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Everything posted by MV713

  1. Ive been to several Secrets Resorts - they are amazing ! this was apparently in Oct 2017 -
  2. I think you mean LUKE. Perhaps this was his way of trying to initiate intimacy - shower before bed so we can be "clean" for action. When she protested and wouldn't, he got turned off more. Plus the smoking. She's not exactly putting her best foot forward.
  3. Old School Values = putting your head in the sand, sweeping problems under the rug, and never talk about anything important. Oh but family! Can we all spell Dolores name correct? Just a nit pick but its not spelled Delores.
  4. Nope - my non-book reader boyfriend said "oh I bet they had a lot of snakes up their ass in the dark nights going out to the bathroom". He didn't even think past that visual :)
  5. I was a grinning idiot this whole episode. I thought John David looked great, and Abbie is such a breath of fresh air compared to the Duggar girls! They seemed totally happy, which for some dumb reason, made me happy and a bit ferklempt! I don't get the same sadness feeling with Jana that most comment on. She seems content. I think she lives somewhere away from the big house as well?
  6. Jennifer is vying for the most hated housewife - welcome NEW SIGGY!
  7. I was bored with this episode. Looking forward to some excitement ahead.
  8. In the books wasn't Jocasta a bit older?
  9. Marge birthday is April 9. They said it was around easter - so not sure when last season ended.
  10. I think I am probably the only person NOT attracted to Jamie's chest. I think it looks weird.
  11. However you classify it - race, color, nationality - you cannot help what features you are attracted to. This has been my annoyance with all the hate Tristan got for saying he didn't like women who were darker than him. That's the same as me saying I am not attracted to red headed men with light skin and freckles. Does that make me a colorist or a racist?
  12. Mia designates herself "Jamaican/Trini" so I don't even know if that is Black. Its more West Indian.
  13. They said it last week - and showed them saying it at home. I think they said it all along but Danielle got the bad edits where it looked like she never said it.
  14. noticed on Zillow only 2 houses are listed for sale currently. I think they are Christine's and Janelle's houses.
  15. When they showed Tristan talking to "Woman" and Mia talking to "Grandma Bally" - the shots of their phones showed the time elapsed all over the place! First it was 4 minutes, then 1 minute then 4 minutes again, etc. Who knows if those shots of the phone even were during those exact conversations?
  16. So we have the wedding makeup artist to blame for Danielle's eyebrows. I think she must have followed what they did at the wedding throughout the taping. On Unfiltered they have been seriously toned down. Looking at their photos, I would have never guessed they didn't know each other at the wedding!
  17. Someone posted a pic on Reddit of Bobby and Danielle this week at their local McDonalds - not surprised they seem to stay together!
  18. so the Mia and Tristan footage that Dr. Useless shows them is referring to their fight they had about Mia being on a dating app (actively) while lying about it to Tristan saying she "thought she deleted the app". I can understand his frustration at looking like a total idiot again. I think they are still showing them in their "real time" though as the cooking episode last week was supposedly 3 weeks before decision day and all the couples were there. I do worry that Tristan and Mia cannot afford to heat their sparse apartment and that is why they are always wrapped up in blankets :)
  19. He said some BS like moving forward to a future that will emphasize God's will - yeah right. Danielle has been reading online cause her eyebrows were WAY toned down on the Unfiltered to the point of making her look very pretty. but when she said "I would shoot myself" if she had to be with her friends kids to her MIL and SIL - OMG that was ballsy. I doubt she made a great impression. I think Dave's reactions are just as dramatic and over the top as Ambers. Perhaps they are too much alike. I read some of Danielle's letter by freezing the screen. It was a nice letter, with a hint of feelings but no I love yous.
  20. As a mom of triplets, I can definitely agree that sharing was a huge issue for my kids. At age 21 now, it still is. They are extremely possessive, and territorial. It comes with having to always fight for your spot, your toy, your place. I never encouraged that, and tried to give them their own identity. Whether its their own color cup, their own style, their own belongings. At age 18 they wanted to get as far away from each other as possible and all went away to different schools. I sympathize with Danielle on this for sure, it does not get any easier.
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