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Future Cat Lady

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Everything posted by Future Cat Lady

  1. It’s so frustating to come here and hear about the stuff that was cut. And for what? So they can tell us about the new set? WTF PBS!
  2. Very true. However, they did get rewarded with the TV show and all the financial benefits that came with it. So they were validated in their beliefs that if they pray hard enough, they get a reward from God.
  3. Am I reading this correctly? People are poor because they don't believe in the right Jesus? Shut up bitch!
  4. I find it hard to believe that he bought that house without daddy’s help. I don’t think mowing lawns for a few summers pays that much. I also would not want to buy a house or car from them.
  5. With the number of kids turning 18 and getting married increasing each year, I can see TLC/the production company not wanting to negotiate with each individual every time. They also don't want to pay more for the talents. So the idea that the money is put in a company/trust or whatever makes sense. Of course, it's clearly none of the children who manages it. JB views his kids as minors. There no way in hell is letting them handle that money. Also, JB and Michelle are probably not getting paid for the show. I really don't see them wanting to lose that cash. He probably convinced the kids that this was the best for the family. That's disgusting and I can see why Derick is pissed. But his anger at TLC is misguided. They paid the Duggars the money according to their contract. The rest is none of their business. Of course, this is pure speculation and I know nothing.
  6. I wish TLC would release a statement or that a tabloid would dig to find out what kind of contract they have with the Duggars. There is no way they are doing all this for free. And aren’t the girls suing for loss of revenue? The tv show is the only job they have.
  7. I have a feeling Jeremy probably doesn't want a mega big family. He seems to enjoy life's luxuries. He could never continue his lifestyle if he has a gazillion kids.
  8. A newborn baby eats and sleeps a lot. Who knew? Also, the kids is a few days old and she wants him to sleep the entire night already? She sounds like someone who never encountered a baby before. She has several younger siblings and she never learned anything about babies?
  9. Actually, I think a lot of fundies would not mind. As long as he still believes (or appears to believe) in the right Jesus, they will think nothing less of him. Look at that poor girl who married a convicted rapist or the ones who supported Roy Moore.
  10. Oh yeah! I'm sure it's a total coincidence that you invite gay people to your church right after having a speaker explains to you how to pray the gay away. Does he think people are that stupid or is he the one who is incredibly stupid?
  11. Does that mean that it would be illegal for Jill to attend a birth or even see a patient?
  12. I had to look it up. I don't know much about stories from the Bible. However, there must be some kind of picture book that exists. He should be on the floor with them telling the story.
  13. It's so sad to see young children being indoctrinated into a cult. And someone has to be told that name tags go in the front. Why in hell is he wearing a suit to talk in front of such young children? And PowerPoint? You have to adapt to your audience buddy. For a guy who has kids, I don't think he knows much about them. What the hell was he teaching those poor souls anyway?
  14. All that talk about the cost of medical care is making me very happy I live in Canada. And anyone who’s against free or affordable healthcare is fucking evil.
  15. He's not married, what the heck would he post about? Also, I don't think anyone wants to see him post some bare-chested selfie from his bathroom.
  16. One would think that a store that sells $180 t-shirts would have anti-theft devices on all their items. How lucky for Letty that they don’t. Of course, she’s the luckiest thief ever. She never gets caught even though her fingerprints are all over the place and she always knows the combinations to the safes. But maybe that’s the point. If anyone in the audience tried to steal like Letty, they would get caught. And on another subject, all I can say about the ending of the last episode is SHIT!
  17. This is not anything against you personally. If Jeremy wants to know more about atheism or any other religion, he should read books written by those who follow these ideologies. Or by someone who is more neutral.
  18. The writer is Larry Alex Taunton "who serves as the Executive Director of Fixed Point Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to the public defense of the Christian faith" (Quote from Wikipedia). So, that book is not going to make him see atheists in a more positive light. Here is an interesting article about that book : https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/jun/04/deathbed-conversion-christopher-hitchens-defiant-to-last Also : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Faith_of_Christopher_Hitchens
  19. Because the show is about Jamie & Claire. It's a romance. And that's what most of the fans want to see.
  20. I also don't think that DG is a very good writer. She's obviously has no outlines and no notebooks about characters and events. She also forgets and retcons things she's written. The first 3 books had a semblance of structure, but after that it's just a series of events. There is no theme or specific time frames. It's hard to remember what happens in each books after the 5th one. She uses rape for drama purposes. The book could be better if she actually accepted criticism and let a good editor do his/her job. I always had the feeling that her publisher let's her do whatever she wants because a)she's must be a pain in the ass if you try to change anything she's written, and b) the books sell no matter what.
  21. I enjoyed the episode and yay for the printshop! But quick nitpick. Why did Bree and Claire have such an intimitate conversation in the middle of Harvard? And why was Claire carrying that photocopy in her purse? That was weird. That scene should've been at the house. On a shallow note, Richard is the cutest thing ever.
  22. So this guy's ministry is going to college parties while his wife is at home with the kids? No wonder that he seems to be tweeting about adultery.
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