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Future Cat Lady

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Everything posted by Future Cat Lady

  1. Thank the tv gods, that idiotic grifting storyline is over. Too much time was spend on these criminals, and I really don’t care about Mr Dunlop’s manpain. This show should be a coming of age story. The adults storylines should not be the A plot. I hope the rest of the season gets back to the kids.
  2. Random thoughts : Oh darn, that stupid grifters story is not over. I hate to see Marilla being flattered by some idiot half her age. It’s just ridiculous. I find that the adults are potrayed as idiots. They should focus on the kids. Gilbert seems to exist in a completly different show. On the positive side, Jerry is adorable and Minnie May is badass.
  3. This! I'm from a Catholic country, so the notion that someone can become a pastor with no education/training is just bizarre.
  4. I don’t think it’s bad in itself. But in this situation, it sounds like someone was trying to discover and out this person’s identity. I can see why the poster would be upset.
  5. Since he seems to be the kind of guy who thinks God's law trumps man's law, I wonder how is going to navigate through law school.
  6. I'm sure he's all about the death penalty for liberal rapists. But for the "right kind christians" ones, all is forgiven.
  7. Just finished the first episode on the CBC. The first scenes were extremely beautiful. Total scenery porn. However, I was annoyed to find out that the bad guys had been there for months and that story wasn’t resolved in the first ep. Someone mentionned that it ressembles a Road to Avonlea story. I thought so too. However, RtA would’ve given that story a more humourous tone. In this show, it just seems sinister. And Marilla being all hot and bothered by Nate was just creepy. I would not be suprised if he tries to rape her. I could totally see this show going there. I don’t hate the show (yet), but it’s pure fanfic. I don’t mind that they go off the book, but I don’t like it when it’s so over the top with the drama. Didn’t they say they wanted to make a more realistic Anne of GG? I don’t think this is it.
  8. It's not surprising that these guys are against the concept of social justice. They like to keep their traditional values and lifestyles. So anything that questions the supremacy of the cisgender heterosexual white man is going to be viewed as evil.
  9. I'm guessing that the "abuse" Derick is referring to is about Jazz being trans. He probably feels that her parents should not let her go through transitioning. He thinks that trans people are a non-reality. He probably thinks that her parents are forcing/indulging her into a lifestyle that he finds reprehensible. He clearly doesn't have a problem with kids being in the media since his own kids are all over his and Jill own accounts.
  10. He just started school and it sounds like Jill is already having a difficult time. No wonder she hangs out at the university. She better get her own life or she’ll have a breakdown.
  11. They don’t seem to understand that work is something that people do for a paycheck and that’s how they pay for things.
  12. I don't like the Duggars and I hate all that they stand for, but I pity all of the Duggars kids. Their parents completely ruined their lives. They've been brainwashed from birth to believe in one way of life only. Any curiosity, ambition or independent thought was crushed as soon as it appeared. And the total isolation from others and lack of education made sure that they would always be dependent on their parents. They've had no choices in their lives. That's sad. And what is even more fucked up, is that if some of them realize how screwed up this is, they are probably not allowed to openly feel or verbalize it.
  13. I pity the poor people who received this dish from Jill.
  14. I wouldn’t mind Colleen being the Iron Fist. It could be interesting. I doubt it would last, but it could be a nice twist. I’m guessing that Mary/Walker has a third alter and that one is very good with knives?
  15. I don’t understand this either. Unless it’s supposed to be a bad thing? Like the person is not worth the professor’s time?
  16. They’ve had the house for 4 years and it’s still not finished? I know he probably paid cash, but he still has to pay for heating and taxes? I don’t own a house so I know nothing, but I don’t think that sitting on this for years is a good investment.
  17. What I find obnoxious about Derick's obsession with moving the show to another network is that it's not up to him. He's not the one who has a contract with TLC. The show is about the Duggars and they've had business arrangement with them for years. He has absolutely no say in this. It's none of his business. He can choose not to appear in it. And he probably orders his wife to do the same thing. But he can't tell the Duggars what to do. He also highly delusional if he thinks his in-laws are going to give up their cash cow.
  18. It starts as if Jill is the writer, but then it looks as if Derick is writing. Why can the person writing just write like it’s one person writing and sign the post?
  19. I really liked the Danny/Ward bonding scene. It was great to see them connecting. I hope they become good friends. And when are we getting a Daugthers of the Dragon series? More Colleen and Misty please.
  20. I wonder if he wants the show to move to a more « appropriate » network so he can get back on it, and collect the cash. And he’s still a hateful homophobic asshole.
  21. I don’t think there is anything incestuous going on. However, she never tries to find him a spouse the way she does Nurie. She may be the kind of mother who wants to remain the most important woman in her son’s life and will hate his wife.
  22. You're right. She doesn't have to take any stance if she doesn't want to. But everything is about image these days and she's perceived as homophobic and transphobic. People on this board always say that they are 100% sure that Jill and her family totally agree with what Derick is posting. They just keep their mouth shut to keep the show going. I can't blame a company for not wanting to be associated with her because it would make them look bad. Also, she was recently promoting a sex education book that was clearly anti-LGBTQ. If they saw that, it was kind of proving her view on the matter.
  23. I don't think that's her personality. Jessa on the other hand...
  24. The thing is that Jill never said she disagreed with her husband hateful tweets. That makes her look bad.
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