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Everything posted by SunnyBeBe

  1. I dropped by to find out about
  2. I was hoping others are watching this. I was curious. It’s not what I expected at all. I have a lot of questions after watching the Monday night episode.
  3. And, bald men…….
  4. I find it interesting how most of her vocal tics are about certain body parts. Not much about ears, toes or feet, but a lot about penises and vaginas.
  5. And my parents always insisted a pony couldn’t live on our carport! Ha! Lol
  6. What has happened? Did they change writers? The series started out great, but turned. Not good, imo and I may be done with the show. So unnecessary.
  7. Has anyone seen an update on this family?
  8. Amber is so full of herself. If she were only half as great as she thinks she is……Nobody knows how to do things the right way, like she does. She’s insufferable and Trent too for encouraging her. Sadly, I see no way Amber can really change how she is. And, she’s perfect in her mind, so……
  9. I understand why Anna has issues with her parents. They are super control freaks and especially Amber is mean. She’s always seemed to despise Anna. I suspect it’s because Anna is so attractive. So, Trent and Amber won’t come out looking good on this. Imo, they need to apologize to Anna and enter treatment to figure out how to treat a child right. Best wishes for Anna in finding a support system with authentic people who aren’t as dysfunctional as her parents.
  10. I thought Colin’s words were very nice. I’m surprised he was in such a horrible place until he met her. Wonder what was going on.
  11. I have a couple of opinions on the proposal. First, regarding any couple, I detest public marriage proposals. Always a pet peeve of mine. Just my personal taste. To me that’s private and a special time for the two. Doing it at a ballgame, middle of restaurant, at large gathering screams insecurity. Anyway, others feel differently. And, if there is money involved, I get how that may be a motivation to bring on the drama. Since I realize the realty (wink, wink) show needs content, I understand a proposal is good content. But, snark is good, no? Lol So, I won’t judge the decision too harshly. I would be embarrassed of a grown man asking a father of a grown woman about proposing. Just yuck.
  12. I may watch the episode about her history again. We have Primetime On Demand on TLC, so I think it’s available. I suspect the suspicion of her symptoms and the age she suffered substantially, was suspect. That’s why diagnosis was difficult. Eventually, she ended up at the Mayo Clinic. At least that’s what I have read. I have no reason to doubt it. I doubt they would publicly say she she was diagnosed by Mayo if she wasn’t. When they were at the Tourette’s Convention, were there any other adults who had the degree of vocal tics that Baylen did? It is a neurological condition, but I still wonder how the tics would go if they brought her no attention. And, as far as her OCD and Anxiety…..what is she doing to address them. Those things are very debilitating too. Working on those issues would be a priority if I were to be her caregiver.
  13. I agree about Trent and Amber. Total control freaks. They are very similar to my parents regarding that. It gets worse the older you get. Ugh….. Ref. Poppy’s death. Wasn’t it Valentines when they went for a visit? There was a red rose in a vase. He died early March, so just a few weeks later! That’s bizarre. Did they say how long he had had dementia? Where is the mother living? Trent’s sister?
  14. I have, but decided to accept the show as it’s offered. True, that most Tourette’s is diagnosed in childhood and more pronounced in children than adults, but if she was diagnosed at The Mayo Clinic, that’s good enough for me.
  15. I certainly appreciate the toll it takes having a person with a disability in the family. I know this first hand, however they seem to have created this bigger than life drama revolving around Baylen’s issues. And somehow it doesn’t seem to be just for the tv show. The parents seem to believe they are responsible for Baylen, instead of her being responsible for herself. There doesn’t seem to be any reason she can’t do that, except for her parents taking over and looking at things from a worst case scenario. When my special needs niece was 4 years old, I worked with her on various tasks. Her favorite phrase from that point was “I did it by myself!” Self reliance is critical for everyone, so all the focus on protection instead of growth needs more balance, imo. Maybe, life skills lessons would be helpful for Baylen. Handing the reins over to Collin seems concerning to me.
