. Yes, yes she is. I agree with you. She absolutely does remind me of Connie Britton. Some facial features are very similar. Oh yes he was. I think he was coked up when he was first shown at Sur, then as the day progressed, he was as drunk af. What in the hell happened to Lisa's ultimatum to him about being drunk at work?! That seems to have gone by the wayside. Amen to that!! Yes, she's gorgeous. Schwartz is a lucky guy :)
  7. That was a really interesting read. The mention of Stassi being in that show Queen Bees rang a bell with me. I'm positive it was aired on Australian TV, though of course I hadn't heard of Stassi then. I do remember watching her in The Amazing Race.
  8. So the people that showed teamwork, were penalised??? What a load of absolute bullshit! Plus, Brett took 45 minutes to cook seafood in a tomato sauce with spaghetti, a dish by the way that I could have cooked in 20 minutes and I'm not even a chef!! Roe cooks a swordfish dish with a complex sauce that GR praised and doesn't win over Brett?? Fuck off with that staged shit! BTW, Brett is a whack job and Scottley is a giant turd.
  9. I'm with you guys. Make Korney stop!! Heather Tom has imo an unusual talent in which she pretty much has great chemistry with any actor they pair her with... except for Sludge and definitely not with Thorne. NO MORE SHOW!
  10. IKR!? It's as boring as batshit watching these kids in an adult soap. Bring back decent, adult storylines and stop with this teen angst crap. Christ, if I wanted to watch kids, I'd tune into Nickleodeon.!!!
  11. I din't mind Aquaria winning. For a 21 year old, she's a brilliant queen, though I was on Kamron for the win. Mama Ru needs some Michele Visage tough love regarding her look. It badly needs updating. What Ru wore was as comfortable and familiar to her as me throwing on my sweat pants and top for a special occasion.
  12. I know, right??! Even Ryan's unfinished tattoo was waaaay better than Austin's sparse tree. What a bullshit, contrived set up of an episode. As if Ryan would do a design that she couldn't finish! I'm confident that he'll be the eventual winner of Season 11... in the arrogant douchebag category.
  13. I just finished watching this (finally) and like a few others, I'm pissed off the show wasn't wrapped up this season! It would have been so easy to tie up each story line and character arc and leave the viewers satisfied and happy with the outcome. It was a chore to watch 13 kind of dragged out episodes and I doubt I can watch a 3rd season. I'll more than likely just read through the comments here on each episode to keep abreast of what's happening.
  14. Producer to Scheana: "Did Rob take your virginity?" Schean to Producer: "Well, not in my vagina!" Fuck off bitch, I did not need to know that.
  15. Erika is a consummate professional in gaslighting.
  16. Does anyone think that those framed sketches of Lala's head wearing sunglasses actually looked like Stassi? LOL
  17. Roly??? Fucking Roly??? Oh fuck this show. I'm done.
  18. Roly has escaped elimination two weeks in a row. That little girl portrait was truly, truly bad and it pisses me off that the producers rig it so that all of the coaches still have an artist in it. Dave usually seems so fair in his choice of eliminated artists, but for him to choose Deanna to go home, what a shame that even he has to bow to the producer's pressure. I love this show and I'll more than likely never stop watching it, but I do so now with scepticism and the joy I get in watching has diminished somewhat.
  19. If I could like this post a hundred times over, I would! :D How you can compare someone who has been charged with DV and a group of 30 somethings getting drunk and acting like fools makes me shake my head. You're out of your mind.
  20. Yeah, how convenient that the next elimination tattoo has to have 3 to a team?
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