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Everything posted by PhilMarlowe2

  1. I don't think Vicki was calling her client an ass, I am pretty sure she was responding to people on social media who were accusing her of deceiving the woman.
  2. Here's how I read it: LVP lied about not being invited. She has been caught lying on the show several times.
  3. But the difference is that they're on a TV show and "Goodbye Kyle" has become a water cooler moment. I don't think Kyle was mocking the end of their friendship but rather the TV sound byte it has become. The truth is this was filmed the better part of a year ago. I think it's possible to be sad over the loss of a friendship and still make light of the TV aspect months down the road. Also, Ken is a blowhard.
  4. Is it just me or does this all seem much ado about nothing? "Goodbye Kyle" has been a pop culture moment since the trailer dropped and I don't think there is anything that offensive about Kyle having fun with it. To me, it's the equivalent of any of these women putting their catch phrases on a T-shirt.
  5. I agree with all of this. And it is also why I am so torn on whether LVP leaked this story to Radar Online because she has never been this adamant about denying something before.
  6. I don't see it that way at all. Many of them have taken responsibility for their actions. Kyle, Camille, Eileen, Erika, Lisa R and so many others have uttered the words, "I'm sorry." Maybe they didn't totally mean it, or perhaps they were backed into a corner but they still made some overture of actual contrition. And I actually think there were several instances where they did mean it. And none of them have fled away crying, "I'm going to take my ball and go home" like LVP does every single time that she gets confronted with this stuff. I guess I don't subscribe to the idea that humans aren't inherently shitty and therefore LVP should get a pass for all of her shitty behavior. Especially when it seems the other women are taken to task for their behavior? For example, would you say something similar about Kim Richards (who is really the only other cast member I can think of who likewise never accepts responsibility for anything)?
  7. But what I don't like about her is that she then plays victim when she gets confronted with it. How she threatens to quit the show each time. She takes no ownership of her actions. She can barely squeeze out a fake apology. I can understand why it would be incredibly frustrating to deal with that for years on end.
  8. Agreed. I think they get duped and then get angry at LVP for duping them (even though they let themselves get duped). Except for Erika. I don't think she was ever duped by LVP. But I think she's angry she has had to "play nice" with LVP for the sake of the show. To be clear, I don't think there are any victims in this situation. But that includes LVP. Though I do feel for her in her time of tragedy.
  9. I am not on Dorit's side, and I think the other women have been incredibly messy with this. But, come on, when you have... Adrienne, Kyle, Brandi, Yolanda, Kim, Eileen, Lisa Rinna, Teddi, Erika, Dorit, Taylor, even Camille (who is supportive of LVP this season), even friend-of Marisa Zanuck... All saying that LVP has a tendency to be two-faced and manipulative, I think this is more than just jealousy. LVP said it herself when she was underhandedly bringing up the Mauricio cheating rumors on camera: "Where there's smoke, there's fire." There is a lot of smoke coming from LVP. And it's hard for me to buy it's just some big conspiracy from every other cast member.
  10. FWIW, I was skeptical of Billie Lee from the beginning. I remember Jax comparing his own struggles to that of Billie Lee - and Billie Lee stood there and took Jax very seriously - and that's when I knew this was someone willing to do anything to get camera time. With Carter, we didn't really see enough to get a good sense of him, but I always figured something must be up with him because why else would he be with Kristen?
  11. IMO, Logan deserves a punch even if he's not lying - it's pretty scummy to essentially announce to the world that you're fooling around with your straight-identified best friend. Logan gladly hooked up with James on the DL and then basically brought it to the cameras. Again, they were best friends. It's not like they had had a falling out, James had not fired the first shot. I would feel betrayed if I were James. Which is not to say James is a victim per se - as he should not be cheating on Raquel - but neither is Logan.
  12. Seriously, I think I counted 4 bad Kyle jokes (followed by the laugh) in the trailer for this season alone. In one of Teddi's texts that hasn't been shown on the show (yet?), John Blizzard does say that Ken has emphatically told him not to say anything while LVP has encouraged him to say something...