  16. I don’t mind the concept of reality shows. Also, staging is usually a big part of them. Some are more contrived than others. They don’t normally follow the format of a raw documentary. I have no issue with your show being your job either. A traditional job might be challenging for Baylen. I do wonder about her lack of development. Granted, she has medical conditions that cause her challenges, but it seems there’s a whole lot of focus on her as an incapable, disabled person who cannot survive without caregivers. Is that true? Some of her problems seem unrelated to Tourettes. Yes, I realize she also has OCD and anxiety. They can be treated. What’s this talk about rock bottom? Spoon feeding her? Why? Imo, the focus should be more promotion of her independence. And transferring her care to a partner or spouse seems odd too. Maybe, explore an inpatient program where she’s with a whole set of people, including professionals who can provide support, care and guidance so she can be more self reliant. She’s very used to being the center of attention in her family. And, I don’t mean her tics are intentional. I do find her very vested in the dynamics of her being the center of everything. The parents’ focus seems to feed it. In a way it seems like she might do better away from her parents. It appears very co-dependent. There’s way too much attention devoted to her tics. I really hope she’s able to get better. And, not just the tics . I feel for Collin. I think he may not realize she expects the same attention from him as her parents. And, when she doesn’t get it, it won’t go well. A caregiver role can change the relationship. Best of luck to him and them as a couple. It’s pretty good as far as TLC shows go. It’ll probably get another season.
  17. Omg! So…..what happened to the money?
  18. This isn’t a live thread, right? I haven’t been watching this on purpose, but landed on it last night…..OMG…worse than I thought it might be. Well, I guess it accomplished one thing…it helped me narrow down my least favorite 90 Day characters. 🤣 I find both Natalie and Sophie insufferable. I can’t see why Sophie minds Rob wanting other women when she detests him so completely. I don’t see that pushing through to make that marriage work has worked out. Ugh……And, Rob…..I laugh at his contentions to fight for that marriage. Ha! Toxic from the core. They both knew it on the wedding day. Not amused at all. And, probably number 1 least favorite character Natalie. Just a big dose of crazy. No disrespect to anyone, but she’s also mean, imo. I hope she is kind and does not bring children into that chaotic volatility. Shame on her pretend boyfriend Josh. You could tell he was fighting back a laugh last night. No way he would actually consider exposing children to that dynamic. Oh, that leaves the bottom spot with a tie of Jasmine and Gino. No commentary needed. 😝 I will give honorable mention to Ari and her fashion statement attempts! Omg…at least it wasn’t black. Not a good desert look.
  19. This obsession Liz has with keeping things quiet for the baby to sleep is bizarre…that’s so 1950’s. Omg, that isn’t helpful longterm, imo. She needs a mommie friend group that doesn’t include her mother. I suspect most of Liz’s drama is about control, just like her parents. Windup so tight it looks painful. And the control obsession….It’s insidious. She will be difficult to co-parent with. Good luck Bryce.
  20. Her dad needs some therapy to manage his behavior. It’s unhelpful to exert so much pressure on a person and their partner to be ok. It’s unrealistic to have such expectations. I find it emotionally manipulative. With her condition, anticipate issues and prepare ways to address. His behavior seems to add to the drama.
  21. I get the part if the Trinity, I just thought that baptism is more associated with Jesus. Not a huge deal, I just thought avoiding Jesus seemed odd. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew 3%3A13-17&version=NIV
  22. Aurora talked a lot about God with her baptizing, but I thought that particular ceremony is about Jesus. She seems like a sweet girl. I wonder why Meri never mentions her child…..hardly ever. It’s good she has good friends. I’m not a fan of shots. Funny, those who are love to push it on others. I’m not sure why. Lol
  23. I have a cousin who’s adult son has Tourette’s, but I haven’t been around him enough to notice any tics. I think he’s quite gifted and a talented writer. He’s also quite OCD about a lot of things, like Baylen is. When Baylen says meds helped the tics but she didn’t like the way they made her feel and stopped taking them….I was shocked. In light of her extreme case of Tourette’s, I would expect treatment would be welcomed despite it having some side effects. There’s always a cost benefit analysis, but man. The way she’s going, her muscles are going to be strained really bad. I also wonder about all the head motions and how that might impact your brain. I can see how the electrical brain stimulation would be a good option. It didn’t seem that she was interested in it though. I hope the therapist can help.
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