  13. No, Rinna brought up a different one, I believe, and that one was dismissed. That one had to do with Vanderpump Dogs. In the one I'm speaking of, there was a judgment filed against them, and it involved Villa Blanca. Edited to include link with more details: https://www.wehoville.com/2014/11/19/vanderpump-hit-1-5-million-legal-fees-sexual-harassment-case/ - though this article doesn't mention Ken destroying video evidence.
  14. There are lawsuits against LVP that the other women have not brought up on camera. I remember there was a sexual harassment suit against one of their restaurant managers that also implicated them - IIRC, Ken was accused of actively destroying evidence - and I further believe they ended up having to pay the former employee - and this was never mentioned by the other women on the show, so LVP's back has definitely been scratched in that regard. I don't think anyone accuses LVP of bringing things up willy-nilly - it's simply when she has an active beef with you or wants to punish you. Hence, why she brought up the Mauricio cheating rumors in Season 4 (not to mention accusing Kyle/Mauricio of using her and Ken for the sale of their home at the end of Season 3).
  15. LVP has definitely made it sound like she has had limited contact with Blizzard, and that their contact is mainly to do with VPD events. Maybe this is true, but if it is true, it's weird - because if you walk into VPD, John Blizzard is right there front and center. It's hard to believe that LVP has as little contact with him as she makes it sound on the show - especially given what we see of her tendency to be very involved in her employees' goings-on.
  16. No, LVP very clearly said that John Sessa did not know Blizzard was talking to Teddi. Which makes Kyle's point very valid: if John Sessa didn't know Blizzard was talking to Teddi, and if LVP never spoke to Blizzard, how exactly did LVP know to warn Dorit that Teddi knew? It doesn't add up, and LVP was caught in a lie. On a side note, I've been to Vanderpump Dogs somewhat recently and Blizzard was right in front working the main floor. This idea that LVP never spoke to him before all this went down is absurd.
  17. Listening to the woman shrieking about her receipts in that video, all I am thinking is, "Congratulations, David, you found yourself another Shannon. Enjoy!" I mean, she was like 10 seconds away from screaming, "I'm done!" and storming out of the store.
  18. And honestly, Andy would have kept Phaedra on the show if there had been any inkling that the cast would have filmed with her. Same with Brandi. It's a fine line for him when the fire starters end up burning all possible bridges.
  19. Not to mention Porsha maliciously spreading criminal rumors about a fellow cast-mate and never issuing what felt like a sincere apology.
  20. I agree that Kelly is capable of true contrition in a way that Vicki most often is not. But, in that way, she is kind of like Ramona "the apologizer" - I mean, Kelly has been apologizing as far back as the "You're a fucking cunt, that's what you are!" dinner - and yet she never seems to take the next step of learning not to go there. Like you, I do tend to "like" Kelly - I think she's funny and often the most grounded one of the bunch. But she's still wildly emotionally immature, and she's so quick to get nasty, and never learns enough from it to change too much, so I just don't have that much sympathy for her at this point. Especially seeing the way she's tearing into Vicki on social media - repeatedly calling her "Ms. Piggy" and talking about "truffle hunting" - with Gina there egging her on - it's not a good look.
  21. Let’s not be so quick to count Vicki out - Luann got demoted several seasons ago and then came back stronger than ever as a full time cast member. Ditto Porsha.
  22. I'll be at my table for 1 of people who are so excited Vicki is still going to be on the show! I don't like her as a person, but I find her to be the consistently most interesting personality in the cast. The idea of OC with Kelly, Shannon, Tamra, Gina and Emily...? It just sounds do boring. Also, Kelly's vindictiveness has been irking me - this is a woman who has been taking potshots and low-blows for years - and, yes, she criticized Tamra as a mother - this is a woman who proudly boasts, "If you throw a bomb, I'm going to throw a nuke!" - so, for her to be so deeply offended over Vicki's low blows toward her feels like someone who can dish it out but absolutely cannot take it. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
  23. No, neither one has issued an honest-to-God, remorseful, unqualified apology to another cast member. Every once in a while, they will both get backed into a corner where it faintly registers somewhere in their narcissistic brains that they have to show some concession or else risk proving the others' points about their lack of any accountability, and they'll do a "meet-you-halfway" admission, but only because it's a matter of not looking like a total asshole and also keeping important alliances going.
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